Augmented Reality?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Clearly the AR tech is designed to look just as exciting for 5 seconds in your living room with a piece of paper as it is inside a 20,000 seat arena featuring a world famous rock band and the most advanced video screen in concert history.
All I know is, if this technology is relying on streaming in the venue, they better be bringing something to bolster wifi/cell reception.
But you didn't come all the way out here to watch AR now did ya?

This is In a Little While
All I know is, if this technology is relying on streaming in the venue, they better be bringing something to bolster wifi/cell reception.
Considering the huge size of the app, and how AR apps tend to work, everything needed to run this will already be on your phone.

I would guess is that the "trigger" image to run the show's opening isn't on the app yet, and it will be updated a couple of days before opening night.

But I'm also sure that someone with the wherewithal to do so could likely crack open the app and "leak" the AR elements to the opening of the show.

The wifi issue will come in with all of the people who didn't know about the app and try and download it in venue, which will likely overload the wifi systems and cause an issue with anyone trying to use it to, say, post the set on Twitter or like stream the audio, etc.
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christ on a bike. as if there weren't already enough cell phones being held up in the way for the entire first song. i couldn't see the band at all during SBS on JT30, i'm almost 6 feet tall and i was less than 30 feet away from them. there was a forest of arms completely blocking my view.

every day my decision to skip this tour is being reaffirmed.
To me, this is the result of U2 and their team saying, “If people are going to just watch the concert through their phone anyway, we might as well make something out of it.” If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.
All right, uncle. I'll download it.

Hey, first app I've ever downloaded where it's warning me I'm downloading a Very Large App. Oh dear.
All right, uncle. I'll download it.

Hey, first app I've ever downloaded where it's warning me I'm downloading a Very Large App. Oh dear.
Yea I'd recommend not downloading it until right before the show(s) you're attending. It's a pretty big app at about a quarter of a gig.

That's a decent chunk of space for something with zero use until show time.
I barely have enough room left on my phone to take pics at a show, so no, I don't need the app.

And really, I hate watching a concert through any phone, mine or the guy in front of me's.

Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
christ on a bike. as if there weren't already enough cell phones being held up in the way for the entire first song. i couldn't see the band at all during SBS on JT30, i'm almost 6 feet tall and i was less than 30 feet away from them. there was a forest of arms completely blocking my view.

Seems like some in the press are agreeing with you. :lol: Seeing this spun this way a lot today.

Well it's no surprise. Maybe they still haven't gotten all their cred back since the SOI iTunes fiasco.

U2 want fans to hold their phones in front of their faces during their upcoming shows
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It's one song. The first song. And then done. Stop whining.
:rolleyes: yea people, you only paid hundreds of dollars for admission to the show. stop whining that for an entire song you won't be able to see the band you paid hundreds of dollars to see, you entitled fucks.
It's one song. The first song. And then done. Stop whining.

Oh crikey. No one is whining. But in the current environment if U2 opens the door even a little for people to mock them, they will get mocked.

Let me were part of the "U2 the biggest band in the world gave you a record for free so stop whining, shut up and enjoy it you ungrateful fucks" crowd?
But you didn't come all the way out here to watch AR now did ya?

This is In a Little While

I like how this was played at under half of the 360 shows and maybe two other times since the Elevation tour, but we act like it's a mainstay somehow. :lol:
It's one song. The first song. And then done. Stop whining.

I'm not sure there is a ton of evidence to support that this is be a "one song and done" thing. I think they are touting the intro and then will probably use it intermittently throughout the show.
I look forward to them delaying the start of the show so everyone can finish downloading and installing an app.
Plan B: All members of U2 are now catchable in Pokemon Go
The value of low row, lower bowl seats just went up. Still closer to runway and B stage, less people in front of you and you're above the crowd on the floor.
Plan B: All members of U2 are now catchable in Pokemon Go


seriously, i'm just waiting for people with the app to start uploading silly vids: "B hologram in bed", "B hologram in the bath", "B hologram on the loo", "B hologram riding a pony", i mean the possibilities are endless and people are twisted :D
They even have their own Pokémon names...

:edge: Tinkersaur

:adam: Bassacool

:larry: Madatchu

:bono: Jigglygut
There's not a ton of evidence... other than the app description that says it's for before the show and the first song?

I still think it's going to be used more throughout the show. It doesn't make sense to 'hype' it for only a few minutes of use.

Also, I don't think anyone has been able to account for the instagram post a few days ago that appears to show some type of AR being used over the GA crowd.
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