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We’re collaborating with Apple on some cool stuff over the next couple of years, innovations that will transform the way music is listened to and viewed. We’ll keep you posted. If you like Songs of Innocence, stay with us for Songs of Experience. It should be ready soon enough… although I know I’ve said that before…

Songs of Experience... follow-up to this one. :)
I've only heard the first two tracks. The Miracle is underwhelming. Every Breaking Wave is phenomenal. I love the 80s pop tone of it.
I'm still processing the whole thing. I found out the album was out literally thirty minutes ago. But my first impression is the same as of the two singles earlier this year. Very fresh, very modern sound.

No one song has grabbed me yet of the first four that I've heard but again I'm still in shock the album is even here.
We’re collaborating with Apple on some cool stuff over the next couple of years, innovations that will transform the way music is listened to and viewed. We’ll keep you posted. If you like Songs of Innocence, stay with us for Songs of Experience. It should be ready soon enough… although I know I’ve said that before…

The less interesting song, almost boring is Song For Someone...

Well in the end I think this album sound more or less like I thought Pop would sound before it was released back in 97 with all the talk and stuff.
I am still undecided about Songs... but one thing I can't deny, it sounds like U2 re energized. Maybe its not the greatest album ever, but sounds like a band 15 years younger than the band in No Line.
Songs of innocence and experience by William Blake. Maybe there will be a second album, songs of experience!

Well done!!! From Bono's letter:

"We’re collaborating with Apple on some cool stuff over the next couple of years, innovations that will transform the way music is listened to and viewed. We’ll keep you posted. If you like Songs of Innocence, stay with us for Songs of Experience. It should be ready soon enough… although I know I’ve said that before…"
Ladies and Gents - we have a new sound. And I like it....this is what we've been waiting for.

Fewer mid-tempo songs, more rockers, no clunkers yet after 2 listens per song...though the live performance today was meh...

Let's let this grow on us for a few weeks now.
they're on fighting form, upped their bloody game they have, bass, drum, guitar, vocals, all present and correct - i adore it :D
Bono just said we'd get ANOTHER album and I swear to God I believe him.

After today, nothing is the same.

Makes sense with the 2015 tour start, they could throw another one out just before Christmas. Why not? Albums is easy, apparently.

Christmas came early for everybody here and all the U2 fans around the world - releasing it to the world for free is a good marketing move to get some new fans that have never heard U2s music or heard of U2 - yes they do exist shockingly :)
oh snap

"If you like Songs of Innocence, stay with us for Songs of Experience. It should be ready soon enough… although I know I’ve said that before…" -Bono
At least now we know that all we've gotta do to get a new U2 album is have Bono and Tim Cook awkwardly touch fingers... :wink:
People, people...let's not get too hyped up by Bono's comments, and just enjoy this new album. It's a miracle they released it to the world.
Can we have a thread for songs of experience please :)

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Isn't that a pic of Larry's tattoo on the album?

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