has Jesus ever saved your life?

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Oct 2, 2000
even NJ loves NY
I am just wondering because of how Jesus (if you believe) saved us from our sin through his death, is there anyone here that feels that Jesus, in any way has saved their life? There is a guy at our church who believes He did, and I've heard a story from a girl about a similar thing happening with a kid she was working with, and they're both amazing. This guy at church is the most wonderful person, he's the kind of person that makes you want to believe and you can feel what he wants to share radiating from him (and not in a pushy way either). but anyway, back to topic, does anyone have a story they would like to share?
I've been really thinking about this question since you posted it, but it has only lead me to more questions of my own!

Jesus, during His ministry, saved many people from physical death, illness, etc. But I think the big thing about Him is that He saves our souls, eternally.

I do not at all doubt God having a role in saving people's lives when it is not "their time to go," but couldn't that be One of Jesus's triune Partners, the Father or the Holy Spirit? I guess it could really be any One of Them; They certainly don't have a set of rules to follow!

Miracles happen and people cheat death all the time; regardless of whether God saves them in these cases, it is probably a good idea for them to THANK Him for letting them stay awhile longer.

My wife's young cousin was killed in a car wreck a mile or so from his home, a head-on collision on a neighborhood road. A month later, my wife was in a serious collision with an 18 wheeler on an interstate highway, and walked away from it. Her cousin was driving a Mustang convertible and hit a similar sized car, and my wife was driving my SUV that has a frame all-around, and after being pushed sideways 300 yards at 70 mph, it was repaired and I still drive it today. Although I think that God was present with both of them in their respective wrecks, I think that the nature of their accidents and vehicles played a role in their fate. But if my wife and I were to say that God saved her, it is kind of awkward because of what happened to her cousin; do you catch my drift?

A very good and thought-provoking thread though, as yours usually are.

Good posts guys, it does make me cringe a bit when some people go crying 'miracle!' whenever something goes their way, but im sure there are situations where God does step in.

In my case I guess my birth had a bit of God in it, mum had a difficult pregnancy, the medical experts were predicting id have all sorts of conditions, brain damage, spina bifida (sp?) etc. but I was born slightly premature and perfectly healthy. Now my family saw this as God watching over us and I do too, but i've also met other people with similar stories to tell who arent Christian believers, and of course ive met Christians whove had pregnancies that didn't workout so well.

From this ive concluded that one shouldnt really try to pinpoint what is God's work and what isnt- the way the Almighty works isnt something I ever expect to fully understand anyway, I know that God DOES work in the world, and I think thats all I need to be sure about.
ok I think my question came off a little wrong. I do believe that God is present in anything, and that he may very well have saved your life brettig and also your wife's, Bama in such horrible situations.
But I meant more along the lines of saving a life from the path they were choosing. Both these kids were juveniles with criminal records that came from families stricken by poverty, and they had many drug addictions. that kind of thing doesn't often turn around. But the second kid I mentioned in particular, found his faith, turned himself in for a crime that he was wanted for, and is now leading a Bible study ministry in the prison he is at. That was more what I meant, probably I should have asked, has your faith ever saved your life?
both of your stories are wonderful though, and I do believe that God is also present in those situations, but that is something you just have to believe; I don't think there's ever any evidence for it really :)
This is a good question, Baby G.

And I think I know what you mean. Yes, Jesus most certainly has saved my life on more than one occasion.

I used to suffer bouts of severe depression and each time I was saved by the spark that entered my life long ago when I accepted Jesus as my Savior. Somehow although I was too proud to seek help by conventional means, I always received the help that I needed, usually these came as impulses, though once or twice it came as more material intervention as in observable events in my life. I believe that my then immature understanding of the Christian faith prepared me to be able to survive my ordeals by giving me the spiritual equipment I needed to get through. Most important of these was some basic training in the Holy Spirit, what it was, what it did etc.

Looking back I have come to realize that even in my most pitch black moments (and they were very very black) my inner ear was listening for the voice of my Sheperd and what Christian education I had had up til then had taught me the difference between his "voice" and all others including my own.

It was this voice, this direct communication, and hands on care by a God that I was always taught was not too good to live in my heart that saved my life but more importantly my soul.

I know now that by following Christ that I am no longer a person who despairs about my life and situation. Therefore I know that I will never sink that low again.


But I want to be very clear to anyone who might be reading this. What I had was not clinical depression. My form of depression was more a rage at myself and my failures that made me want to end it all in spite, hatred and anger to be free of the constant pain. I showed none of the other symptoms of depression except a near constantly black mood. I continued to work etc and I never made any serious attempts on my life although I don't know what might have happened if had kept going the way I was.

Anyway what I am trying to say is that if any of you have ANY of the signs of clinical depression or have ever experienced them, such as an inabilty to get out of bed, constant crying, missing long periods at work please get medical help. In your case you have a disease which must be treated with medicine for you to get better. Don't use faith in God as an excuse to delay treatment for clinical depression or to take dpression lightly. Not ever. It could really cost you your life.
BabyGrace, a book recommendation came to mind. Have you read 'The Cross And The Switchblade'? I forget who wrote it, it was a priest, someone help me here... It's about faith and taking huge risks and it is a true story. Very slim book, you'd finish it in a week.

BabyGrace said:
But I meant more along the lines of saving a life from the path they were choosing.

