I can't stand...

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Blue Crack Addict
Aug 21, 2004
England by way of 'Murica.
kids. Freshmen in HS and younger. PLEASE don't hate me for this. They just get on my nerves like nothing else. I'm still nice to them, but man they annoy the crap outta me. The only kid that doesn't bother me is my 5 month old niece. If i could like kids, i would! But i don't! Maybe i'll grow out of it.
You're still really young, though! You have plenty of time. And even if you don't grow out of not liking "kids" so what? You don't necessarily ever have to have one. :)
I'm a little sick of kids as well since since I was 11 I've been babysitting enough to make it into an income tax bracket :huh:. I called it quits after I watched 4 kids all day everyday (one had serious issues and was labelled ADHD, but I think he's manic depressive).
When I was an adolescent my mom used to tell me she hoped I would have kids just like myself so I would know what she had to put up with! I've always been afraid that would actually happen, so I made sure never to have any! (fixed her, didn't I? hahaha!)

For me it really depends on the kid...I just finished chatting online with a really great 13 year old (don't give me that "what a pervert" look, his dad was right there and is a friend!), who I like better than many adults. (Actually, I've talked to several 12-13 year olds that I really find to be nice, bright, not annoying kids...of course, they are all fans of The Church....hmmm...wonder if there's a correlation.) There are some kids I can't stand, and some that are wonderful, but I will say I wouldn't do well if I had to work with children in a job or anything like that.

Then again, U2democrat, I think I have shoes older than you are, so you're still a kid to me!
When I was younger I hated my teenage cousins. They terrified me and my siblings. I met some of them again recently and they are in their 20's now. Still don't like them, they are still rude and nasty. :up: I do find some of the nicest people are young folk.

Although, I have opted not to teach next year because I think I would go mad teaching kids in Spain. I haven't heard good reports about teaching there from friends. I have also opted to add another 2 years on to my degree so I can teach to adults instead of teaching in a school. School kids seem to enjoy giving their teacher a rough time. My friend got hit in the face a few months ago by one of her pupils. :slant:

Some kids are nice, some are not. Just like adults. :up:
I'm not a huge fan of kids either. I like my peace and quiet.
If they would just be quiet! I don't like them much either and I think it because kids today have such lack of control and no manners. They are loud and can't concentrate on anything for more than a few minutes. They get on my last nerve.
I perfer my dogs and cats.:up:
I'll just say I don't have any patience with kids. I chose not to get married and have kids because it just didn't seem to be God's plan for my life. I don't regret my decision one bit.

most of the kids i know are actually better people than any of the grown-ups i know.
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I'm 24 and I hate kids. People find this ironic since I'm a teacher...but I love teenagers, I'm a high school teacher. It's toddlers, babies and kids up to about 10 I can't stand. I can't relate to them, there's nothing intelligent going on in there. Babies run purely on instinct- there's no reasoning ability what so ever.
Another U2 nut! said:
I love teenagers, I'm a high school teacher. It's toddlers, babies and kids up to about 10 I can't stand. I can't relate to them, there's nothing intelligent going on in there. Babies run purely on instinct- there's no reasoning ability what so ever.

I actually disagree. Babies, toddlers, small children have an amazing wit and insight.

For me, its adolescents with all that hormonal spite that gives me the whoops. At least they grow out of it :up:
some kids are brats some adults are brats

adults have had more time practicing being a brat though
verte76 said:
Actually, I think babies are really cute. But I'm always glad it's not my baby!


A couple months back I went on vacation with my mom and dad and some of my siblings in northern Minnesota. My sister brought her two little ones with her. I love my niece and nephew dearly, but after a week of sharing a cabin with them I was about ready to lose my mind. I honestly don't know how people who have kids deal with the constant noise and never having a moment's peace.

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