Christmas Thoughts And Wishes.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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The Fly
Apr 24, 2003
Christmas is fast approaching and thoughts of it brought to my mind the promise of another new year. U2's song 'New Year's Day epitomises everything at the moment. The conflict in Iraq. The waste of innocent life. Families destroyed. Not to get bogged down in politics or anything but always when I hear this song I think of change. The snow. The horses galloping. The white flag fluttering. Spreading the message. Of Hope!


Share your pre Christmas thoughts. Whatever they may be.

Nice idea Hanover! I'm sure we'll think of something as the time gets closer!
I like the idea, too. We all want to stop the war, or stop terrorism, or stop world AIDS, the whole thing........STOP THE INFAMY! I'll think of some ideas.
I want the peace that everyone expresses this time of year to continue on all year long. I've never understood that-if we can manage to be nice to each other for a month, why can't we make it all year?

Hell, soldiers have been known to have cease-fires around Christmastime. Why can't they make those cease-fires permanent, then?

"Peace On Earth" is a song that I really relate to when it comes to that issue-I totally understand Bono's frustration in that song.

So I'll send wishes of peace and harmony to everyone out there in the world this holiday season, and continue to hope that one day peace will not just be something expressed at Christmas and then forgotten not long after.

Thanks ladies. I admit my post may be somewhat premature. Yet Chrismas isn't that far away. What I'd love aside from the things we've already touched on is for my entire family to be together again just for that one special day. My sister, Theresa, My brother Michael, who both died relatively young and for my parents too be alive again, to meet the grandchildren they never knew and for me especially to say those words with more love than ever before as I embrace them.. "Merry Christmas!"

Soppy, eh?
I want a friend of mine to not be in Baghdad on Christmas (which is likely). As much as he feels it is his duty to protect our nation, if not for himself, he should be allowed to come home for his family's sake.

I want people to become more educated about the issue of AIDS, and realize that Asia's next on the list; the suffering will not be isolated to Africa. Our ignorance and arrogance will eventually catch up with us. I want to not be ashamed of my country because of what they have or have not done regarding this issue.

AND my selfish wish: I want my parents to lighten up and let me go away with my boyfriend for break, because I want to see him sing in a wedding and be dressed up (he's a REALLY good singer and I don't think I'll EVER see him in a suit unless we end up getting married!).
OK, so the soldier friend I referred to earlier I found out today was hit by shrapnel. He's in a hospital in Germany. :(

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