FYM BIG issues - your stance?

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Apr 30, 2005
The city of blinding lights and amazing coffee - M
I am interested in knowing where people who frequent FYM sit on the big issues that get "discussed" :wink: (and then locked!) here all the time. I want to know if there are general groups such as religious people all think this, or liberals all think this or if we all share some common thoughts but are all unique in our whole views.
I think it would be good to know where people stand on particular issues, this way 1. when issues are brought up, we can observe each others position and 2. Maybe we can see other people who have things in common with us?

Also people always seem to say 'FYM is always so liberal anti bush' yet I find a lot of bush supporters and vice versa, so i think it would be interesting to get a "real" picture of FYMers.

I really don't want this thread to turn into arguments about both sides of the BIG ISSUES and then get locked like my last one :sad: , but more a way to express your opinions on the big issues of today, and FYM.

So to me, the issues are

* Iraq War
* Religion (those that have those that don't)
* Abortion
* Stem Cell Research
* Gay Marriage/Rights
* Death Penalty
* Gun Control
* Israel conflict
* Political Views

I'm not ashamed of my views, and I do feel very strongly about them (as im sure everyone does) but I also like to see other peoples opinions and their reasons why they believe what they do!

Iraq War

I'm against it, was against it from the start, have marched in protests in my city and attended a few forums on it. I think it caused a lot more problems then solving any, and when I read the casulty reports i truly believed all those people have died in vain stuck in a war that was not needed. It also pisses me off that people are STILL making the tie between Iraq and 9/11! :mad:


I'm atheist/agonostic, and always have been. I enjoy learning about other religions but do find them very judgemental, closeminded and definately not for me. I love that i'm not religious and truthfully don't really understand how people can be.


I'm pro choice, and think the decision should rest with the parents of the baby and no one else. I think there are enough orphans and foster kids in the world, that bringing in children because you can't safely have an abortion is a completely silly thing to do. Sometimes even with protection, you can get pregnant and even with the whole 'you can give it up for adoption' you will think about that baby for ever. Its a scary point in someone's life, but i dont think anyone else has a right to tell the mother what to do. I agree that late term abortions shouldn't happen, but my stance is, if the baby can't live without the mothers help (i dont mean breatfeeding or warmth as they can be done by someone else) then it is not a "living sentient being" and therefore its not murder, so that argument doesn't work for me.

Stem Cell Research

I think its very important, and could lead up to cures we've only ever dreamt about. I also think the arguments against stem cell research are baseless.

Gay Marriage/Rights

I believe everyone is entitled to the same rights and don't understand why people are so against gay marriage. Wth the divorce rate the way it is and stupid people getting married on a whim and then anulling it the arguments of 'gay people making marriage worthless, or not taking it seriously' are baseless as that is what marriage basically is now. I believe two men and two women can be hopelessly and devotedly in love with each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together, so why are they not entitled to have a legal union that will bind them as well as protect them in the long run with divorce or death of a partner.

Death Penalty

I don't believe in it, and don't think anyone has a right to take another person's life into their own hands. Obviously this includes murder, and I believe that people who murder should be imprisoned for life, but I still think that 1. The legal system is not as impartial and fair as it could be and innocent people have been put to death in the past 2. Killing someone for them killing someone seems like a tit for tat measure and not what a truly first world advanced country should accept. 3. I don't think its as good as punishment then life imprisonment. They will never be free, never have the same liberties as other people, but will have to live their life out behind bars for the rest of them life. Makes more sense to me. And the argument about cost of keeping them in jail is moot because if we didn't pay taxes for jail we'd be paying them somewhere else.

Gun Control
I think carrying weapons should be illegal. This goes back to my firm belief that no one should have the right to take someone elses life. I do agree that policemen should carry a gun, but should be taught to 'shoot to injure' instead of 'shoot to kill' as last years "london bomber" shows that ther eis no going back after you accidently kill someone. I live in a country where it is against the law to own a gun (unless you're a farmer and then you can only use it on your land) Of course there are illegal ones and people do get shot here, but on the whole i think it works a lot better then countries who do 'have the right to bear arms' I think its such a stupid thing, to put a gun in an amatuers hands because its such a lethal weapon, and judging by the amount of accidental deaths in the us every year from gun shots, i think it is a really perniant issue to think about. You don't need a gun to protect yourself, there are other ways.

Israel Conflict

I don't agree with what happened after WW2 but another two generations have come and gone since the Israelis settled in the area so I don't believe in moving them all out. I think its was a silly desicion to move them back ther ein the first place and feel so much uneccessary bloodshed on both sides of the conflict has happened because of it. Now i don't know what the answer is. There is just so much hatred and anger and resentment and arrogance between both sides that is hard to get a clear view and really "support" one side or the other. I am quite *shrug* with what to do, and like reading about peoples opinions in relation to helping out this conflict.

