Arrested Development - Part 2

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oh michael, you're such a p****

i wish we didn't have to bleep that, really, it would've been a nice moment
^:lol: that was hilarious.

oh good. because it was funny for a while, i'm up to the 6th episode and the joke is getting old.

steve holt giving michael oxycontin thinking they're oxygen pills for incontinence :up:
IWasBored said:
steve holt giving michael oxycontin thinking they're oxygen pills for incontinence :up:

Yessssss. I love when he was motivating Michael for the trialthlon too:

Don't ask "can I?" Ask "I can!" You can control your bladder when you’re dead. No blood, no oil! There’s no "I" in "win."

Oh, that Steve Holt :heart:
i finally understand both got_edge and bee's sigs. i'd go get the grumpyhyper smiley, but i'm too lazy.
How brilliant is Warden Gentiles! James Lipton was perfect in that role. Oh, how I love that man. My knees turn to jelly and my heart turns to mush when he strikes that smile of his. Hubba, hubba.

Waaaaait, if you get Gottage's sig then you're nearly done with the show. What did you think? Details! :drool:
yeah, i'm nearly done :sad:

mr. lipton scares me. but yes, he was perfect.

thoughts? not much more than holy crap, what an awesome show. stupid fox, so on and so forth. definitely qualified as comedic brilliance (even though i previously said it was pure shit). comic? comedic? we'll go with wicked funny. the funny was totally random, too. seriously, what wasn't totally random in the plot lines?

you wouldn't like to make me an lj icon, would you?

I still can't get over you liking this show. This is, what, the third time I've said it? Who cares. I thought you'd be impossible to convert into the AD fandom. I love that you love it and don't hate Lucille unlike soooome people

What do you have in mind for the LJ icon(s)? :hyper:
i really don't remember any more why i decided to give it another chance. i think i was bored. :boomtish:

(icon - i don't know, i hadn't actually thought of anything yet. still working on it)

1 episode left to watch.
i liked it. :up:

when sitwell said he was wearing an alpaca on his head, and mentioned something about non-cruelty giving him less options, i really thought lindsay was going to go activism or something.

the sad tastes like happy. or the other way around...
the advantage to being able to watch the entire series of a show in a couple days' time.

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