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Re: Re: Cable t.v. or not to cable?

BostonAnne said:

Verte, it you still haven't seen the speeches try this:

Load up realplayer and click on file->open and paste in the below link.


(FYI - Bono & Edge come on at 1 hour 5 min.)

Stonewall - Bush Sr.'s speech on Clinton stuck out to me more than Bush Jr's. The whole thing was incredible! :)

Thanks for posting that link Anne!:)
I finally got to watch this.:up:

2 things I took from this-

1- GW knows how to work ppl's heart's and mind's:hmm:
By showing up to the dedication and paying Clinton effusive compliments how can he ever be hated by Clinton or accused of not reaching out?:eyebrow:

2-By GW being there and watching Bono and Edge perform, this was like a musical field trip for him.
Not quite Garth Brooks for GW but he can say that he's seen Bono perform.

It made me a bit sad that Clinton and GW were talking during the musical performances.

It was great to Chelsea blosom into a beautiful young woman.
'wannabee, i'm not suggesting that she should be feared because she is a woman and has power. i'm saying that she is feared because she is a woman and has power. what should be and what is are two different things. although i'd say, as a male, she shouldn't win cause she's ugly :|
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Re: Bush! - Clinton! - Bush! - Clinton?

Stonewall said:

A) Thanx for your sorta compliment re: my Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton observation/connection. I'm sure U heard Bill Clinton go out of his way the other evening and strongly compliment George Bush Jr. -- especially saying that prior to the election he publicly stated: "Why in these United States of America can't people like both President Bush and John Kerry?" That is very heavy, honest and humane and especially from a Democrat president, who is supposed to be supporting and praising only the Dem candidate. Of course, we know who the CLINTONS wanted to win. And, he did! :D:

I think it is wonderful that Clinton enourages everyone to look beyond the Republican and Democratic Labels to see the people behind them. I totally agree with this approach and apply it myself. While I don't agree with Bush's politics - I think you all know that I never post in threads that personally attack Bush. Not them, only us...

I don't agree with your statement that he WANTED Bush to win. That is ridiculous. :rolleyes: He campaigned for Kerry and also had kind words for Kerry later on in the speech - siting that he didn't know if Kerry was there in the sea of umbrellas. I think you are taking his positive role-model outlook regarding the polictical division in our country a step too far.
I don't agree that Clinton wanted Bush to win either. This is a "conspiracy" theory. I think it's interesting that the conspiracy theory is only believed on the right. I don't know of any Democrats who believe that the Clintons wanted Bush to win to make way for Hillary in 2008. In fact, the whole "Hillary in 2008" is something I have yet to hear from any Democrat. Of course I admit I haven't read anything political since the election. This might sound strange since I'm posting in FYM but I'm actually sick of politics and I'm not reading any strictly political stuff these days. I haven't watched any news, read any newspapers or news magazines or anything in weeks now. So I could be missing out on the Democrats and Hillary. Right now I don't even care.
blueyedpoet said:
'wannabee, i'm not suggesting that she should be feared because she is a woman and has power. i'm saying that she is feared because she is a woman and has power. what should be and what is are two different things. although i'd say, as a male, she shouldn't win cause she's ugly :|
I actually understood this. My argument was actually against society, and how we take all this "male dominance" way too far. I do understand where you're coming from, believe it or not. We aren't exactly "there yet" in society, and I don't know when the day will come.
verte76 said:
This might sound strange since I'm posting in FYM but I'm actually sick of politics and I'm not reading any strictly political stuff these days.
I know where you're coming from. Nobody could count how many lives have been taken because of politics. Even if we tried, it would get too... political.
Bush! * Clinton! * Bush!! * Clinton??

BostonAnne said:
I think it is wonderful that Clinton enourages everyone to look beyond the Republican and Democratic labels to see the people behind them..... I don't agree with your statement that he WANTED Bush to win. That is ridiculous. He campaigned for Kerry....
Very few people didn't realize that THE CLINTONS didn't want KERRY to win. That was common sense strategy. Since the election, after KERRY, in fact, lost and HILLARY was thrust to the front of the Dem contenders for 2008, more people became aware of it. Thus, it is not "ridiculous" to believe something which (a) most people believe and (b) is a reality. Personally, with a Bachelor of Arts and a Master's Degree in political science, I have to tell U that I would not know how to make a "ridiculous" political analysis -- particularly one that is as clear as a glass of water. :tongue:

