huge pic Thread

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bonocomet said:
I checked on the Stand by Me recording of Larry singing and Bono on drums, it doesn't have a date but it says Love in Sydney. I can upload it if anyone is interested. It's audio only. It's pretty fantastic though!
(If anyone has video of this, I'd love to see it!)

I have this audio too and it's dated 1989-09-29 so it's from the Lovetown tour.
bonocomet said:

then watch out below!


I was less than ten ft away from Bono when this one was
taken. :yes:

Thanks for posting it, bonocomet. :applaud:
I LOVE big pics, but they take forever to scroll through on this computer. So I'm not sure if this one's been posted. Sorry if so!

Guguza said:

I reposted for you...


:faint: oh boy, yes I CAN see this one!

:combust: oh my, look at those little water/sweat droplets on his upper lip.... :drool: and all the whiskers...

Thank you for giving me a new wallpaper :kiss:
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