Political Views

In my country, both sides are the same, there really is no where I want to alin myself in. With my views on american politics, I am not knowledgable enough and therefore a lot of things confuse me (such as not having a "shadow" president on the opposing side like we have a shadow prime minister and head of the other party) and the like. But I definately do not agree with 99% of the decisions the Bush administration has made, so i guess this makes me NOT a conservative! haha

Well there you go, my rather long winded opinions. I really am interested in hearing from other people! Don't be shy! And remember this is peoples PERSONAL opinions and people shouldn't get attacked over that!
* Iraq War

Don't agree with it, but we're there now we have to finish, unfortunately at the cost of many soldiers.

* Religion (those that have those that don't)

I have to admit being in FYM has pushed me more and more away from organized religion.

* Abortion

I'm pro-choice

* Stem Cell Research

I'm for finding cures and saving lives.

* Gay Marriage/Rights

Love should be recognized everywhere.

* Death Penalty

Where does it get us, no one has ever shown me. I believe in 'though shall not kill".

* Gun Control

The percentage of people who have "protected" themselves with a gun is so small they can't even calculate it.

* Israel conflict

I admit this is an issue I'm not the most educated on, but from what I see; both sides have major issues to deal with.

* Political Views

Well this is a pretty broad question. I don't believe in absolutes or pinning down beliefs, there's a lot of hypocricy in all political views.
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Interesting idea, dazzlingamy. At first I thought it a little redundant, but now I see what you were thinking. This could be an useful "reference" sheet when debating with other posters. It sounds like the basic idea, is not to respond to others individual beliefs on this thread, but to simply say what ours our.

So here's mine:

Iraq War--I was against from the very beginning. I still think it was a mistake. However, I feel that now that we are there we cannot just leave. Right now, we're in half-assed, and that needs to change. I think we need to send more troops, not less. As a country, we need to support cleaning up the mess that we've made there.

Religion--I'm what I suppose you'd call a fairly religious person from a conservative Christian denomination. However I'd have to acknowledge that religion, in general, is pretty much a mess. I am deeply disturbed by the increasingly politicized nature of evangelical Christianity in the United States and I am vigorous supporter of a strict seperation of church and state.

Abortion--On a personal level, I believe that abortion is wrong, much in the same way that war is wrong. Both are wrong but SOMETIMES necessary. And like war, abortion should be entered into solemnly with the full realization of the costs to all involved. Because of that, I don't support an outright ban on abortions, nor do I support taking away all restraints. I believe the debate about abortion today is far too polarized for there to be much meaningful discussion. When one side paints the other as "pro-death" and the other side pains their opponent as "anti-choice" it's not a good sign.

Stem Cell Research--So far I haven't seeing any convincing arguments against it, so I support it. Most arguments seem to focus on whether the feds should fund it, but I think this is dodging the issue.

Gay Marriage/Rights--Gays should have access to the same rights and privelages as anyone else, including a marriage recognized by the state. Churches, on the other hand, should not be bound to marry people if such marriages go against their doctrines.

Death Penalty--I've gone back and forth on this issue. I probably lean more towards opposing it right now, though again my views on the taking of human life in other circumstances (warfare, abortion) leave me open to the possibility of it being acceptable in some circumstances. Basically, I think that we need to do all we can to avoid taking human life under any circumstances because the costs to the people involved in the taking life (not to mention the person being killed of course) are astronomically high.

Gun Control--My support of strict gun control laws comes from my considerable experience with guns as a teenager. Most of my male friends had considerable arsenals in their posssession. As a result, I've shot just about every gun legally available including civilian versions of the AK-47 and M-16. The turning point for me was one of my closest friends came with seconds of shooting a bunch of people at a party who he thought had hurt his girlfriend at drunken party. Right then and there, Americans just do not need the kind of access so many of us think we do to guns. In Saipan, civilians are not allowed to own handguns, and deaths by gunfire are virtually unheard of. With a gun it's too easy for irreversible things to happen.

Israel Conflict--I think the situation is complicated. I suspect Israel acts with impunity when it feels it needs to be because it knows that the most powerful nation in the world, will never do anything more than talk sternly and wring it's hands. Israel can do whatever the hell it wants and know it. I do think the Palestinians and those who support them have to accept that they will NEVER beat Israel using violence, and radical Arabs who want to see Israel erased need to get over it. It's not gonna happen.

Political Views--I don't think of myself as liberal--I'm sufficiently vain that I think that I'm above mere political pigeonholing--but I think that most of my views put me in that category.
I'm not going to say very much or I'll go on a rant. These just aren't the issues that get me fired up.

Iraq War-I really am not a fan of invading other countries. I believe the administration wanted to go in. As an American, I don't care if the country fails into civil war; I just want the troops home.

