Bono's Dancing Girls VIII - Were you one of the chosen? Wish you were? Post/chat here

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uhm according to miro it's from somebody's quote.. leonard cohen I think it was.. maybe she can tell the exact thing.. but it was about kneeling.. sadly I can't remember it :wink:
Finally watched that video... :cute:

Again, I don't think my "dance" was that bad nor is this one... :uhoh:

Other than the teeny eeny tiny kiss she "asked" for, everything else was pretty much initiated by him.

so what is this about me GG? :lost:

uhm when you emailed me with the files, you said something that the kneeling in front of you had a meaning somewhere... I can't rmember it much anymore, but you told me a quote of somebody ... I know, I'm confusing, but I can't explain it elseway since I hardly remember it .. hmm maybe I have your email saved somewhere..
:reject: Sorry, I can't find it anymore.. the only things I saved were some lists...
hope you understand my blabbing then :wink:
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I have no clue. I dont recall ever saying anything like that :lol: I have no clue what the kneeling means other than our guy's a lil strange :D
Dont answer this because it against the rules, but I wonder what bonos wife thinks of him dancing like this with these attractive women?

In real life I know men who get in trouble by just looking at women.
we shouldn't answer it because it is against the rules?
may I ask why you are asking this in the first place then, since that is against the rules aswell?
U2STEVE70 said:
Dont answer this because it against the rules, but I wonder what bonos wife thinks of him dancing like this with these attractive women?

In real life I know men who get in trouble by just looking at women.

If I was Ali I would not get mad beacuse, Bono is just putting on a show. Ali knows it means nothing to him and he will always be her man.
Aw Miro I was only playing, I know your dance wasn't band and neither was hers :wink:
I found a few from my stash -





I've been sorting my kazillion Vertigo Tour pics and I found a bunch of Allidreamsoutloud (at least I think it's her, we've never really officially met, lol) that I don't think she's seen or has. Hope it's ok to post them here for her. They're really fun pics!







Anyone have a photo of the girl that danced at Miami 1 Nov. 13, 2005? I think the girl was from Venezuela and I think Adam found a special place for her in his "heart" (cough, cough) after one of the Australia shows. I think she danced then too. Heard she's beautiful.
U2FloridaFan said:
Anyone have a photo of the girl that danced at Miami 1 Nov. 13, 2005? I think the girl was from Venezuela and I think Adam found a special place for her in his "heart" (cough, cough) after one of the Australia shows. I think she danced then too. Heard she's beautiful. :)


Hmm...not sure if that's the girl my friend in Australia was talking about or not. Does anyone have the girl from Melbourne 1, is it the same girl?
Anji said:
Is anyone here in touch with Khelia? If so, can you pass her my email address. I have a photo I took of her last year. I would like to send it to her

Thanks :D

Edited to remove email address, Job done :wink:
I don' know if any of you have seen my video I shot of her (Kheila) dancing with Bono at Glendale Arena. I had two shots and put it together. Most while they are dancing and then when he brings her back to the front of the stage and he is panting all out of breath. it is so funny!!! It is short but ENJOY!!!
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