CLINTON campaigned for KERRY?? That's news. Anne (from Boston), please. :rolleyes: Very ironically, as everyone knows, BILL CLINTON was hospitalized before Labor Day, the crucial beginning of the real political campaign season. Annie (from KERRY's home state), the former President WJC had major, life-saving heart surgery! He was recovering not campaigning. Campaigned for KERRY? Mr. BILL wasn't even able. Oh, and Mrs. CLINTON, besides being a U.S. Senator, couldn't really campaign either -- she had to tend to her recuperating husband! It's really theoretically true -- and as the Church Lady says, "How convenient!" Then, nearly two vast months later at the very bitter end of the campaign, President CLINTON, understandably physically weak, "campaigned" one day -- that was mainly a welcome back for CLINTON for being well enough to be in public again. It was applause for him not KERRY. Former President CLINTON "campaigned" that day in Florida. BUSH won Florida! :) On one other day, CLINTON "campaigned" in his homestate of Arkansas. BUSH won there, too. :wink:

To boot, THE CLINTONS would have had to been political fools -- and they surely are anything but -- to vote against their own viable chances of being residents in the White House again! They are not going to and cannot come out and publicly state that. Had KERRY won, it would have ended that real possibility of another presidency by a CLINTON. Like this idea or not, like THE CLINTONS or not, it nonetheless was/is the reality. It was a strategy. It worked. :|

See an ad which summizes the preference of many who were for BUSH in '04 and HILLARY in '08:
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For Bush in '04, Hillary in'08.......that's so philosophically inconsistent, and speaking of degrees I have a minor in philosophy. It makes no sense, jumping from the hard-core right to left of center.
BUSH in 2004 and HILLARY in 2008

Hey, Verte, greetings to U 2.

Glad to read about your philosophy degree. As a Liberal Arts major (yes, believe it or not), philosophy was also included in my Master's Degree in Social Sciences. Of course, no one needs any degree -- or even to have finished elementary school -- to know that HILLARY voted for BUSH Jr. earlier this month. As I indicated, she would of had to been a political imbecile not to. :ohmy:

Let me state this big time fact to more clearly connect the political
dots for the the BUSH-CLINTON connection.

The most famous New York City Democrat in New York City history is undisputedly the internationally-known, former three-term Mayor Ed KOCH! In 1981, he incredibly had both the Democrat and Republican -- as well as the Liberal -- lines for NYC Mayor. (He won with 81%.) He not only (and very early out) supported Republican GEORGE BUSH Jr. for re-election as President but Mayor KOCH is =the one= who opened the 2004 National Republican Convention in Manhattan just three months ago. Imagine, it was opened by a Dem! I'm impressed. Anyway, moreover, as requested personally by the President, Mayor KOCH travelled, served as a surrogate and spoke publicly on behalf of the BUSH/CHENEY campaign, including Florida, where they won! :)

View BUSH Jr./Sen. CLINTON connection political ad:

Being for BUSH in 2004 and HILLARY in 2008 is really not going from any "extremes". As U know, I always remind folks that just as TRENT LOTT (ugh!) used to be a dedicated Democrat, HILLARY (yeah!) used to be a fierce Republican. Hello! On matters such as the "War on Terror" and U.S. border security (a growing issue), HILL is surely not "left of center". In reality, on the borders issue, Sen. HRC is way ahead-of-the-curve and actually is to the right of most Republicans -- including BUSH! Oh, yesss, she is. :wink: U really should at least watch "Meet The Press" if not "Hardball", "Inside Politics", "Special Report with Brit Hume", etc. Who has the BUSH-supporting Mayor KOCH publicly and frequently on national t.v. endorsed for President in 2008? HILLARY!! :applaud:
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Egads, Stonewall, you're doing a damn good job of talking me *out* of voting for Hillary in 2008 which I didn't plan to do anyway. It's Richardson or Vilsak for me.
Re: Bush! * Clinton! * Bush!! * Clinton??

Stonewall said:

CLINTON campaigned for KERRY?? That's news. Anne (from Boston), please. :rolleyes: Very ironically, as everyone knows, BILL CLINTON was hospitalized before Labor Day, the crucial beginning of the real political campaign season. Annie (from KERRY's home state), the former President WJC had major, life-saving heart surgery! He was recovering not campaigning. Campaigned for KERRY? Mr. BILL wasn't even able. Oh, and Mrs.

Somehow, I feel that you are insulting me.

So you are saying that the months before his surgery didn't count? I followed the campaign and have never read anything related to your speculation. That's all it is - speculation.

Bill Clinton has criticized quite a few things that Bush has done - first and foremost the tax cut. He praised things that Kerry has done.

Please post facts if you want to continue this silly argument - not some skewed opinion.

In this article - it is noted that Clinton is a democrat - praising Kerry and criticizing Bush's politics.

In this link - Kerry states that it's glad to have Clinton BACK - not joining.
:ohmy: a DEMOCRAT??? shocking. i also find it interesting (anne or verte whoever brought it up) that only republicans are saying that are going with the conspiracty theory that the clintons wanted bush to win. if clinton "supported" bush, he didn't have to come out and say it. all he would have to do was "not support" kerry. that whole conspiracy is crap.
Bush! * Clinton! * Bush!! * Clinton??