Religion- I am an atheist. I hate religion because it is the opposite of faith. I respect all faiths but I find that they cannot exist as a group event. Faith is good but mass religion is bad.

Abortion- I don't have an opinion on the issue. People find that odd. I just don't have one.

Stem Cell Research- If it can help people in the future, go for it.

Gay Marriage/Rights- I liken the plight of the gay community to African Americans in the civil rights movement. Must we let the government rule from a few people's views. Or perhaps the can rule from the constitution.

Death Penalty- I don't have an opinion on this issue either, sorry.

Gun Control- Really, do guns that fire more than two shots a second belong on the streets.

Isreal Conflict- You can't kill the cancer by killing the patient!

Political Views- A democrat though I'm not a fan of either party.
* Iraq War
Too late. It's too late for what anyone says or does to matter.

* Religion (those that have those that don't)
I don't understand the question. Do I have religion? Perhaps, perhaps not. I believe, after a lapsed-catholic fashion.

* Abortion
Pro-choice. Not, 'pro-abortion'.

* Stem Cell Research
It's occuring anyway, all the public huffing and puffing is about government funding of it, NOT about letting it continue to go on. Which it does. Interesting.

* Gay Marriage/Rights

* Death Penalty
Absolutely 100% opposed.

* Gun Control
No opinion in so far as it's entirely a US issue. But I won't live in a country without it.

* Israel conflict
Israel has a right to defend itself, but this time it has gone way too far. Way too far. Can a nation this wealthy and developed not get at its non-state enemies via covert means?

* Political Views
I'm a communist.
* Iraq War
Support; but with the caveat of recognising mistakes made in the past and the importance of either commiting to win decisively or crafting an alternative policy.

* Religion (those that have those that don't)
Atheist and philisophically anti-theist.

* Abortion
Why not.

* Stem Cell Research
Overhyped but still support

* Gay Marriage/Rights
Support gay marriage and equal treatment for all people, opposed to hate crime legislation.

* Death Penalty
Opposed to it for criminals

* Gun Control
Right to gun ownership and the right to self defence should be a fundamental human right, if given the choice I wouldn't excercise it unless my situation neccessitated it.

* Israel conflict
Illustrates just how effective terrorism is at manipulating the international community.

* Political Views
Maximum personal freedoms for everybody to excercise as they see fiit.

*Free Speech
Unlimited in the ideal up to and including hate speech on the basis of religion, race, gender and sexuality - the vile minority may dwell at the margins but it protects the majority overall.
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* Iraq War
Was against it before we even went in, but an immediate pull out would only make the region even more unstable. Unfortunately we're stuck.

* Religion (those that have those that don't)
I'm a preachers kid who's very active in church, but I don't consider myself religious...I'm too aware of the dirty politics that go on within the church to be a religious person. However I do consider myself more spiritual.

* Abortion

* Stem Cell Research
So many hopeful possibilities...to not allow this research is to deny the hopes of millions of people and their families.

* Gay Marriage/Rights
100% for equality for gays. They should not be denied rights based on their homosexuality.

* Death Penalty

* Gun Control
Need tougher penalties and to close loopholes that protect law abiding citizens but prevent criminals from getting their hands on guns.

* Israel conflict
Sympathies lean toward Isreal. They've got their back to a wall in a region where they are surrounded by people who want them wiped off the face of the planet. However things mustn't be pushed too far.

* Political Views
The democratic wing of the democratic party.
* Iraq War
Support it

* Religion
Conservative Christian

* Abortion
Against it

* Stem Cell Research
Against it

* Gay Marriage/Rights
Against it

* Death Penalty
Support it

* Gun Control
Support moderate control - meaning a citizen should not be able to own a surface-to-air missile but should be able to own a handgun or a rifle.

* Israel conflict
Israel has a right to defend itself

* Political Views
The Republican Party is too liberal, but it remains the best choice out there.
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*Iraq war - what moron thought this was really a good idea?

*religion - staunch agnostic; formerly conservative christian...it's pretty scary to be on the outside looking in these days. :huh:

*abortion - unfortunate social necessity.

*stem cell research - i don't see what the problem is.

*equal rights for people - 100% support.

*death penalty - vengeance is fun but not so productive.

*gun control - people don't kill people, people with guns kill people. although i do support hunters who actually hunt for food.

*israel - religious slaughter is so 1095. a single secular state seems the only viable solution, but with religious fanatics on both sides, good luck with that one.

*political views - libertarian socialist.
Iraq war - This is what you get when you have imbeciles running the show. Far too complicated for this black and white, anti-nuanced administration to ever handle properly. Horrible idea, horrible execution.

Religion - Kind of a lapsed Catholic, but not completely. Every time I read a thread about religion and/or politics here, I have to admit I have urges to run into the arms of agnosticism.

