How's The Weather XXXIV

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I hope she agrees, Carek! In hot weather like this, it is needed. Still in the 90s here and will be getting some rain from Hurricane Laura for the next few days. Supposed to go through Virginia much like Hurricane Camille did in 1969--I hope not!
We are in day 4 of 100-plus degree weather with fires still burning so the air is really unhealthy. Still trying desperately to convince mom to invest in A/C. I can’t take much more of this environmental craziness. I heard about the snow in Denver! High winds in OR causing fires and in WA state...and hurricanes still hitting the other coast. Crazy. Is it Armageddon
I hope everyone is staying safe in this bizarre weather we’re experiencing around the globe. Snow in Colorado! Hurricanes slamming the East coast. Fires burning the Western states. Northern CA was covered in a red sky glow as the haze from the fires and fog was so thick it blocked the sun! Very eerie indeed.

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