Anyone else going to see the Stones on 9/15?

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ONE love, blood, life
Jan 27, 2004
Tarrytown, NY
I'm going to see them in New Jersey next Thursday. I have never seen the Stones live before. I am pretty exicted. Has anyone here seen them live, if so, what can I expect?
I only saw the Rolling Stones back in 1978 when Journey opened for them.
I never really got into the Rolling Stones anytime after that, still don't really care for them although, my friends went to see them during the Voodoo Lounge Tour ... and said "it was a spectacular show." They were in the front section seats ...
Where are your seats ?? Will you have a front view of the show ??
you always bring Journey into the discussion:lmao:

I don't knowwhere the seats are, my friend bought them. I assume they are bad because they were "only" $70 a pop.
Not meant intentionally, as Journey DID open for the Rolling Stones when they got a new lead vocalist (Steve Perry).
I remember my friends saying that the Rolling Stones concerts are very visual with lots of special lighting effects. This is why "front view" seating would be beneficial ... otherwise, I believe listening to the music is all you could actually enjoy, as you may not see the show's overall concept.
some day love will find you
break those chains that bind you !!!

I love that video......

ok, back on topic: Giants stadium is a huge place too, probably has 75,000 seats or more. $70 seats probably mean I'll be in nose bleeds.
AAHHHHH YES, Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) ... :drool: :drool:

As for the Rolling Stones concert ...

Well as long as those "nose bleeds" are in the front section, you may be very well surprised at how GREAT those seats may be in seeing the actual show. The only thing you wouldn't see close-up (of course) is the band themselves ... but, that's what those 'annoying' video screens are for anyway.
Hopefully, you'll still have a GREAT time even if you just listen to their music ... If it was me going to this concert ... Well, I only like a couple of songs by them so, I'd be more after seeing the show concept than hearing the music.
Didn't know you were a big Stones fan, Headache......

I hope the weather cooperates....mid september can be hit or miss
I've never seen them and with every passing tour I'm like "this could be the farewell tour...I have to go"....I have a feeling they'll be selling out arenas well into their 70s:ohmy:
Excellent. I'm in the nosebleeds also Headache.

Here's the question Headache: Will you be getting there early to tailgate OR will you be getting there nice and early to catch Alanis Morrissette OR going early to look for Jimmy Hoffa?
i actually got a single ticket for section 108, row 5 this morning... 100 bucks. side stage view... not too shabby.

i'm still tryin' to figure out when i'm headin' over... and how i'm headin' over. haven't decided wether i'm driving or taking the train/bus from the port authority.
108??!! that's awesome. It's right next to the stage. I paid $70 and am in Section 322, I couldn't be further if I was in the parking lot. For an extra 30 beans, section 108 is worth it. Please bottle some of Keith Richards sweat for me.
yes, leaving westechester in a bit, picking up two friends on wall st and then dealing w/ traffic until NJ:(
concert was amazing... i was close enough to feel the heat comming off the pyro blasts on the side of the stage.

mick jagger, at 60+ years old, does more running around the stage in one song than bono does during an entire show.

most certainly get :up::up: from me.
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