Am I The Only One Who worries about...

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Nate Dogg

Jun 7, 2000
South Florida
...things on a recurring basis? I guess I'm at that age where maybe I just worry more than I used to. I think that comes from my mom...she worries about all six of her kids constantly, it seems. I guess I started this thread as kind of a comfort for myself(and others) see what's on others minds. I worry about things like..

-My parents. They're both in their 60's, and my dad had massive heart surgery last year, which put a good scare in us, because he was basically a heart attack waiting to happen.

-My love life(or lack thereof...). I guess when I was in high school, I pictured myself at 27 in a commited relationship. It doesn't help that I'm probably just too self-concious, and maybe not outgoing enough.

-My job-I'm not doing what I want to do for the rest of my life. I have a degree, but it seems like I'm wasting it. The job search has been fruitless, and sometimes giving up sounds appealing. I have, by no means, been looking constantly since I graduated three years ago. My current job isn't horrible or anything....sometimes I think I should just go somewhere else and try, but then the first item on this list comes to mind......

There's the other stuff, health, family, friends,war, you know... the usual. I'm not looking for sympathy, but maybe some confirmation that others worry about the same things. Hope that doesn't sound too stupid or self-serving, just thinking out loud....

"Talk to each other"-Bono
I worry about those things too. *sigh* I'm a constant worrier. However, there does come a point where it becomes unhealthy to worry too much. Constant worry can impede other areas of your life from blossoming.

You just have to let things happen as they were meant to happen. Especially those things that you cannot control--let them go. If you don't let things go, you don't allow other things to happen. I know it's easier said than done, but I try to remind myself of this on a daily basis. Paolo Coelho once said, "A person's only obligation is to fulfill their true destiny." I try to keep that in mind everyday.

Sometimes the most difficult part of our journey is figuring out what one's destiny is exactly while trying to enjoy the ride.

My Mom is in her sixties and I have started worrying about her since she retired, and as she gets older.

I agree, worry can become very unhealthy. I think it is passed on genetically and through nurture.

But I also think it is healthy to express it like this, and healthy to "admit" that you are a worrier.

My opinion is that as long as you keep the focus on what kind of person you are and want to be, things will fall into place. You can't control everything, certainly you can't by worrying about it. But don't think there's anything "wrong" w/ you, because there isn't. It's not "stupid or self serving" at all. It just shows your heart and how much you care.
I worry way too much about everything. People tell me that I am the most stressed out person they know. :slant:

Even my boss at one of my jobs keeps telling me that I worry about the store too much. She said that it's her job to worry, and if she's not worried, then I shouldn't worry...but I do. :slant:
I used to be a HUGE worrier.

I do think it's part of your personality, but one that can be overcome to an extent. Now, I rarely worry about anything, and it's such an amazing way to conserve your energy.

If you can't change the situation you are in, worrying is unproductive. But it's taken me years to get to this point.
My grandma was a big worrier, my mom's a worrier, and I'm a worrier. It's nothing new in my family.

I've worried about a lot of the same things you do. War and my health, definitely. And I worry about my parents, too-there's times when I suddenly have this worry that they'll be in some accident or something on the way home from work or the store or whatever. My mom's family has a history of breast cancer, and I don't want the same thing to befall her. And my dad has sleep apnea (he has a machine now to help him take care of it-he only uses it when he's sleeping, he doesn't need it outside of that), and it caused a few health problems a few years back for him, and so I have some concern for him in regards to all that stuff. I really hate watching those commercials on TV for life insurance plans, 'cause the age group they target is 40 on up to x age, and my parents are in their mid to late 40s...yeah, I don't want my parents going anywhere anytime soon. I may be 20 years old, but I still need them, there's still a lot of things they need to teach me and help me out with and all that.

I've also worried about my love life...I have this really weird fear of whether or not I'll be able to consistently love somebody for the rest of my life. I have a thing where I get obsessed with a certain person for a while, and then the obessesion fades out, and I'm afraid of the same thing happening with the guy I marry someday. I have no desire to get married multiple times-just once and that's it-maybe a second time if the conditions warrant, but I don't want it to get to that point-and so I'm hoping that I'll be able to be consistent in loving that person for the rest of my life. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever even meet the person I want to be with for the rest of my life-I've never really been in love before, and I'm wondering exactly how I'll know when I really, truly, honest to god am to the point where I want to be with that person for life. It's kinda weird that I worry so much about this, 'cause I'm only 20 years old and have no plans to get married within the next few years, but I worry about it anyway.

And I'm also a big worrier when it comes to the weather. Every time we have a chance of thunderstorms, I sit there basically paranoid about the possibilty of them being severe and tornadic. And when they DO get severe, I go into panic mode. I know that's not the safest thing to do, I know that's not the way to handle the situation, but I do it anyway. And I know there's absolutely nothing you can do about the weather-I think that's why thunderstorms scare me so much, 'cause I can't control them.

I'll stop rambling now, but yeah, you're definitely not alone in this :hug:. I need to work on controlling this, I know I do.

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I worry about everything, all the time, and it's making me old before my time. I can't help it. I always have a terrible fear something awful is going to happen (and in my case, that has unfortunately not always been unfounded.)
OMG! Moonlit_Angel!! Thunderstorms! I worry sick when they're predicted! I'm so desperate to eliminate this phobia! I've hated them all my life...

As for everything else that's been mentioned by everyone....YEP, I worry about that stuff too!
I worry a lot about the future..... because I have such "big ideas" and big dreams, and I know I won't be able o get everything that I want.

BUt a friend of mine has done a decent job of settling me down and she insists that everything will work out.