Abortion - Support it in the first trimester. Not an ideal solution but I can see why it has to exist as a choice.

Stem cell research - Support it. Scientifically speaking, they may be a gold mine or they may end up being a disappointment on some fronts, but we need a lot more research, time and money to find out.

Gay marriage/rights - Support it. Nobody is equal until everybody's equal.

Death Penalty - Against it as almost every civilized nation on the planet is.

Gun Control - I've never given this issue much thought to be honest. In principle I don't believe we should be toting guns, but some exceptions should be made, for example people in rural areas, on farms and so on, I can see why they would have uses for guns.

Israel - There is no viable solution that I can see at all. Israel is agitating the situation by continuing to expand settlements and overreacting militarily to provocations. The Palestinians are agitating the situation through constant terrorism. The Arabs are agitating the situation by using the Palestinians to rile up their populations against the devil America. The Americans are agitating the situation by feeding obscene amounts of money into Israel and promoting a one-sided policy. The Europeans are agitating the situation by standing for nothing at all.

Political views - Liberal, but I do have some economic views which would be more to the right.
Iraq war--opposed the invasion, went to rallies and meetings, but we can't pull out now. We need to clean up our mess.

religion--liberal Roman Catholic. I don't believe in forcing my views on other people particularly if they are not religious.

abortion--This is really something people need to decide for themselves. I can't decide for them.

stem call research--very useful tool for finding a cure for diseases. As an autistic I can relate to people who need research.

Gay marriage/rights--100% for them.

Death penalty--against it.

Gun control--support it, although I believe people approved after a background check should be allowed to own guns.

Israel--Has the right to defend itself, but it's gone way too far with Lebanon.

political views--liberal wing of the Democratic Party.
* Iraq War: Against

* Religion: Agnostic

* Abortion: Against

* Stem Cell Research: Don't know enough about it

* Gay Marriage/Rights: No particular problem with gay marriage, though I am generally sceptical of special interest groups

* Death Penalty: In favour, in certain very limited circumstances

* Gun Control: In favour, up to a point

* Israel conflict: There will be no peace in the Midde East whilst the US continues to fund Israeli state terror and the world continues to appease Zionist imperialism and land grabs. In this context shrill demands for Syria to stop funding Hezbollah are pointless and hypocritical.

* Political Views: Traditional anti-big government conservative libertarian
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Iraq War - the result of neo-con PNAC zealotry and nothing to do with fighting terrorism. Still, it's hard to feel sorry for an infantile thug like Saddam Hussein.

Religion - as an institution, it's as much of a mess as Judaism around the time of Christ. It makes as much sense these days as the constructed language of a feral child separated from civilization. As such, I'm a rather liberal Christian looking to expand upon Christian philosophy in the tradition of the great medieval thinkers.

Abortion - despite having a personal distaste for abortion, I'm not about to force a woman to carry a child that she doesn't want. I'll let her deal with her own conscience.

Stem Cell Research - it makes sense in the context that we have millions of frozen embryos in fertility clinics that are slated for destruction on a regular basis. There is zero chance that they will ever become children, so their "death," so to say, can have some meaning through this research, much in the same way that the death of adults has furthered the science of anatomy. This is why I presume that stem cell research has found strong support in Congress, even amongst many otherwise pro-life conservatives.

Gay Marriage/Rights - full support, with the acknowledgment that religions should never be forced to perform rites that go against their beliefs. However, the Catholic Church has long set this precedent, as they do not recognize the marriages of anyone who does not go through their rituals. As such, all non-Catholic married couples, in their eyes, are unchaste whores living in sin!

Death Penalty - I find it uncivilized, and have disdain for those who are pro-life when it comes to abortion and are pro-death when it comes to prisoners.

Gun Control - since most legal gun owners are not a problem, I'm not sure what gun control legislation will do for America.

Israel conflict - if you poke at the bear long enough, he will attack you.

Political Views - a mixture of liberal and fiscal conservative beliefs, but, in general, I dislike strict ideology.

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- Iraq War

Originally supported it, now on the fence, we have to stay.

- Religion


- Abortion

Only for victims of rape and people that are at health risk.

- Stem Cell Research

No opinion.

- Gay Marriage/Rights

We should just come up with a different word for gay marriage. It would be defined as the unity of persons of the same gender. Not hard to do, just too many people who don't get it.

- Death Penalty

Used too frequently, should exist for truly awful crimes (serial killing, terrorism)

- Gun Control

Banning them only means the actual criminals will have them as opposed to the criminals and the people who have them for protection. There's no point.

- Israel conflict

Still not quite sure what to think.

- Political Views

I'm an Independent, but generally I side with the Republicans.
Iraq War
I'm sorry the U.S.A. underestimated the Iraqi terror groups. The war should have ended as soon as Saddam Hussein was caught. I deeply regret the loss of life but I'm not sorry Saddam Hussein was removed from power.

