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Its skipping woman!!!!! Skipping!!! I could my picutre in it but its too big so that'll do

Is being mean to me today

His hair ruined that pic :mad:

Haha I look funny.......brb.... Ill change it for a wee second

doesnt reply to my Pm's

Likes her avatar she made

Hello Kitty was nicer dammit I lost it I gotta find it again I stole it from another forum heehee!
^^^but is living in ireland nevertheless :madspit:

:D better? :lmao:


  • avatar_larakitty.jpg
    2 KB · Views: 15

makes funniest avatars :lmao:

You live in Germany get Milka chocolate!! And my Dads teaching himself german its doing me box in

Hes been in this whole Hitler thing and gets Hitler books, then that went on to German music the German Military Marches. then he gets German newspapers....I dunno he gets books from the library and reads them in bed I think cus they are in my mum and dads room

He did a degree cus his work paid for it and he taught himself Maths and Physics to University Level for "fun"

He cant speak French or Spanish though so hes useless for homework help

Oh and he paints and used to be a photographer

Hes a right geek!
^is the second person to tell me about a picture of daniel day-lewis in a current magazine

awesome! *still haven't found it yet, curse my lack of internet surfing skills*
^^is hanging a carrot in front of my face...not that i'm a mule or

i wasn't..but now i am cause i was quite off (i just looked at your profile...)
^is older than me

i got side tracked into making a new avatar while looking for the picture...

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