Another day, another tornado

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Nov 14, 2000
Well, I sat in front of my television, first aid kit and cat carrier nearby, and watched an F3 tornado rip through the city of Moore, Oklahoma, about ten miles to my north, today during rush hour. Today's tornado struck just a few days after the anniversary of the F5 that hit on May 3, 1999. It even hit some of the same people again...It was eerie to sit and drink a Sprite that my husband had picked up on his way home from work today at a convenience store that was now on television, destroyed.

The good news is that there have been no fatalities reported, although there are a little over 100 people injured. And the response has been almost too good. Unfortunately, our emergency response teams have had a little too much practice.

Anyway, it has been another rough day for Oklahoma, and a rough week for many other places as well. I just wanted to rap about it here, because I'm a little stressed and a bit scared to go to bed with more storms on the way throughout the weekend. Work will be hard tomorrow--everyone knows someone who was affected, and we'll all have our stories to tell. If anyone hears from Khrys (the beloved z edge of interference past), let me know. I'm not sure where he's working, but I'm pretty sure he used to work in the area that was hardest hit today.

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. I was unsure of where to post this. I only know that it's not U2 related. :) So mods, feel free to move it to the appropriate place.

Good night, y'all. :hug:
It's been rough all over! :down:

When I walked out my front door this morning, I had my jacket because by the looks of things, I thought it was cool outside. But I immediately had flashbacks of living in Georgia because it was so humid. The air was so heavy, but there was no sun and the clouds were greenish-gray. Several people had remarked throughout the day that they knew this morning something was brewing.

At least we're not having any earthquakes! Someone I know in Athens said the one y'all had a week or two ago woke him up. :ohmy:
yup i felt and heard that earthquake. :crack:

the humid weather here right now is nasty. there is no need for me to even do my hair in the morning. i basically walk out of my apt with my hair wet and up because there is no use in doing it. i am tired of my natural curls and this humid weather :scream: and it is only May! :down:
:hug: I heard about the tornado on the news today too. It was eerie that the two tornadoes were so close to the same first when I saw the report when I was flipping through the news channels, I thought it was old footage from the previous OKC tornado.

We've been under tornado watches down here in Dallas too, but so far we've been lucky and the storms have gone around us. I think the smoke from the fires in Mexico, and has been making our skies very haze filled and unhealthy to breathe, to some extent has been acting as a "cap" to keep the storms from firing up. Our next best chance of storms is Saturday night.

We need the rain, we're already behind, but Lord knows, we don't need the severe weather.

Btw, HeartlandGirl, I sent you an e-mail...I did it through the forum thingie, so I hope you get it!
I got your e-mail ABEL. Thanks!

It's very hazy up here too. You guys take care down there! :hug:
ABEL said:
:hug: I heard about the tornado on the news today too. It was eerie that the two tornadoes were so close to the same first when I saw the report when I was flipping through the news channels, I thought it was old footage from the previous OKC tornado.

It IS eerie!

I hadn't heard about the tornado in Oklahoma City and Moore until last night when I switched over ('cause we were getting a little thundershower at the time and I was just seeing what all was coming toward us), and then when the channel came on I heard about that, and I'm thinking, "Oh, my god, are you serious?"

I've been watching the channel all week because when things like this happen, I want to see what all's going on.

And that is just insanely cruel that those of you in that area had to go through that hell AGAIN. Same with the people in Missouri who dealt with some nasty weather last Sunday and who keep continuing to get hit by tornadic thunderstorms.

I can relate, 'cause something like this happened in my area a couple of years ago-four days of severe storms. It sucked.

I'm glad to hear that nobody has died in the Oklahoma City/Moore tornado-that's great news. Hopefully that great news will continue to be true.

I'm saddened to hear of all the deaths in other states, though.

Here's hoping all of you that are living in the areas that have been hit by severe storms this week will see nicer weather in the days ahead.

The downside to spring (this is why spring is not my favorite season). I love living in the Plains, love living in Iowa...but when this area of the country has to deal with this for a few months out of the's not such a nice place anymore.

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Yes, another tornado ripped through the OKC metro area and continued to wreak havoc all the way up the turnpike to Tulsa. I finally went to bed as it entered the Tulsa area. Other than checking on family members who were near the path, I have been trying not to think about it. I don't think it was as destructive as the one on Thursday, but it was scary because it happened at night. The only way the storm chasers knew the tornado was on the ground was from the power flashes that occurred as it hit transformers. At one point, the meteorologists at one news network had to take cover and the screen was just showing no one as the tornado went by the station.

What a wild week. Here's hoping next week is a little less intense. :ohmy:
It's interesting. I've had semi-recurring dreams about tornadoes ever since I was young...and I've never been in one. I think the rash of tornado watches and warnings that plagued my youthful summers really quite affected me. I'm glad I live outside of those areas now.

my cousin goes to school in kansas and a few days ago a tornado missed her apartment by about a block. it totally wiped out her friend's entire apartment complex. it's so sad.

stay safe everyone. :(
This weather is so unpredictable. It's cool but the sun is out. I hope we don't have any more tornados anytime soon. We probably will. This is Tornado Alley. :scream: :scream: :censored:
I feel bad for people who live in Oklahoma or Texas. At least here in Iowa we get a break from severe thunderstorms for a few months out of the year.

But since you guys usually don't get a lot of snow, or any snow, in those could have a tornado any time of the year.

Technically, so could Iowa (and we have-there was a tornado that hit a town in February once a long time ago), but it's not nearly as likely in, say, November or December as it would be in April or May (our target months for tornadoes up here).

MissVelvetDress_75 said:

i hope the rest of the month is less intense. i don't want to be in Oklahoma for the first time and experience one those tornados.

Yeah, hopefully the rest of the spring and the entire summer will be incredibly quiet-never again should anyone have to experience a week like last week. The number of tornadoes that occured last week...that's ridiculous.


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