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I just got to this one, AND I KNOW IT! not by name, but I have heard it before :love:

The chorus is just perfect. Anthemic and catchy, with strong lyrics.

There are other really good songs on that album too. Bob Dylan was very much involved in the making of it.
Yes, Axver, I get it. You don't like the Beatles. But it's okay. They probably don't like you, either. :happy:

I hope Lennon hated me.

And hurrah, I'm nearly up to the list getting good. Almost on the Spiritualized track.
Have you got all the Thomas the Tank DVD's :wink:

As a surprising matter of fact, I have none!

Hell, I have nothing of the Thomas stuff I owned when I was a child - none of the toys, videos, books, or magazines. I wish I'd kept some of it now, but we sold it all when we left New Zealand.
The chorus is just perfect. Anthemic and catchy, with strong lyrics.

There are other really good songs on that album too. Bob Dylan was very much involved in the making of it.

Yeah, I was checking the tracklisting on wikipedia and noticed how much Dylan had to do with it :combust:
As a surprising matter of fact, I have none!

Hell, I have nothing of the Thomas stuff I owned when I was a child - none of the toys, videos, books, or magazines. I wish I'd kept some of it now, but we sold it all when we left New Zealand.

awww :hug:

My nephew is so :cute: when he sings the theme tune but i'm hoping it's only a phase he's going through :pray:
My nephew is so :cute: when he sings the theme tune but i'm hoping it's only a phase he's going through :pray:

I'm just aghast that Thomas now has a theme song. Besides the fact it's shit, IT'S NOT THOMAS.

It's meant to be that awesome tune from the early seasons that I can still hum. Doo doo doo-doo doo do ...
Personally i'm thankful my dad was into the Rolling Stones and Beatles, it lead me to the music i enjoy today

If i'd been influenced by my mum's Cliff Richard, taste i'd hate to know where i'd be today :yikes::crack:

For the record, the one band that has been the most influential on my music taste are The Shadows, who were on occasion Cliff Richard's backing band. Poor guys. I suppose it paid the bills.
So Axver, you at the awesome part yet? :wink:

Yeah, though today's probably not the best day to have heard Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space for personal reasons. Yesterday was the 5th anniversary of when I met Kate and it's still on my mind.

But let's not bring the thread down. Half Light is, as I've said before, a song that's only recently really struck me and grown on me quite a considerable deal in the last 1.5 years.
At least in my neck of the woods, contrary to popular belief, the actual name of the show is Shining Time Station.

Oh, they changed the title for the American version too? I knew it had a different narrator and some of the terminology was changed to American usage. Here, the show is simply Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends.
Oh, they changed the title for the American version too? I knew it had a different narrator and some of the terminology was changed to American usage. Here, the show is simply Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends.

No way dude, we always had us some kick ass Ringo Starr up in this place.
You're like a lady of the night :wink:

If by lady of the night you mean nerding it up listening to indiemusic/classic rock, reading webcomix, and chatting on a message board til the wee hours of the night...then exactly.
No way dude, we always had us some kick ass Ringo Starr up in this place.

I think you guys had a different chap than we had for season three onwards (after Ringo left)?

I should just check Wikipedia ...

And hey, Andrew, I see you're using PF under their Airbag alterego. :wink:
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