In that case, definitely, absolutely, YES! I definitely think Jesus reaches out to people and sets them straight. Sometimes through other people, and sometimes in ways that cannot be explained. I believe this happens all the time. And I believe that my faith has often stepped in and captured my conscience and therefore lead me to do "the right thing" whatever the case may have been.

You want to know who saved my life? Bono:wink: saved my life!! I never heard anything from Jesus, just histories... but i heard a lot of beautiful things from Bono. I don?t want to seem fanatic, but i really think that this man does much more for a lot of people comparing with those named Jesus or God... he really makes the difference, not just with his music, but too with his attitudes!!!!
thanks fors and brettig, I'll look into that one.

and thank you whiteflag for sharing your amazing story, that is exactly the type of thing I meant. I am curious, though, and I hope you don't mind me asking, how did you know when God was leading you and when your faith was...I dunno, right?
that's such an wonderful story though, things like this never fail to amaze me. and I am really glad for you that you found the strength to get through it.

Fabiana, I know what you mean, Bono is a wonderful person and a very good soul, but if you listen to the things he says, tons of what he believes come from his faith (and I dont mean strictly Christianity) and from other good people that he has listened to. the word I would use to describe him is wise (as scary as that seems! :D )
I think Bono is just a great vector spreading a positive message that actually comes from elsewhere through his talent and fame.
Baby Grace,

How did I know it was Him and when it wasn't? I am really glad you asked this question because I was looking at my response and if I didn't know better, I would wonder myself if these impulses weren't just weird psycho kinda impulses that just happened to turn out good or else explainable in some way as something besides Jesus.

It was my upbringing as a christian really and my reading of the Bible that made the difference. Now I have never been one to be able to quote chapter and verse but there is a place where it says something about Jesus calling his sheep and his sheep knowing the sound of His voice. Know the one I'm talking about? What I've always taken that to mean is that we are taught to recognize the things he would say to us so when we hear it we know its Him and not somebody or something else. Well, these impulses were always positive. I would just suddenly think of a change i could make to feel better. I would suddenly gain a profound perspective I hadnt had before. I would think about others sometimes and that would get me off myself for a breather. And I would know it wasn't me because sanity was so where I was not at the time! Besides I know what my inner voice sounds like. I've been listening to it all my life. This voice was so still and calm and commanding. The kind of voice where all you can say in response is "Yes, Lord!"

Of course the thoughts and impulses that I wouldn't listen to were the ones that were sooo opposite of what He was telling me. His interventions would always show them in their true colors. I know that Jesus would never tell me to hurt myself.

Long story short, there was no mistaking what was Him and what was other stuff. It was really like a silent voice speaking silent words slowly and gently helping me out of the hole.

Best of all was during one especially bad time. He gave me this sudden obsession with going back to Ireland before I could I die. I had to see this one beach one more time. I had to try and meet U2 etc. I know it sounds funny, but looking back on it now, I can see that going to Ireland became my reason for going on. Wanting to go there led me to this board and many good friends and then my life just totally turned around while I was actually living in Ireland. I did ALOT of growing up there.

And I met ADAM!!!!!! AND Matthew McConaghey (sp) on top of it all!

Yup, me, a girl who was just NEVER lucky before. Makes you wonder.....
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Ok, Babygrace. I understand you, but I think that is not just the faith that makes of Bono a wonderful person. There is faith all around the world, and there is too much bad things, bad things done by those that believe in God a lot. To have faith is not the same that to do good actions... so i agree that the faith helped to build this great man. But i think that if he was ceptic or atheist, he still would be this "God" to a big number of lifes!!! including mine...:yes:
Yes, Jesus has saved my life several of times. When I was young I got infection in my throat that makes ur throat swell up and its very hard to detect because once its starts swelling its kind of to late. Anyway, My mom tooik me to the doctor because my voice sounded strange and when they look down my throat they found that it was swollen and they had to put me on a breathing machine. I know that Jesus saved my life because not even a week or so later a girl around the same age was in there for the same thing she ended up dying because her parents got her in there to late. The doctor quit praticing and the hospital no longer takes children cases at the hospital because of what happen to me and that little girl.
thanks for responding, whiteflag! that's what I was wondering I guess because I am still waiting for it to happen in my life, except I don't know if I should be waiting or doing something. but doing what? I feel like I have to earn God being in my life; but that's not what they tell you at church, and yet I know I don't go throught the day and think about what I should be doing in terms of my faith. So I'm just waiting, for what I don't know. I hope someday I can experience something as wonderful as that.

and yes, Fabiana, I am sure you're right. :)
comic, not in the sense of it being funny, but in the "art" form of a comic, yes. I remember reading it as a kid actually.
I feel like I have to earn God being in my life; but that's not what they tell you at church, and yet I know I don't go throught the day and think about what I should be doing in terms of my faith.

Baby G. - - I read what you wrote and I wanted to respond to this comment. The most wondrous, miraculous thing about salvation is that there is NOTHING you could possibly to do earn it. It is a GIFT. Given freely, out of love. The Bible teaches that our "best" is still filthy rags before a Perfect God. And yet, that God chose to allow His Son to be murdered and take upon Himself the sins of the world that we might have eternal life. I don't think there is anything else He could've done to prove His love more. And He did that OUT OF LOVE. Don't spend your life trying to earn it or being worried about whether or not you deserve it. You don't. I don't. None of us do. But as my pastor always says, "Everything above Hell is GRACE!" Accept salvation as the gift that it is, and do what will honor Christ with it.
Jennifer :yes:

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