Hawaii, April 8th (and 9th?) - Aloha Stadium! - Part VII

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Lila64 said:

My sentiments exactly! Worse comes to worse, we all gather and party on 4/9 - we'll have our own party, right?


Hi Hans, yes it is Miroslava from Portland.

God bless you for attempting to coordinate 50-100 people :crack:

I just woke up so I missed some of this. Will re-read when I get to work. :lol:
ThoraSEB said:
It was worth it to ask. You never know what will happen until you try.

you could try some of the sites like priceline.com...I think there's one called last minute fare or something like that..also cheap tickets.com
sometimes you might get lucky & get an airline trying to fill the plane. You could also see if there is any type of charter flight stopping where you are going.

Just some of the ways I've flown cheaper

I just checked TM no Ga's don't know how some of you keep getting them to come up...did find 2 in EE orange...$165..
TM is known for playing games with tickets, pulling them then putting them back in..As of right now if they don't announce anything in the next day or so there won't be a second show.
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Ok, will shoot Hans an email in case you unruly people have scared him off with your off topic comments and skanky references



Anyway, I will email him and let him know that if he needs any help making announcements etc. I am available. As for coordinating stuff... I think I am bowing out of that one. I have been spending waaaaaaaay to much time in here as it is... :uhoh: (famous last words I know. I think the last line I was supposed to run was for Detroit I :hmm: )

Trevor, since you are already a cheap two timing ho, I suppose you might be better suited for the liaison job. :hmm:

Only thing I have to say about the fan action if there is one in the works, is that the organizers must keep in mind the heat. There won't be a lot of room to store things like the colder weather where you could just fold the piece of paper and put it in your pocket. And even if you can do that in Hawaii, I am envisioning ink running all over the place :sick: The other thing is that for a stadium, the plan must be massive for it to look decent and the "American" indiference factor must be taken into account. :lol: As great as Portland looked, I would venture to guess that maybe only about 1/3 of the available signs got displayed but since it was a smaller setting for it, it still managed to look pretty great.

As for the Interference gathering or whatever, Trevor think we're probably just better off signing on to that Luau thing? *wonders if it will be lame* The ETS website is down.
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Congrats Jules... :)

And well, I would say we hold off on making a decision about the Luau until we better know about whether there will be a second show added. :hmm:

Thinking outloud here. :lol:

ETA: I am absoultely loving this song called Boston by a band called Augustana. I have heard it 3-4 times now here at 101.9. :love:

ETA II: Morning Michelle!!! :kiss:
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gooooooooooorillaz!!!! :dances:

Michelle, I won't tell on you :shh:

And I know Rosa... I wanna kick stuff when I hear that commercial :angry:

That's cause that song rocks! And well, you can sing some U2 along with it too! :wink:
Mais oui! :drool:

This song however suuuuuuuuuuuucks big ones (Control by Mud) :grumpy:
:scream: Redux

Pro-active :madwife: to anyone that tells me, but you're going to Hawaii, it will be fun :blahblah:

I know. Let me wallow in pity for now. Once I am there, I will be having fun, don't worry about me. :angry:

ETA: Dave Matthews. :killsself:
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You mean you haven't already? :confused:

*tries to recall email message*

I mean, I haven't sent any or anything :happy:

No, full box (new ones one would presume)

And lord, that Fix You song by Coldplay... :crack: At the beginning, his voice is like nails on a chalkboard :crack:

I like some Coldplay, but that song :sick:
Well, my musical taste actually leans toward whiney rock sometimes. I think I am kinda emo (if I knew what emo actually was, but from my vague understanding, I think I am :lol: )

DMB = Urge to kick stuff

Coldplay = Pretty ok, but his voice is soooooo whineeeey sometimes. And I just have a problem with his lack of personality. :crack:

And what is up with this station and Green Day? Good lord.

ETA: Scratch that emo thing, don't think I am :lol:
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Miroslava said:

Coldplay = Pretty ok, but his voice is soooooo whineeeey sometimes. And I just have a problem with his lack of personality. :crack:

My sister told me he looks like a muppet when he plays the piano. He does :lol:.

It should be interesting in March when we have tickets to see them. Ever since she put that muppet idea in my head, I break out laughing when he starts playing the piano :huh:.
But see, muppets have lots of personality. Calling this dude a wallflower is giving him too much credit. :yawn:
They're talking about Lost. I have not seen the episode yet. Shut up!

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