For Cat Lovers Only XVII - Post Pics, Ask Questions, Comments, Etc.

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I've known a few cats who had the climbing the refrigerator habit.

A lot of times its the highest point in the room or even the house or apartment so its instictively attractive.

and you'd be surprised how high they can jump if they really want to !!:ohmy:

well Oreo is not really the "climber" of the two, that is usually Boomer. Often i find Boomer up on the fireplace mantle looking over the living room like he is king. Oreo has never been able to get up there, or so i thought. But if he can get on top of the fridge....:ohmy:

here is a pic today of them on the bed...Boomer is cleaning himself and Oreo is basically just being a cat.

They are buddies. Often i find them curled up together and they will occasionally groom each other in hard to reach places like between their ears and the back of their necks. Its really cute. They very rarely ever fight or play too rough.
I don't know when we let him out long enough to do that photo shoot...or where the money went. :tsk: I swear, if there's white powder on the carpet...
Nice pic of Oreo and Boomer in the box. That's so great to hear that they've grown up together and actually like eachother.

Many times kittens who grow up together don't get along well once they reach adulthood.

We had this experience while in college. there were three of us friends sharing a house while in college and one of my friends adopted 2 kittens.

they were sisters named Peeka and Boo

Everything was great until they were 8 or 9 months old and then all hell broke loose. we had to physically seperate the two of them and keep them in different parts of the house because the fights were becoming very regular. Eventually it became too much and we had to find another home for Boo.

She went to a good family that we knew so I know she probably ended up having a good life.

Her sister Peeka had a name change and is now known as Dax. and Dax is still with my friend and I get to see her every now and then when I visit their home.

I will post pictures of Dax soon
Holy crap, do cats usually have litters that big?

That's the same thing I said when I saw all of them. :lol:

Not usually. Six is a lot. I just looked up to see what's normal, and it said that the number of kittens in a litter can be up to 9 (although there have been rare cases where it's much higher than that, but they don't usually all survive), but that the average is from 3 - 5 kittens.

I was posting in this thread that day, as they were being born, and in that first picture, the way they're positioned, I thought there were 7 of them at first. :ohmy: It wasn't till I could get a good look at them later in the day that I counted 6.

We have a running joke that Kitty, the mom, was a giant ho while she was out on the ghetto*, before we found her and took her in, and that's why she had so many of them. :wink:

*she's given up her whorish ways, and is quite content to be a non-sexual house cat now.

Oh, and the kittens still lie together like that. :)
I counted several times and I'd still swear there are seven cats there.

You kept all of them? :ohmy:
I counted several times and I'd still swear there are seven cats there.

You kept all of them? :ohmy:

Yeah, the black body and tail to the very right is attached to the black and white head that you can see above it. I thought at first that it was two separate kittens.

Maybe. :shifty:

I didn't mean to! We halfheartedly put out a few ads okay, just one looking for homes for them, but it took ages before anyone responded, and by then, we'd fallen in love with all of them.
:cute: I know the feeling. My sister's dog had a few litters and oh man giving them up was awful :(.
Nice pic of Oreo and Boomer in the box. That's so great to hear that they've grown up together and actually like eachother.

Many times kittens who grow up together don't get along well once they reach adulthood.

We had this experience while in college. there were three of us friends sharing a house while in college and one of my friends adopted 2 kittens.

they were sisters named Peeka and Boo

Everything was great until they were 8 or 9 months old and then all hell broke loose. we had to physically seperate the two of them and keep them in different parts of the house because the fights were becoming very regular. Eventually it became too much and we had to find another home for Boo.

She went to a good family that we knew so I know she probably ended up having a good life.

Her sister Peeka had a name change and is now known as Dax. and Dax is still with my friend and I get to see her every now and then when I visit their home.

I will post pictures of Dax soon

Thanks. Guess we're lucky they do get along so well. Maybe it is because they have such different personalities? Either way its a blessing. :)
Soo, Bowie is kind of cooped up here, he's pretty much stuck on the top floor of the house (when I got him, I thought we'd be moving just a few weeks later, and now here were are 6 months later and I'm still living here). Can you walk a cat?
I'm sure he's ok. If that's all they ever know, they adapt well. You cant let him roam other parts of the house?
last night i hit alex quite hard with a wet tennis ball. i was trying to throw it past him to scare him away from a bird he'd caught, but instead scored a direct hit on his head.

he came back after an hour and was very friendly, and today it's like it never happened (maybe he doesn't remember because i got him so good).

sadly sam found where i left the bird to recover...and well....yeah
I'm sure he's ok. If that's all they ever know, they adapt well. You cant let him roam other parts of the house?

He's just been kind of insane the last few days and I'm worried he's getting cabin fever.

When I got the cat, I promised my step-dad he'd stick to upstairs, since he hates cats, like I said, that's when Bowie was 6 weeks old and I thought we were on the verge of moving out.

Now my step-dad's being stubborn about the whole thing since I promised to keep him upstairs :blahblah:. I'm just worried he's going to develop some kind of issues from this. :sigh:, I've only wanted the best for him, I never meant for things to be like this.
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