Caption Thread #15

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tlski said:
Who's Andrea and Sharon?:scratch: :shrug:

they're both sisters, and members of the band The Corrs... in the pics with Andrea their brother Jim is sitting next to her... they're close friends of Bono and Ali

Edge: Is he looking?
Larry: No...I think he's too interested in Conan's hand movements...
Conan: The fish was this big, you say?
Bono: Oh yeah. Actually, I think it was bigger than that...:blahblah:
Edge: Right. Tell Adam to get the superglue ready.
Larry: Psst, Adam, he's distracted. You got that superglue?
Adam: I used it on his mug already, you arse!
Larry: No you didn't! He just took a drink from it two seconds ago!
Adam: Really?......Oh, maybe that's why the director's having a hard time letting go of his!:hmm:
Larry and Edge: :ohmy:
Director *from behind camera*::mad::rant:
Larry and Edge: :yikes:
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So what's the story about Adam and the superglue?

I know I ask alot of questions but I wasn't here at that time and I missed all the fun...:shrug:
BonoFox1 said:


Here is Bono Kissing the other Corr on the head :lol:

BTW The girl standing next to Bono in ythe pink blouse is Edge's daughter Hollie *Bono's God-child*

That's not Hollie, but I still luv ya anyway!!! :giggle: :hug:
Could be....or Blue....I remember seeing a pic of Hollie ages ago and I thought that she looked a hell of a lot like Aislin, but I could be wrong.....I just remember she had sharper features and huge eyes..... :D
BonoFox1 said:


Here is Bono Kissing the other Corr on the head :lol:

BTW The girl standing next to Bono in ythe pink blouse is Edge's daughter Hollie *Bono's God-child*
That's actually Arran in the pink blouse :D I have no idea who the girl in that last pic is though :hmm:
Thanks for that Kaf! Yep, the more I look and think about it I can see that it is Arran!! We'll keep you on another week - you're quite useful!! Lol!!
kafrun said:

That's actually Arran in the pink blouse :D I have no idea who the girl in that last pic is though :hmm:

That’s Sharon Corr.
I’ve been at a concert of The Corrs and I became a fan. They are very nice people; they’re beautiful and very talented.:yes:
^ Ahh, ok :) Thankya!

gluey said:
Thanks for that Kaf! Yep, the more I look and think about it I can see that it is Arran!! We'll keep you on another week - you're quite useful!! Lol!!
:eek: I try :flirt:
I guess I'll save us with a caption then :tongue:


Larry: No Bono, it was during her second marriage to Eduardo that she got pregnant by their priest :rolleyes:
Bono: But wasn't he cheating on her with her sister Consuela at the time? :confused:
Edge: ... :eyebrow:
Larry: Yeah, and she got pregnant too!
Bono: :ohmy: Wow, so that explains why he was acting so strange. Do you think the babies got switched at birth?
Edge: ...Adam, what the bloody hell are they on about?
Larry: Of course they got switched at birth! :rolleyes:
Adam: :yawn: De Amor y Tentacion.
Edge: ...What's that?
Adam: Their favourite Mexican soap opera.
DreamOutLoud13 said:
I guess I'll save us with a caption then :tongue:


Larry: No Bono, it was during her second marriage to Eduardo that she got pregnant by their priest :rolleyes:
Bono: But wasn't he cheating on her with her sister Consuela at the time? :confused:
Edge: ... :eyebrow:
Larry: Yeah, and she got pregnant too!
Bono: :ohmy: Wow, so that explains why he was acting so strange. Do you think the babies got switched at birth?
Edge: ...Adam, what the bloody hell are they on about?
Larry: Of course they got switched at birth! :rolleyes:
Adam: :yawn: De Amor y Tentacion.
Edge: ...What's that?
Adam: Their favourite Mexican soap opera.


I soooooooooo need a smiley that spits on it's keyboard.......I was laughing at the first line!!!! :applaud:
kafrun said:
Pavarotti should've known better than to leave Bono unattended with the fingerpaints..


:bono: one's looking :shifty: OOHH, I MADE PRETTEH PICTURZ :hyper: .....:shifty:


:lmao: Does anyone find it even more funny cause the finger prints are green?
DreamOutLoud13 said:
I guess I'll save us with a caption then :tongue:


Larry: No Bono, it was during her second marriage to Eduardo that she got pregnant by their priest :rolleyes:
Bono: But wasn't he cheating on her with her sister Consuela at the time? :confused:
Edge: ... :eyebrow:
Larry: Yeah, and she got pregnant too!
Bono: :ohmy: Wow, so that explains why he was acting so strange. Do you think the babies got switched at birth?
Edge: ...Adam, what the bloody hell are they on about?
Larry: Of course they got switched at birth! :rolleyes:
Adam: :yawn: De Amor y Tentacion.
Edge: ...What's that?
Adam: Their favourite Mexican soap opera.

:lmao: :lmao: amazing DOL!!!
...I'm giving this a go too.

*clip plays on the screen*
Bono: ....they're playing that clip again, aren't they? :|


Random person offscreen: Bono, you got something on your face.
Bono: *rubs face* Where? I didn't see anything in the mirror. *feels about* :ohmy:

:reject: Sorry if they're not that great...XD I'm a bit new to this.

:edge: you had to tell the stewerdess that you had something shiny in your just HAD to tell her! now look what you've done!!! :mad:
:larry: actually its not that bad here, kinda breezy
:adam: you gotta be kidding me...even COLDPLAY has their own plane??? :confused:
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