ANZAC Cove, Turkey Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Now that's just lazy, Cin! :lol:

Spicks & Specks and The Gruen Transfer = Ax's TV Night. Man, all of an hour. I'm such a TV addict.
I hate Gavin.

See, I have a record that's pretty rare. So rare, in fact, that there's not a wikipedia page on it. I told Gavin this, very proud of myself and he says, "So? There's not a wikipedia page on me, either."

There will be when I stab him to death with a yardstick! :angry:
Most of my Dunedin Sound stuff isn't on Wikipedia, but I'm too lazy to add it.

Now, the real test of rarity is if something's not on RYM.
I am now. Finally finished my damn project. But now I'm exhausted. Gonna call it an early night again, I suspect.
I'm out. See you folks in the early evening, hopefully a bit closer to a new thread. :wave:
CM: Do you have my account up in front of you?
Me: No, sir, it didn't come through.
CM: What do you need for that?
Me: Blood sample, your first born, and the thumbs of John Tesh.

I'm sick of stupid questions today.
Hey guys, sorry I left last night without sayin' stuff, I had to go do important things and WAIT OH SHIT THIS IS MY 15,000TH

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