* Religion (those that have those that don't)
I have a very strong belief in G-d that has sustained me through many personal crisis and is sustaining me now with everything that is going on around me.
As part of my religious beliefs, I eat only Kosher food, I don't drive on the Sabbath, I fast on Yom Kippur and go to synagogue during the high holy holidays.
I believe that G-d is merciful and kind and, like a parent, punishes and rewards us. We don't always understand His ways....but we're not supposed to.

* Abortion
I am pro-choice. A woman should have the right to bear children or not.

* Stem Cell Research
I don't know enough about it to form an opinion but I believe it is used to cure paralysis - is that right?

* Gay Marriage/Rights
Ironically, just this week one of my favorite singer/songwriters (Darren Hayes - ex singer of Savage Garden) came out and announced his marriage to his life partner in London. While my religion is against homosexuality, I personally have no problem with it. I would rather see a loving same-sex couple than a hetro couple that abuse and cheat on each other.
I don't believe that gay unions should come under the definition of "marriage" but I DO believe that they should be granted some rights as to adoption, inheritance, insurance benefits, etc.

* Death Penalty
I am for the death penalty in cases of child rape and murder (like Jessica Lunsford).

* Gun Control
The 4th amendment to the constitution was drafted so the citizenry would have the right to defend themselves against attackers.
200 years later, millions of people have died senselessly because of the ease of purchasing guns. The right to bear arms doesn't include the right to kill people for no reason.

* Israel conflict
I don't know where to start. The only thing I can say is that I wish you could all come here and try living here for one month. I'm sure that whatever view you may have of us will be drastically changed. We are an oasis of sanity in a desert of madness.

* Political Views
My views are dove-ish. I am a woman of peace and I have a very strong sense of justice. However, if provoked or attacked I will lash out at my enemies with all my strength in order to protect my loved ones.
*Iraq War

STUPID thing to do. No reason, sure things sucked over there but now it's worse. Total waste of American money and lives. People in Iraq were dying, now more, and different people are dying. HUGE Pandora's box. Will go down in history as one of the lamest things ever.

* Religion (those that have those that don't)

I consider myself a generic Judeo/Christian, I agree with Bono that organized religion is what happens when God leaves the room. I especially dislike the way most American protestant denominations operate, they seem to make up their own rules to suit what their members want to hear so they'll keep giving money. One church in my town put up a sign that looks like bank's. They bought 8 neighboring houses at a cost of $3million not to help the homeless or battered women, but to tear down to enlarge the church and parking lot. This is a disgrace IMO.

I feel anyone should be able to believe whatever they want, as long as their beliefs don't go telling them to kill other people for glory, or that it's okay to abuse your child, or your wife or sister. I don't think calling that a religious belief should get people off the hook.

* Abortion

I am strongly opposed to the unborn being killed for reasons of selfishness, greed, convenience only. I don't think it should be legal to kill a normal, healthy baby at any time of gestation just because you 'choose' to. I can't justify anyone having a 'right' to do that more than having a 'right' to any other kind of killing. And don't tell me it's not alive. If it's not alive, you wouldn't have to kill it.

exceptions should only be PROVEN rape, incest, threat to life of mother, extreme deformity or genetic disease which would only cause the child to live a life of pain, or die anyway.

Partial birth method is sick and barbaric and should be completely banned.

* Stem Cell Research

I don't mind them using the frozen embryos that would be destroyed anyway, but I don't want it to reach a point where poor women are selling their eggs on the street for money. All a guy has to do is whack off into a jar, a girl has to have hormone treatments and invasive procedures, and repeated ones are damaging to her health. If it became so common they were just playing around with them and tossing them, I consider that a bit Hiterish or Frankensteinlike and that's disturbing. I think the best thing to do is to start a system where all new mothers should donate the stem cells from their baby's umbilical chord to be used on patients with matching blood types. These are the most potent cells, and they aren't hurting anybody or using potential human beings as experiments.

* Gay Marriage/Rights

I really don't give a damn who marries who. I can't see a gay couple getting married is any more damaging to the institution than something like Britney Spears did in Las Vegas. Makes no never mind to me.

* Death Penalty

For in cases of mass murderers or those who have done something heinous like raping, murdering and dismembering a child. These people do not deserve to live, they have given that up by taking the lives of others. Note I am not pro life, I am anti abortion, and pro death penalty depending on the situation. Of course it should always be proven they have the right guy before they are executed.

* Gun Control

Against. The government should never take away someone's gun, this is a dangerous thing. Besides, gun control doesn't stop criminals, they always get them anyway. It's not right to take away the right of the average citizen to defend themselves if they so choose. BTW I am not a sportsman, I oppose hunting, I just don't like the idea of the population being disarmed against their will.

