
The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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The Fly
Jun 25, 2001
the duldrums of winter break are beginning to wear on me and i'm running out of entertainment. pictures of my favorite buttonolly challenged man (i have no idea how buttonolly would be spelled)larry mullen will cure me of my boredom. actually, how about all of the boys being buttonolly challenged...i KNOW ive seen adam pulling a little larry action.


It doesn't matter what songs we sing. I'm a drummer. Chicks dig me. - Larry
Sorry to take up space...thought I had it...but I guess not

And your earth moves beneath
Your own dream landscape

You can dream, so dream out loud!

"The way to be optimistic is not to shut your eyes and close your ears." -Bono

Create Light, Create Unity, Create Joy, CREATE PEACE!

[This message has been edited by hippyactress (edited 01-07-2002).]
Ooooohhhh Humina Humina Humina
*drooooooool* He's a sexy mofo *gets a button popped in her eye while sewing it on* and look what I do, but hey I can't complain at least it's the closest I can get to him, besides waxing his chest

The U2 revolution has been reinstated.

THE Larry Mullen Jr. Page

Meeting Larry:
*MG shows Larry poster*
*Larry reads poster*
*Larry smiles and says "Thank you that's very nice of you"*
*Larry signs paper, shakes MG's hand*
*MG almost dies then sees tearaway pants and gets bad ideas*

feck! larry! your button shot me in the eye! get a decent seamstress for goodness sakes!


btw, ask not why his hair is blue becuase i do not know.

It doesn't matter what songs we sing. I'm a drummer. Chicks dig me. - Larry

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