Are there Republicans in Australia?

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No, no, lol. This is what I dont get. About conservative Christians, but I really dont want to derail this thread. I've tried asking before (in general) and got no real answer, so my snittiness is from asking outright and fairly and never getting a response. This isn't to sound 'oh woe is me' now, so I hope it doesn't, but let's go with the stereotype that it is fat conservatives (I know you are a healthy size, lol) who drive them and dont give a shit about others. I wont say you dont care about others, but I have to ask if you actually do? You know your 4WD is dangerous to others if you are unfortunately involved in an accident (I mean this hypotheitcally I think, you drive a van, no?) and I wonder if this bothers you at all? I know your safety is important. Everyone should put their own safety at a priority. But what if your method of safety endangers others? Does this bother you?
Safety in driving is far more a product of how you drive than what you drive. Perhaps things are different down under.

I place a premium on safe driving by respecting speed limits, attentive driving, avoid use of cell phones or engaging in personal grooming while driving, etc.

I cannot control other drivers. The only way I can protect myself from people who do not engage in safe driving is by driving a vehicle that provides me additional safety.
Is that a yes or a no, then? I cant tell.

And of course safe driving is about how you drive, not what you drive. unfortunately it is exactly the same here where you cannot control how others drive. there are idiots here as well as there.
nbcrusader said:
Safety in driving is far more a product of how you drive than what you drive. Perhaps things are different down under.

I place a premium on safe driving by respecting speed limits, attentive driving, avoid use of cell phones or engaging in personal grooming while driving, etc.

No offence, mate, but that is more or less what I was trying to say in a post two or three pages back. As I recall your response was an exasperated 'please'.

so you're driving along, carefully as usual. And a kid runs out in front of your car. You're going under the speed limit, but the kid ran out at the last minute and you couldn't stop. Your lovely SUV is at just the right height to smash their skull.

still feel good about yourself?

And I'm not being sensationalist. This happens, statistics support my example. And no matter how carefully you drive, accidents happen. We are human and susceptible to human error.
bammo2 said:
so you're driving along, carefully as usual. And a kid runs out in front of your car. You're going under the speed limit, but the kid ran out at the last minute and you couldn't stop. Your lovely SUV is at just the right height to smash their skull.

still feel good about yourself?

And I'm not being sensationalist. This happens, statistics support my example. And no matter how carefully you drive, accidents happen. We are human and susceptible to human error.

Pure sensationalist. A kid getting hit by any car at speed is a bad thing.

I can't believe much faith is placed in the "I feel better running over people in a smaller car because I may do less damage" argument.
nbcrusader said:
I can't believe much faith is placed in the "I feel better running over people in a smaller car because I may do less damage" argument.

how about, "if i get hit by a car, i'd rather it be a smaller car that might break my legs instead of an SUV which might shatter my chest and lacerate my organs."
nbcrusader said:

Pure sensationalist. A kid getting hit by any car at speed is a bad thing.

I can't believe much faith is placed in the "I feel better running over people in a smaller car because I may do less damage" argument.

a kid getting hit by an SUV doing 25mph is twice as likely to die as a kid getting hit by a normal car doing 25mph
Kieran McConville said:

No offence, mate, but that is more or less what I was trying to say in a post two or three pages back. As I recall your response was an exasperated 'please'.


Sorry, I must have misinterpreted your earlier statement in the context of the thread. My bad.
bammo2 said:

a kid getting hit by an SUV doing 25mph is twice as likely to die as a kid getting hit by a normal car doing 25mph

I'm well aware of the article. I also have an understanding of statistics. I think you've placed too much faith in the number as a reflection of reality.

Using the same construct as the article, if it were shown that a person was 4X as likely to die if hit at night than during the day, would you announce that people who drive at night are .. [add slur here]?

Also, the study nicely mixes vehicle weight and ride height to achieve its goal.

Bottom lin: kids not hit by a car are far more likely to survive than kids hit by any vehicle.
nbcrusader said:
Using the same construct as the article, if it were shown that a person was 4X as likely to die if hit at night than during the day, would you announce that people who drive at night are .. [add slur here]?

driving at night might be a necessity. driving an SUV is a luxury, and one that makes those not locked inside the SUV less safe.

and the point remains: if you are hit by a car, you are better off being hit by a Toyota Camry than a Ford Explorer.
Irvine511 said:
and the point remains: if you are hit by a car, you are better off being hit by a Toyota Camry than a Ford Explorer.

The point is weak and misleading.

Statistical coorelations can be made to suggest just about anything.
nbcrusader said:

The point is weak and misleading.

Statistical coorelations can be made to suggest just about anything.

that doesn't address the statement. how isn't it true?

seems like common sense.
It is only a risk if I am a bad driver.

Any reason you want me to be at a higher risk? Should I not have the choice to be safer as I drive?
Why can't you answer the question, literally answer it? I've posed it in 3 different ways, nbc.

Good drivers have accidents. Everyone has accidents. I am sure you put yourself in a safer category because of the things you outlined in another post but it doesn't mean that you are immune from accidents and the people you might one day be involved in an accident with, are NOT at a higher risk of severe injury because of your 4WD.

Now. Do you have any qualms about your car being a greater danger in ANY accident, regardless of who is at fault? Yes or no?
Angela Harlem said:
Now. Do you have any qualms about your car being a greater danger in ANY accident, regardless of who is at fault? Yes or no?

I've answer your question because I don't believe my car is a greater danger.
Medically speaking, I find the debate to be somewhat grotesque.

From a purely professional POV, you are not necessarily better off with a shattered hip bone due to impact with a Camry than you are with a punctured lung due to impact with a Pathfinder. So to me, at least from the POV that I do know something about, the discussion is really neither here nor there.

Nonetheless there is a real and undeniable issue when it comes to our habits and excesses, particularly as relating to oil and geopolitics that need to be addressed far better than they have been thus far.

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