I hate the phrase "everything is meant to be", but it can be comforting. I think the most important thing is to have an underlying ability to appreciate life- the simple things, nature, people, waking up, drinking a nice glass of water, enjoying peoples company, pets, enjoying interacting with the world.

One of the things I used to think about a lot, even though Im not super religious, is that I'm here for a reason, and all these trials and experiences are placed before me because I am able to survive them. And if your into religion, then, God has set things before you that he knows you can overcome.

You know what really helps me? Just step outside for a moment, esp. At night when it's quiet out. Just stand there, and you can sort of revert back to that natural state of being okay.

The mind is a powerful thing, so take care of it, and be sure to put plenty of positive energy and thoughts in it. And if you need an extra dose of goodness, listen to U2 or post something here, it seems to help me- - even with this insomnia I've had for a week now, I'll hate to be going back to school tomorrow.... I can barely sleep, but I'm so awake..... but posting hear is soothing, and Fisherman's Horizon is on in the background (FF8). So hum a nice happy tune, or something lke that.

smile :)

(some psychologists belive that physical actions (like smiliing) induce emotinal responses- like feeling good)

so give it a try!

:) :) :)
For Honor said:
One of the things I used to think about a lot, even though Im not super religious, is that I'm here for a reason, and all these trials and experiences are placed before me because I am able to survive them.

:yes: I've had that same thought myself. Only thing is, I just don't know what that reason would be.

Originally posted by For Honor
You know what really helps me? Just step outside for a moment, esp. At night when it's quiet out. Just stand there, and you can sort of revert back to that natural state of being okay.

Hmm. Interesting suggestion...I might try that sometime :).

Originally posted by ravenette
OMG! Moonlit_Angel!! Thunderstorms! I worry sick when they're predicted! I'm so desperate to eliminate this phobia! I've hated them all my life...

:hug: Nice to find another person who understands. Every time I talk about being afraid of thunderstorms, people are always like, "How can you be afraid of thunderstorms? They're cool!" And all I can think is, "Not always...". I remember one day earlier this year where we had a chance of really severe thunderstorms...and I was the only one home at the time, 'cause everyone else in my family was at their respective work places (my dad had to go to a nearby town in far northwestern Missouri to do something for his job)...and the sky was all ugly looking and I swear there was a cloud rotating nearby. My god, I was about ready to lose it, I was so scared. I hate storms as it is, but if my entire family isn't with me when they come through...that's even worse.

I've just been through one too many scary experiences with severe thunderstorms, so it's hard for me to not get a little nervous whenever we have a chance of them.

I'm only 20 so I'm not allowed to worry about stuff like that yet. Because I'm young and invinsible. Or something like that.
@ Moonlit_Angel....I'm too scared to do anything when a t/storm's around!

They seem to be getting more severe where I'm from, and particularly in the warmer months (like now).

I'm too scared to leave the house (which is a slight problem if I need to get work!!) :( And if I'm at home, I'm too scared to use any appliance except for my battery-operated walkman which I'll put on full-blast to try and drain out the sound of thunder (which doesn't always work) :yikes:

Wow! I've confessed a bit here - spose it's the right place to do it, but so many people don't understand this fear!

Hugs to you Moonlit_Angel! :hug:
ravenette said:
@ Moonlit_Angel....I'm too scared to do anything when a t/storm's around!

They seem to be getting more severe where I'm from, and particularly in the warmer months (like now).

I'm too scared to leave the house (which is a slight problem if I need to get work!!) :( And if I'm at home, I'm too scared to use any appliance except for my battery-operated walkman which I'll put on full-blast to try and drain out the sound of thunder (which doesn't always work) :yikes:

Aw...yeah, I know that feeling. Whenever we've gotten one heck of a thunderstorm, anytime the lightning would flash particularly brightly, I'd immediately cover my ears, just in case the following thunderclap was insanely loud (I frickin' hate it when there's a sudden, extremely loud clap of thunder, the kind that makes you jump when you hear it). And whenever we've had a chance of bad storms, I've always wanted to stay right at home and keep an eye on things, didn't want to go anywhere (and didn't want my family going anywhere, either).

Sorry to hear the storms are getting worse for you. Where I live, we're in our winter season, so the only storms I have to deal with right now are snowstorms, and I like those, so... And the state I live in now isn't nearly as likely to see the kinds of storms that I saw when I lived in Iowa and Nebraska (i.e., Tornado Alley states)-they can, and on occasion, have seen them, but it's not a common occurence. So that makes me a bit happier.

Hope that things calm down for you soon weather-wise.

Originally posted by ravenette
Wow! I've confessed a bit here - spose it's the right place to do it, but so many people don't understand this fear!

Hugs to you Moonlit_Angel! :hug:

*Returns :hug:* Heh, well, I sure as hell understand this fear, so... And yeah, feel free to get all your worries off your chest-that's what this thread's for, after all :).

I'm 27 as well, and your list of worries could well have been written by me. :) I completely hear you....I think it's common to have those concerns though. In talking with friends, it seems all of us feel a bit lost now. Things just don't seem to solidify as early on as they did for generations before us, but I guess that's okay... :)
*raises hand and joins the crowd*

I might loose my hair if I don't stop worring about everything..... :madspit:

I really worry about my parents, they're getting "old" and I don't like it. It's something that has been constatnly on my mnind for the last 3 years. I don't want my parents to die. :sad: It's not fair.......

I also worry that I'm getting older and I haven't achieved anything significant..... and I think I might never get something done. It’s like the Springsteen song:

Well my soul checked out missing as I sat listening
To the hours and minutes tickin' away
Yeah, just sittin' around waitin' for my life to begin
While it was all just slippin' away.
I'm tired of waitin' for tomorrow to come
Or that train to come roarin' 'round the bend
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