Have we forgotten? It's been 25 years of U2

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Originally posted by Achtung Bubba:
March 26th.

(And I'm all for celebrating -- but not celebrating the 25th birthday; not yet, anyway.)

[This message has been edited by Achtung Bubba (edited 10-04-2001).]

Ok, lets do this...lets celebrate the 25th anniversary of the band's conception NOW and then in a year and a half, we'll celebrate the actual birth so that way we can keep on partying!!

*raincloud pops open the champagne*

"you know we got a stormy kind of love..."
Originally posted by Achtung Bubba:

And, to continue the parallels with the issue of human birth, I also suggest that October 1976 is the month of conception -- not birth.

Ahem. Life begins at conception anyhow. I figured this would come up. My point isn't that the name "U2" has some specific relevance. It's that we should remember the day they all met to make this band, whatever the heck they wanted to call it.

When Bono said they had to "dream it all up again" in 1989, I think the time when they first dreamt it up was in Larry's kitchen--back on a cool day in October 1976. I know the name U2 wouldn't arise for a few years, and I know that Dik was still in the band for a while too. But the conception of the idea for this band was certainly more important than a relatively trivial name change. That's what I wanted people to remember.

But hey, I'm all for another party in a year and a half if you guys want.

Change is the only constant
(To get off-topic for a moment, I too believe life begins at conception.)

In the case of U2, the day they met in Larry's kitchen has a singular importance in that the idea of the band was started there. That is true.

To continue the conception/birth parallel, the day your parents had sex was also of singular importance in your existence.

But, generally, people celebrate the actual birthday rather than the day of conception. Beyond that, and I think more importantly, people mark their ages by the birthday.

I'm all for commemorating the events that led to U2 -- the birth of each member, Larry deciding to play drums, the posting on the bulletin board, and the meeting in Larry's parents' kitchen.

But I still believe that the "birth event" was the simultaneous departure of Dik, the "death" of The Hype, and the first use of "U2". Given that, I believe U2 has only been around since 1978, that the band is currently 23 years old.

- Achtung Bubba
Originally posted by truecoloursfly:
25 years...!
April, that is one beeyootiful quadruple portrait.

Here's another one-


To the biggest, baddest band on the planet-dodgey haircuts and all!!!!


"I suppose I do everything in extremes-laugh a lot, cry a lot, fight a lot, make love a lot, eat too much, drink too much, try too much, cry too much. Pass the onion..." -Bono


*~The Official POP_Whore of Interference~*

Another round of Guinness for the boys, on me, guys....

"Lookin for baby Jesus under the trash..."

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