* Israel conflict

I am older than some of you and I recall that the Israel/Beirut stuff has been going on for years, there's just been a lull the last 20 years so you young folk don't know how common it was to see this. I don't think it's going to start a world war. It's not a good thing, but it's not the end of the world. I personally have never blamed Israel for going after terrorists, and perhaps if they had been allowed to succeed years ago we wouldn't have the problems we have today, or even 9-11.

* Political Views

I have one more I want to bring up- legalizing drugs. YES. It's time to stop making criminals out of people with problems. Give them rehab, not jail. As for the dealers, are they any different than the mobs of the prohibition days? If something is illegal there will be a black market for it. Legalize it, regulate it, you stop that whole culture, and save people getting gunned down. It's just like what happened with booze in the 20's, and prohibition was lifted. I am especially in favor of legalizing pot. I don't use it, haven't had a toke in years, never liked it, but can't see how it's any worse than booze. Every time I go to traffic court half the people there get locked up for having had a roach in their ashtray. Sometimes I think the only reason it remains illegal is so the lawyers can get the job to defend the them and the localities can get the money for the fines. No need to throw them in jail. And help addicts, don't prosecute them.
Most of you know my stance on most issues, so I'll only mention the few that you guys might not know.

*Death Penalty - I am against it, but not for the reason many of you are. I am not concerned with the lives of the rapists, child molesters and murderers. If it can be proven 100% without a doubt that someone did one of those, I say "let `em hang". However, I am against the death penalty for the same reason I am against abortion; because I am concerned about innocent[/] lives. People are executed wrongly in our court system; if there is one innocent life lost because of the death penalty, I am against the death penalty completely.

*Gun Control - I do not support gun control. I believe the right to self defense is one of the greatest rights our people have been given.

*Israel Conflict: I support Israel. Almost every nation in that region wants to obliterate them form the face of the earth; I support their right to defend themselves.
Iraq War - I thought it was a bad idea from the beginning, and a criminally stupid idea once it was revealed there really weren't any WMDs.

Religion - I was raised Roman Catholic. I still go to Mass (almost) every Sunday, but I'm very conflicted about it because my beliefs on issues like contraception, gays and the ordination of women are more liberal than what the church teaches.

Death penalty - I'm against it.

Stem cell research - I don't know enough about it.

Israel/Palestinian conflict - It's extremely complicated, so I don't have a clear answer on this either.

Gun control - I support it.

Abortion - I wouldn't have an abortion myself but I think it should be legal because if it is outlawed I think it will just create an unsafe black market for it for women who are too poor to get one abroad, and that's a scary proposition. I used to think it should be outlawed except for cases of incest, rape or risk to the mother's life, but legally proving the first two in time for the abortion to take place sounds like a judicial nightare waiting to happen.

Gay marriage - I don't care if two people of the same gender want to get married. Churches shouldn't be forced to marry gay people, but if they want to go to the courthouse and have a civil, non-religous ceremony, why should't they?
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Bono's shades said:
Gay marriage - I don't care if two people of the same gender want to get married. Churches shouldn't be forced to marry gay people, but if they want to go to the courthouse and have a civil, non-religous ceremony, why should't they?

As a footnote to this, I just wanted to add that there are religious denominations that would willfully perform same-sex marriages.

But, as I stated before in my response here, I also do not believe in forcing churches to perform any rite that they do not agree with.

melon said:

As a footnote to this, I just wanted to add that there are religious denominations that would willfully perform same-sex marriages.

But, as I stated before in my response here, I also do not believe in forcing churches to perform any rite that they do not agree with.



As a side note, my dad would have no problems performing a ceremony for a gay couple (though the constitution of our church might tie his hands which would be frustrating). In fact, two of our most active members are a gay couple.
Ah so many issues in such a small amount of time. Heres my go:

* Iraq War-
Saddam needed to be removed, but at the same time it is by far the worst planned operation I have witnessed. The US will be there until Bush leaves office and if a decent person follows they may be able to attract an truly international force. Country also needs to be split.

* Religion (those that have those that don't)
Hate it. Brought up Irish Catholic. So sick of all the bullshit. I believe in something but its between me and whatever it is I believe in.

* Abortion
I, like many others, hate abortion but understand it is a neccesary evil in todays world.

* Stem Cell Research
You know I have no idea how anyone in their right mind could say no to the possibilities this could develop into. If the US wants to ban it, fine, the rest of the modern world will go ahead and make billions off of it.

* Gay Marriage/Rights
I have been a feverent supporter of the rights of gay/lesbian people to be equal, in all walks of life.

* Death Penalty
Look, if someone was killed in my family I'd want the person dead. But that is usually the irrational side of people talking, like 80's said if there is even a sliver of a chance that they could be innocent then it should be banned.

