Gone today....hair tomorrow???

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 4, 2001
Hotter 'n' hell Texas: Dallas
from The Atlanta Journal and Constitution
September 7, 2001

Bono -- stroking a mane of his own that looks suspiciously fuller all of a sudden...-

*Ring! Ring*
"Yo, Bono baby, this is Brad, your stock broker...so you still wanna buy some more shares in Rogaine?"
"Yeah, this stuff is bloody BRILLIANT! I haven't had hair like this since we were rattling and humming back in the 80s. Jaysus, all the bad press we got from that tour literally made me hair jump right off me head!"
"OK, right-i-o, you're the boss!"
"Um...oh Brad...could I buy a few more shares of Clariol, as well?"

So. I'm still forever curious about Bono's hair. No no, not the preturnaturally black color, but the fact that he went from having some serious hairloss back in AB days to some pretty great coverage by the Zoo/Pop days, and up to now. Does ANYONE have a clue what he's doing?? I'm only asking because I'm losing some hair too, and it's high on the freakage factor!
I must know his secret!!

And moreoever, if it worked for Bono, couldn't Edge have tried it as well? I mean, they're both bloody rich now, hell, Edge could BUY himself some hair!!!

delirious disco
LOL Disco....well I agree it does look a little fulller these days.....

What I did notice at the VMAs is that it did'nt look as harshly black as it has recently......looked like it had a little more brown mixed in there...I must say it looked better....sometimes it's just TOO black......

O.k. how pathetic is my life getting that I'm discussing the varying shades of Bono's haircolor at 10:45 on a Friday nite.....GOD....I need a man!!!!
GIRL, you and me both! Just had a lengthy phone conv. this aft. with the last guy I ever went out with...and found out he's had a steady girlfriend for the last TWO years! Sheesh, had it been THAT long??

I'm such a sorry sack...

I have been also been curious about Bono's hair....Remember the Charlie Rose interview and how terrible his hair looked? That's when I really started wondering what was going on up there....and yep, I kept looking back at the old photos circa POP and could see that his hairline had starting inching up. Well, the other night I came across this site www.frequency-media.com and found some awesome pics....but then found 1 picture that pretty much tells me what's goin on with Bono's hair. Its such a bad photo that I can't even bring myself to post it here... Go to www.frequency-media.com, SLANE 2 photos, it image number 56...Tell me what you think....

Hair or no hair....I LOVE YA BONO!
If you're gonna dye your hair, DO THE ROOTS TOO, DUDE!!!!!


oh man, that is SO bad...but hey, he doesn't look gray as much as light brown still!
Originally posted by THATgirl:
Look closely at his hairline...looks like a hairpiece weaved in or something


Well, whoever flamed me for my "fake but good" comment about Bono's hair the other day better take a look at this. Hey, Sting does dye his hair blond, maybe too blond sometimes, but it's definitely all his, receding hairline and all

In time you'll see that some things travel faster than light
In time you'll recognize that love is larger than life
And praise will come to those whose kindness leaves you without debt
And bends the shape of things that haven't happened yet

-Neil Finn
My first post!!!
And no...that is NOT a hairpiece...that's grey hair growing in...ever see his brother Norman...he's gone completely white...
Ahhhhh!!!! Nooooooo!!! Is this for real? Does anyone have an explanation?! Sob!

boom cha, boom cha.................discotheque!
Originally posted by Discoteque:
I haven't had hair like this since we were rattling and humming back in the 80s.

And moreoever, if it worked for Bono, couldn't Edge have tried it as well? I mean, they're both bloody rich now, hell, Edge could BUY himself some hair!!!

lol!!!!!!!!! OMG!

poor babies

solution -- on Bono's tv show that exists solely in my mind:
1. find a friend
2. have them shave your back (aka Bono's back), chest and other unsightly hairy areas
3. gather the hair in a bucket and wash it
4. magically sew it all together in a handsome rug
5. slap it on your head!

I have a feeling that Bono has enough hair on his body, just not always where it should be. Bono please don't go bald pleezopleezopleez...

or ask Larry how the heck he does it because he's so smooth all the time! What is that all about?! *smooth criminal LarryMan*

"Thanks for letting us rub up against you!" ~Bono~
Oh you people should stop this. If it were true, and I hope it isn't, he'd be so humiliated he might never show his beautiful face again. Whatever the deal is, his hair is gorgeous! Let's just leave it at that!

HEY I have an idea! Let's ask Melpop the girl who rolled with Bono! She had her hands all in his hair in those pics, she'd know!
that is not a weave! i wouldn't be surprised if he's using rogaine or something. why shouldn't he? anyway, here is proof that he doesn't have a weave, it was just how the light hit it:


looks natural to me.

Brought to you by the OTHER "creamy coated pop icon goddess."


"Free at last, they took your life. They could not take your pride."
!!!!!!!! I WANT to touch Bono's hair!

"I'd like to thank you for letting me rub up against you!" ~Bono~

"And I've lost my place again
I know this is surreal
But I'll try my luck with you
This life is on my side" ~Strokes~

"It's not time to be hip; it's not the time to be groovy; and the time is right to write songs with melodies that you can hear across the road, through the walls" ~Bono~
Originally posted by Melpop:
I actually played in his hair... it's 100% real... he has gorgeous hair!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm hyperventilating!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! did you manage to keep any?????

"I'd like to thank you for letting me rub up against you!" ~Bono~

"I can't change the world
But I can change the world in me"
HOLY FREAKIN COW, MELPOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AAAAAUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *Disco envisions incredibly naughty idea of grabbing Bono's hair and...um, oh, nevermind. Heh.*

CRIKEY. You got to "do more" to Bono than 99.9% of of ever will, MelPop. I'm SO envious!!!

Originally posted by Melpop:
I actually played in his hair... it's 100% real... he has gorgeous hair!

I have a picture on my hard drive that shows a lot more of Bono's scalp than I ever wanted to see! I forget where I got it from, but maybe someone else has it that can post it here. It shows Bono bending down to sign an autograph on a car. I don't know what he's doing now to cover his bald spot..could be just a really good comb over.
Originally posted by samo:
I don't know what he's doing now to cover his bald spot..could be just a really good comb over.

Combovers are SO disgusting- if Bono (or any band member) had a combover I think I'd cry!
I'm so glad that Edgie-poo didn't go the combover route when he starting losing his hair!
Well I am glad someone cleared this up, BAD lighting + roots growing out = bad photo!

Sorry, didn't mean to upset anyone, especially not BONO. I want it to be all his as much as he does.
Originally posted by Discoteque:
HOLY FREAKIN COW, MELPOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AAAAAUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *Disco envisions incredibly naughty idea of grabbing Bono's hair and...um, oh, nevermind. Heh.*

CRIKEY. You got to "do more" to Bono than 99.9% of of ever will, MelPop. I'm SO envious!!!
I want BonoLove

"I'd like to thank you for letting me rub up against you!" ~Bono~

"I can't change the world
But I can change the world in me"
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