Boston, March 11...location/tickets?

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Work time, I'm out. Good luck the rest of the day everyone! I gotta go make some dough so I can buy tour tickets :huh:

My friend was caller 7 on Magic. I was listening to ZLX while hammering away the redial for Magic. Then my phone rang. My buddy already having been 7, I knew I was VERY close. It rang 15 times and then disconnected me. So I was on the bank with the winner. Son. Of. A.....

Didn't get through on ZLX.
Hey U2 fanatics,

I have been to a show at the Somerville Theater. Sorry, if someone has posted about this sort of thing in these 63 pages. I may have missed it! Anyways, in June of 2007 I found my way into a Ryan Adams & The Cardinals show. Tickets sold out and I showed up and one of my lucky friends with a ticket came out and did the old swap. So in other words he took his friends ticket and his own which he gave to me to let me in. It worked and I found myself in the balcony. I think it was all GA? The place is really nice and big. The other 4 theaters are strictly for movies only. There's no place for a stage upfront below a screen. I've seen Mulholland Drive, Before The Devil Knows You're Dead, & 28 Weeks Later. Ironically, my best friend used to live literally 2 minutes walking distance from the theater. That's why I tried the Ryan Adams thing to begin with. I parked on his street (named after a man) and walked over.

I don't know Somerville well enough but can they really blockade Davis Square to avoid a mass cluster fuck of people? There are plenty of cool places to eat at and hang out: Johnny D's, Orleans, JP Licks, Rosebuds, Wings, Anna's Taquiera, Deli-Icious(!!),Mike's, Joshua Tree, Spike's, etc. I'm sure you guys all know Davis Square. Maybe this is for the people coming in from outside New England.

Anyways, lastly the sound was very impressive at the Somerville Theater. It was an acoustic show btw and it was great. A little tight up in the balcony, but what balcony isn't in Boston right?



PS I still think this isn't the real venue!! Just smoke and mirrors.

Am I remembering correctly that Bruce Springsteen did a show at the Somerville theater? Who am I thinking of?

My friend was caller 7 on Magic. I was listening to ZLX while hammering away the redial for Magic. Then my phone rang. My buddy already having been 7, I knew I was VERY close. It rang 15 times and then disconnected me. So I was on the bank with the winner. Son. Of. A.....

Didn't get through on ZLX.

Did you guys call from the BEGINNING of the song? Planning for Beautiful Day at 4:36....
I've been the the Somerville Theater many times, since I live about 1/5th of a mile away. I took my wife to Ben Gibbard (singer from Death Cab) there. The sound really is nice. That said, it's full of seats which is kind of a bummer. Definitely not a "club show" as has been billed.

I take solace in the fact that even if I did get in, it's unlikely I'd get closer than I was for many nights on the Vertigo Tour. I was front row to that 3 times and right up there another 6 or 7. I've clearly had my share of U2 luck over the years.
More perspective - riding around looking for some moron in Sexy Boots on the common I must have passed 8 or 9 pieces of soaking wet cardboard in the snow. Some people call those "beds." This is a rock show. I'll live!


<Good Will Hunting>Sure would be nice to catch that show, though.</Good Will Hunting>
Part of me wants to give up. And the other part is planning on calling WAAF, WBCN, and MikeFM later.

I've been the the Somerville Theater many times, since I live about 1/5th of a mile away. I took my wife to Ben Gibbard (singer from Death Cab) there. The sound really is nice. That said, it's full of seats which is kind of a bummer. Definitely not a "club show" as has been billed.

I take solace in the fact that even if I did get in, it's unlikely I'd get closer than I was for many nights on the Vertigo Tour. I was front row to that 3 times and right up there another 6 or 7. I've clearly had my share of U2 luck over the years.

That's what I've been thinking too. There's no way I could line up first thing in the morning to get really, really good seats/position. I've been in the heart or ellipse a few times. I was part of the ticket upgrade in 91' that sent me front row center once.

That being said, I didn't win a chance to go to a book signing. This would be nice.....:wave:
will someone PLEASE PLEASE tell me when the song is played? i cannot listen to the radio right now...
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