* Gun Control
Ah guns, never have I touched a gun in my life. To me its so simple, stop manufacturing guns. Stop selling them, stop making bullets, just stop. You have a gun and dont turn it in, you go to jail, get a fine, whatever, they do far more evil then good. I've lived without a gun all my life, i'm still here.

* Israel conflict
Got into an arguement with my taxi driver last nite, I was pretty drunk. He is from Lebanon, he was defending Hezbollah, that is what pisses me off. I can see the plight of the citizens of Lebanon, but if you are dumb enough to defend hezbollah then i really cant defend you, because you are as bad as the terrorists. He didnt like it when I said this, but oh well, he's got to here it.

* Political Views
* Iraq War-
I supported it in the beginning, but now I regret parts of it. I think things could've been done differently. However, I'm glad Saddam and his sons are out of power. Hopefully things will come to an end soon. My prayers are with the people of Iraq, the terrorists and their families, and of course, the U.S. soldiers.

* Religion (those that have those that don't)
I prefer a relationship with Christ over religion. Religion gets in the way of that.

* Abortion
I'm against it. In every case. A heart starts beating 22 days after conception. Many women don't even know they're pregnant by this time. Plus, we're talking about a true respect for life.
"Where you live should not determine whether you live or whether you die."
My wife had an abortion before she met me. It still haunts her, but through Christ, she's been able to work through it and of course, be forgiven. And no, the guilt she felt wasn't religious of any kind, it came strictly from a motherly perspective.

* Stem Cell Research
I'm all for it, but don't use the embronic stem cells. There are other ways. No, I'm not going to give you a stupid presentation like Sen. Brownback. :|

* Gay Marriage/Rights
First of all, let me say I'm not against homosexuals. I have known and worked with some here and there and I consider them friends. There's some here in FYM I consider to be great people with valuable points of view. (You know who you are.)
This is a tough one for me. My opinion has changed somewhat over time. I used to be hardcore against it, and I'm still against it, but I guess I wrestle with it more.
The problem is I don't believe everyone who claims to be gay, was born that way. I think for some, it's a choice. Plus, I think for others, it's a way they developed because of situations and relationships with their father they went through growing up, or from abuse or neglect they went through. I've heard too many stories from gay people where this is true. I see a pattern, I'm sorry. Are these people evil? Of course not. Personally, I don't see how gay marriage helps these people though, if it's not who they really are. If there are issues to work through, let's not ignore those in the name of gay pride.
Then again, part of me is open to the possiblity that some people are actually born gay. For them, I'm not sure. Maybe I'd be for civil unions or something. The Bible does say homosexuality is wrong, HOWEVER, I don't expect nonChristians to do something because the Bible says so or whatever. Just my opinion.
The problem with all of this, of course, is we can't tell people they are or aren't really gay. I know this.
My SINCERE prayers are with these people and their families as they go through the struggles they face. If they are gay or not, nobody deserves to be treated as less than the next person. As a Christian, I actually consider homosexuality to not be as big of a deal as many others do. If it's a sin, I may not be guilty of it, but I've got plenty of other sins I do deal with. I'm no better than the next person.

* Death Penalty
It's stupid. It's been proven racist, classist and a number of other horrible things. We're dealing with human life here, and a flawed system. Therefore, get rid of it. Plus, with the appeals process added into the equation, it's much more expensive to us all to have the DP.

* Gun Control
Guns are stupid. Get rid of them. Let the police and military have them, but that's it.

* Israel conflict
Hezbollah started it, but I think Israel has gone a little too far. My prayers are for both Lebanon and Israel.

* Political Views
I just try to seek what God's will is. I used to consider myself a Republican because of the abortion issue, but that was stupid. The Democrats are much better with the poor, guns, the environment and a number of other things. "God's Politics," by Jim Wallis, was an eye-opening read for me.
melon said:
I find it uncivilized, and have disdain for those who are pro-life when it comes to abortion and are pro-death when it comes to prisoners.

That's a really good point.
* Iraq War

while democracy is pretty much always a good idea, it matters how democracy arrives. it cannot be delivered with bombs. i don't shed a tear for Saddam, but as someone who was against this war since 2002 and has marched in the streets, not because it was a bad idea, per se, but because the White House is filled with foolish, arrogant, naive, petty men, i knew it was doomed before it even started. that said, the only solution i fear is to internatonalize the occupation and either split Iraq into three states or at least have some sort of semi-tolerable Iraqi populist strongman instill some order. sadly, we've done damage to the country and the region that will last hundreds of years while empowering and emboldening the vastly more dangerous Iranian regime.

* Religion (those that have those that don't)

it's a great source of strength for some, a great way to make hatred and ignorance virtues for others. for me, i don't find much use for it these days, especially organzied religion, as it seems to do much more harm than good. i'm happy for people who's religion makes them happy, though. we need more happy people.

