Have you noticed less spam in your inbox?

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
That's probably because the nation's worst spammer was arrested on 12-11-2003. He was responsible for 60% of all spam :eek:

I have 2 count them 2 junk mails in my box today.. normally it would be up to 30 by now.

I got a new email address and havent had junk mail in it ever but my other account only gets one junk mail every 2 or 3 days which is excellent
i've not checked my e-mail today. although i'm not sure if i've had less spam lately, i did notice a dramatic decrease in the paris hilton porn spam i've been getting. i used to get ~10, now i get one or none.

thank god all that crap just gets sent to my junk bin.
nice!! only 5 pieces of spam today! whoohooo!

that's 6 times less viagra ads!
How crazy is it that ONE MAN could be responsible for all that spam :tsk: :angry:
Nothing has changed for me. I usually get two or three, and that was the same amount today.
Its funny, though. I went for months without any spam. Then a few weeks ago it started popping up in my inbox again

Must be another guy :|
:laugh: Of course I find the spamblocker the day BEFORE the spammer gets caught! There's been a lot less in my inbox...but I thought it was from something I did! :reject:
icelle said:
i have NO spam in my msn acct:D

Isnt it nuts?? I swear I used to get 30 or more spam in my hotmail junk folder a day.

I have 4 right now, for the whole day.
Sicy said:
How crazy is it that ONE MAN could be responsible for all that spam :tsk: :angry:

i don't like what that says about issues of 'net security
:ohmy: i haven't checked my hotmail account in a few days, but there is definitely less spam! i only received 3 messages today instead of the usual 15-20! :hyper:

now if only we could get rid of pop ups :rolleyes:
now where am i supposed to find out good porn links, what are the good penis enhancing pills, and when to get a new mortgage?
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