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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
beli said:
No way, get f**cked, f**k off (sorry, Angels joke, probably doesn't translate well.)

How do weavils get inside sealed packets of dried pasta?

they follow the mice.

who invented the computer?
because weevils is evil and you don't want your pasta necklace ruined by the little blighters
any one with kids may have experienced the unique beauty of a pasta necklace...:)

who would you want to play you( and why?) if they made a rock opera about your life?
I just heard this question asked of Brian Moloko from Placebo.
He said Audrey Hepburn
:lmao: good answer...I'd want him to play me too :lmao:

it's the weevils again, they change the nutrient value of your pasta and it is more easily absorbed by your fingers

what is a jazz cigarette?
(something else Brian just referred to in the interview)
A really slow burning one (unless its Dixieland jazz then its really fast and crappy)

If plastic is made from petroleum why is plastic so cheap and petrol so expensive?
it's because of the blue crack :wink:

why are words that are sometimes spelled with an 'ed' on the end also spelled with a 't' on the end instead of the 'ed' (like spelt) ?
To make international forums, such as this one, really difficult for people of different nationalities to understand.

Why does black hair turn grey with age, but blonde hair turns white?
because hair is color blind.

why does a small paper cut sometimes hurt more than a big gaping wound?
because they'd make paper airplanes instead.

why does caffeine keep you awake?
this little hair went to market
this little hair stayed home
and the other three lobbed up to beli's place( cause they heard about the sardine festival). It sucked, so they decided to attach themselves to your toe and wait for what happens next

"three little hairs" by Bob Marley
don't worry, about a thing
'cause every little thing is gonna be alright

Why does the telephone always ring just as we sit down for a meal, no matter how much I vary the time or location?
cass said:
and the other three lobbed up to beli's place( cause they heard about the sardine festival). It sucked, so they decided to attach themselves to your toe and wait for what happens next


Because the sardines are making the phone ring.

Why doesnt it rain even though its been overcast and humid for 3 days straight?
cos there's people in the hall

what would you do if i sang out of tune?
something to dry your hair with

why is my alarm clock yellow and not strawberry (and do you get the joke? it's really lousy and lame)?
because I ate all the strawberry alarm clocks. (yes, I got your joke.)

How come Keanu Reeves alarm clock in the Matrix movie set in the future is exactly the same model as my alarm clock that I have had for at least 15 years?
hey beli, the phone rang when we were having dinner last night. I said

"it's the sardines" one got my joke....well our joke :hug::laugh:

because both your clocks are foxxed and you my dear, are waaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of your TIME.

where does Bono get his talent from?
because trees make shade.

why does it snow here one day then it's 50 degrees F and sunny the next?
because these are supposed to be smart questions :huh:

what does plaintive mean?

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