* Abortion

i think abortion is often the worst option, but often it is the only option, and while i might dissuade someone from having one (though i cannot get pregnant nor make anyone pregnant) i firmly believe it must remain legal. women must be in control of when they do and do not get pregnant. i think everyone can view abortion as a tragedy or failure of many circumstances, so let's work to make every pregnancy a wanted pregnancy.

* Stem Cell Research

go science! this is why we have bioethicists. i cannot fathom the logic that views a blastocyst as having the same worth and value as, say, Michael J. Fox.

* Gay Marriage/Rights

100% full rights, responsibilities, and expectations. churches and synagogues and temple can do whatever they want.

* Death Penalty

while i don't shed a tear for most of those who are executed, it seems to me to be wrong on several levels. firstly, the system is fucked, so the innocent go to jail and those with money never face the death penalty. such a final punishment would have to be meted out with 100% accuracy, and that's impossible. i also think that it plays into our basest instincts and elevates revenge over justice. and there's something really warped about trying to show that killing is wrong by killing peoplel

* Gun Control

for strong gun control.

* Israel conflict

insanely complex, and while i support israel's right to exist and to defend itself, i often think it does more harm to itself by defending itself in such a manner as it is doing right now. dead civilians never made anyone safer.

* Political Views

certainly leftist by American standards, though a bit more hawkish than your average European, say, and more libertarian than your average American leftist. can one be a progressive libertarian where the highest value is a vigorous and active social awareness that promotes individual responsibility combined with smart, effective government to solve widespread social problems?
* Iraq War- was against it but there's not much point in that now. my opinion is that it's a hell of a mess.
* Religion (those that have those that don't)- agnostic
* Abortion- pro-choice to a certain extent although late term abortions make me uncomfortable and I'm still very torn on the issue.
* Stem Cell Research- pro.
* Gay Marriage/Rights- pro...I think everything should be a civil union, gay and straight, people can have their marriage ceremonies in whatever church they like.
* Death Penalty- against although I never quite convince myself to actually feel bad for the murderers. but there's too much chance for error.
* Gun Control- a certain amount. banning guns all together would be pointless at this point though.
* Israel conflict- no clue. of course the response in this particular conflict was disproportionate, but they're responding to much larger, repeated provocations. but it'll only make things worse, anyway.
* Political Views- democrat, I guess. I agree with some conservative economic values, not so much the social.:|

Iraq War- used to be for it, now not so much. seems like our troops are just over there to get shot at and blown up.

Religion- against it.

Abortion- pro-choice i guess.

Stem Cell research - absolutely for it. if it can save lives and cure illnesses/injuries then im all for it.

Gay Marriage/Rights - im not gay so what do i care?

Death penalty - for it, although i think of you murdered and butchered several people, getting put to sleep and getting a hot dose is getting off to easy.

Gun control- AGAINST!!:mad: :mad: :mad: i want rocket launchers mounted on my car :lol:

Israel Conflict - i think of it this way, if all these arabs and terrorist cells would just lay down their arms and cease fighting, there would be peace in the middle east. if israel layed down their arms and ceased fighting, they would be massacred and pushed into the sea. so i support israel cause everyone around them hates them and they have a right to defend themselves.

Political views - i dont really care about politics too much, but the views i do have tend to be on the extreme side. :reject:
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* Iraq War - I go back and forth. I support democracy, but there are so many other motives. At this point, I deeply regret going to war, but I feel like we have to help stablize the country before pulling out (as soon as possible)

* Religion (those that have those that don't) - I am Christian Reformed. I support seperation of church and state. I support freedom, democracy, and individual rights, even though some of these rights are things I'd never do myself.

* Abortion - I would never do it, but I support the right to choose.

* Stem Cell Research - Yes. I've learned recently that most of the cells used for research would have been disposed of anyway, and most of them are not even fertilized. Either way, I support it. I'm undecided on how much the government should be responsible for funding this research though.

* Gay Marriage/Rights - I fully support gay marriage, unions, and equal rights (like recognizing parterns as "spouses" for insurance and such). Like I said, seperation of church and state is important to me. Churches have no business trying to regulate civil unions. If a certain church does not recognize gay marriage, fine, but this should not be reflected by the state.

* Death Penalty - I oppose. As a Christian and a pro-lifer when it comes to my own choices, I can't imagine how the death penalty is any different.

* Gun Control - I support the right to own and use firearms for hunting purposes. Weapons designed for killing people should be greatly restricted. Hunters should be required to keep their weapons locked in certified gun safes, to prevent them from falling into the hands of children.

* Political Views - I tend to end up in the middle because on some issues, I'm very liberal and on others, I'm Republican. In general, I support the right to choose, gay unions, regulations on firearms, socialized healthcare, and capitalism and a free market society. I used to be right of center, but I'm becoming more left each day.

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