American Idol - Season 8

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Yeah, I'm not too thrilled about ... being in. She's nothing special too me. I would've preferred ....

Me, too. With the first one they just keep harping on how she's the perfect "package." I prefer individuals to packages.
I was Tivo-ing it, and all of a sudden the show was over, yet there was one :shifty: more contestant to be put in the top. I usually record over a minute or two, but the show ran over about 7 minutes! Luckily I hit the record button to record the first 7 minutes of Hell's Kitchen, to see who else made it in! I couldn't believe it was down to those final two! Congrats to all!

And I agree that it should have been Jessie over Jasmine.
Do you think Megan Corkrey would go on a date with me if I asked her? Dinner and a movie maybe?
I guess tonight is all Michael Jackson songs. What do we think of that? I'm not too sure it will go over very well, but we'll see.

Also, there are 13 contestants in the finals instead of the usual 12, as you all know. But some funny shit went down and the producers of the show had to scramble all day because the number 1866-IDOLS-13 apparently connects you to a phone sex service! I'm trying to think of a Ryan Seacrest joke to make about this mix up, but there are just too many options.

American Idol can't use 'nasty' 1-866-IDOLS-13 number (American Idol) -
I thought Michael Jackson was one of those "special" people in a class all his own who the Idol contestants shouldn't try to sing.
I know! Whatever, Idol people.

I'm going to record it on my DVR and watch the singing parts only later. I assume it will be about 15-20 minutes of TV. :up:
Megan, honey, I don't know if you can be my girlfriend anymore if you keep making terrible song choices like that. I'm kidding, of course you can still be my girlfriend...but damn that was a stupid pick. Rockin Robin. Wow.

Very good performances from Lil Rounds, Danny, and Adam (even though I hate him). And I might start cheating on Megan with Alexis Grace if she keeps havin sexy performances like that. She killed it.

I think Jorge Nunez will be one of the two to get the boot tomorrow, but I guess there's a new twist in the eliminations? I wonder what that is. Anyway, fun show overall. In the illustrious words of Randy Jackson..."Season 8 baby! Set it off. It's goin down right here! What What! Good lookin out"
I freaking hate Adam. Go to Broadway if you want to oversing every song. I love how all the judges gave him the utmost of praise for basically doing the same nasty habits that the other contestants did earlier on. Play back their praise, it's completely obvious who they want as the winner of this whole thing. Just like David Cook last year. :rolleyes:
They might as well have just ended it tonight and told everyone else to go home.

I swear, if it wasn't for Danny and Matt I'd quit this show right now. :rant:
yeah...I did not enjoy Adam:reject:

Danny was awesome, and i like Alexis...and I want Megan to pick a better song dammit!
Yeah, I said it earlier in the thread but what's happening with Adam is frighteningly similar to what happened with Cook last year. They're going to eat up whatever the guy does each and every week and, honestly, he's probably going to win the whole thing because of it. He's talented, sure, and gave one of the better performances tonight...but he bugs the crap outta me.

Edit - And according to the banner at the top of this page, Alexis Grace has an IQ of 115! :happy:
I would have to agree :up:

I think Megan's poor song choice may send her home. And Anoop? What were you thinking :der: Jasmine was a bit bland and Jorge was meh. Could be two of these four going home. Overall it wasn't a horrrrrible evening.
I loved Matt's performance. I have a special personal connection to that song, so it gave me chills.

Britt, would you be creeped out if I told you I downloaded it? :uhoh: :wink:

Adam, is he the emo boy? Nothx.
I loved Matt's performance. I have a special personal connection to that song, so it gave me chills.

Britt, would you be creeped out if I told you I downloaded it? :uhoh: :wink:

Adam, is he the emo boy? Nothx.

LOL. I'm not creeped out by you downloading it, but I am curious as to why you have a personal connection to "Human Nature".:lol: Also, Adam is the emo guy, and I want to have wild sex with him. :drool: I have no idea why. I'm usually not attracted to guys like him. It must be the voice.

ETA: Yes, I know he's gay. I don't care.
Also, I'm guessing that the big twist has something to do with the judges now having a partial say in who goes home every week. The way Simon and Ryan hinted about it, that seemed to be what they were getting at.
I agree. and if that's the case, what took them so long? Too bad they aren't implementing it in a year where I actually care. :lol:
I had a slight crush on Adam in the beginning but now .... :huh: I did not like his performance at all (plus I now know he doesnt swing my way anyway :lol: ). I cant figure out why the judges were raving about him last night. :huh:
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