U2Democrat said:
Don't forget Mark Warner, Verte!
Aren't U Girlz glad that I livened up this holiday weekend Sunday afternoon? After all, November is the most political month of the year and don't we want to savour it right thru the 30th? :)

Anyway, I agree with U2-D about WARNER. He's a fine person and sensible (not left-wing). He's now even a candidate for head of the DNC. :wink:

Miss Verte, RICHARDSON What and VILSACK Who have about as much chance in 2008 as LIEBERMAN (who we all like but can't win) and GRAHAM had in 2004! Zilch and zero. :|
Bush! * Clinton! * Bush!! * Clinton??

BostonAnne said:
Somehow, I feel that you are insulting me.
So you are saying that the months before his surgery didn't count? I followed the campaign and have never read anything related to your speculation. That's all it is - speculation.
No, not insulting U but pointing out the facts that U are (a) from KERRY's homestate and (b) U are an avid JK supporter. Think about it, B.A., U don't really remember CLINTON actually campaigning for KERRY before his hospitalization, heart surgery, hospital stay, recovery, etc. -- do U? WJC, when asked repeatedly, said that he would "camp" for KERRY after Labor Day. Tink about it! :eyebrow:

I have to conclude that U Girlz (BA, U2 and V) do not watch any of the very popular and highly-rated cable t.v. political shows. I mean, if NM Gov. BILL R. (who is on Fox News Channel regularly) acknowledged (more than 10X) that there was a pro-HILLARY movement that urged voting for BUSH '04 and HILLARY '08, how could U all claim to not know it? :huh: In hindsight, I think that U did. When U actually see a paid political ad for such -- and there were many -- it is no longer "speculation". It is reality! :)

As a sample -- U can't miss it -- plz. see:
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Re: Bush! * Clinton! * Bush!! * Clinton??

Stonewall said:

U don't really remember CLINTON actually campaigning for KERRY before his hospitalization, heart surgery, hospital stay, recovery, etc. -- do U? WJC, when asked repeatedly, said that he would "camp" for KERRY after Labor Day. Tink about it! :eyebrow:

Whenever I read about Clinton during the campaign - he was supporting Kerry and criticizing Bush policies. I linked to two examples, one was from May. U2Democrat cited other examples. Please link to one of the repeated times that he said that he would "camp" for kerry after Labor day. I have nothing to think about.
Yeah, I remember Bill Clinton speaking at the DNC about homeland security, telling people that Kerry is not weak on defense.
X-Prez CLINTON proudly praises Republican Prez BUSH Jr.!

U2Democrat said:
mark the record....
i'll probably only say this once but....
i agree with stonewall.
there it's said. :wink:

:drool: OMG! :drool: Good Gawd Almighty! :drool: Jeeze! US! :drool: Allah & the Virgins! :drool: Wow!!!
"Thanksgiving" for real arrived late -- but, ohhh!, was it worth the Virginian wait! :wink:

Note: Just spell STONEWALL with a capital "S". Ms. U2D can continue to "spell" democrat, kerry, teresa, dean, verte, boston, anne, edwards, pax, jimmy carter, bono, etc. in lower case / small letters, if U insist. :|

P.S. Besides his wife, daughter, dog, cat and KERRY, who did former President BILL CLINTON make a very strong and somewhat surprising yet proud point of praising big time at his recent Presidential Library opening? Oh, besides, GOREY! It was (....drumroll....): President GEORGE W. BUSH, Jr. :lmao:
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Re: Allah is showing his good side!

Stonewall said:
Note: Just spell Stonewall w/ a capital "S". U can continue to "spell" democrat, kerry, teresa, dean, verte, boston, anne, edwards, pax, etc. in lower case/small letters, if U insist. :|
Ooohh that's harsh. I've noticed U2Democrat does like to use lowercase.
Re: Allah is showing his good side!

Stonewall said:
P.S. Besides his wife, daughter, dog, cat and KERRY, who did Prez CLINTON make a strong point of praising at his recent library opening? No, not AL GORE! :sad: It was: President GEORGE W. BUSH, Jr. :lmao:

He did not forget Al Gore, AND Bush, Jr was on stage and had just finished a speech complimenting Clinton.

I want to say a special word of thanks to Al Gore and to Tipper for the indispensable contribution that they made.

I'm done talking to you about this. You are silly to read so much into it - as anything I've ever seen or read indicates that Clinton supports the democratic party and those who serve in it - including Kerry.
For the record, I cut Clinton off when he talked of Al Gore during his Library speech. Here's the rest of it:

And I told Al today that this library won an international environmental award even though it's got a lot of glass because the solar panels and a lot of other improvements. We cut the energy usage here by 34 percent.

So, Al, thanks for the inspiration. And I'm still trying to measure up to the challenge you set for me so long ago.

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