How was your day? Part III

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So very busy at work, that I almost did not to get a chance to eat my lunch. I rather be busy, for the winter months are real slow. Looking forward to soaking my feet in a basin of warm water, and massage my feet with peppermint lotion!!! :wink:
awesome! enjoyed a Russell Brand show at the Masonic Lodge in the Forever Hollywood cemetary in LA. Russell was brilliant and my son and I laughed and had a really good evening together. It felt really good!
Absolutely great. I've been to a technical museum with a couple of my friends and it was amazing. We've seen quite a lightshow when one physicist performed some of Tesla's experiments. We've been to the planetarium as well, I felt like I was floating in space. :love:Oh, and we were allowed to visit the artificial mine and it looked so real, so much coal and dust (and a bit claustrophobic).

I think I'll visit it again soon, I'm absolutely fascinated with all the technical thingies. :hyper:
Watched a Star Wars marathon all night long. I'm so tired at the moment. :D
I was hinking of doing a Star Wars marathon to with my friends! :D

My cousins were here today. I played Guitar Hero with them (they really sucked).
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