Am I hurting myself?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 15, 2000
San Antonio/Austin, TX
Ok this week I haven't been eating any food at all until dinner time. And when I eat dinner I feel like i'm going to be sick. It's just that i'm so busy at work and my boss piles so much shite on me that i don't have time. Do you think i'm hurting myself by not eating at all?
in the short term, no, but long term, yes.
here is only so long you can keep up with everything when you have no fuel. even if it comes to the point where you tell your boss you just simply need 20 minutes a day to grab some lunch, you must do it for your own sake mg.
your body might be yelling out it's protest long after your boss is caring about what work he has given you each and every day.

It seems like your body is undergoing lots of stress -- and so once you do eat, your body just doesn't know what to do. The best thing, like BLs said is to snack when you can. Additionally, please make sure you are getting enough sleep to compensate for your body's lack of fuel/food.

Take care of you :)
:yes: what everyone else said

If you keep running yourself into the ground, you'll eventually get sick and have to miss work or be less productive.
Thanks everybody :hug: I think i'll just have to convince my boss that I have to get away from my desk for a bit to eat and have some snacks with me :) I also need to drink lots of water cos I haven't drank alot and since my kidney infection I swore to myself that I would :shame: on me
i do kinda the same thing at work...i like to skip lunches so i can leave 30 minutes early. it's usually so busy during the day i don't get to take a lunch break till it's a couple hours before i'm supposed to leae anyway. usually i don't eat much if anything for breakfast, but i usually try to get a snack during the day...but i guess chips and a pepsi aren't very healthy either :uhoh: :silent:
My brother really only eats one meal a day. Sometimes two. He never snacks on anything either. He's been that way his entire life. His dr suggested he try to eat more a day and he gained weight and ended up feeling sick all the time so he went back to his 1 or 2 meals a day. I guess some people are like that. But if this is something that's new to your lifestyle it's probably not a good idea and you'll probably end up getting sick. I think it only works for my brother because this is how he's been for 33 years and his body is just used to it.
bonosloveslave said:
ooooo DEFINITELY if you are prone to kidney infections you need to be drinking lots and lots and lots of water :shame:

Just what I was about to say, your innards need energy to exist...lots and lots of fluids...stay away from carbonated junk...!

Be good to yourself MG! :)
if possible MG , have a really hearty breakfast. It's probably best to "fuel up" in the morning. If you are not getting to eat, or try to eat your dinner until late, that's not so good either, your body needs time to digest so you get a good night's sleep. I am no nutritionist, ( and have serious eating issues:(...) so i can't really advise, but not eating during the day is probably doing something to your blood sugar levels.
There are some tough employment conditions these days, you have to put up with **** to keep your job. My son works a 10 hour day with only a 15 minute meal break. They expect men to work physically hard on that.
What is your very very favourite thing to eat?Nutritious thing?:D I'd suggest you make some vege/salad vitamin loaded small roll , to at least get some fuel during the day.
at your age it's not likely to hurt you though you may feel like crap, low blood sugar from not eating will probably give you headaches. If you are older fasting all day then eating one big meal can increase your risk of heart attack.
I do this a lot too, forget to eat or don't find the time. And I can't have snacks, because I work in a cancer lab with radionuclides and no food or drink can be stored in it. But when I get home, I'm starving.
You need to resolve this one. Do you have an enterprise/workplace agreement or an award that states something along the lines of a break is required every 4 hours?

If your boss was at my workplace he would be hauled over the hot coals for that one. Big safety and health no no.

Must have breaks and must eat. :up:
anitram said:
And I can't have snacks, because I work in a cancer lab with radionuclides and no food or drink can be stored in it.


You would not believe what we find in labs.

Coffee perculators on the lab benches.
Ice cream in the minus 80 C freezers.
Beer in the flamable liquid cabinets.
People BBQing a nuked sheep. :huh:

Its quite an uphill battle some times.

Anitram, Thank you for behaving yourself. :up: :hug:
Jeez, be careful. When I ate too little for a while, the lack of protein caused my hair to fall out for six months. It was awful, I must have lost a quarter of my hair in the end. We can get along with a lot less than most of us eat, but there are things your body won't let you get away with. :|
beli said:


You would not believe what we find in labs.

Oh, we have it too, and it's mostly a problem with medical fellows who have no concept of biology at all. They spill radioactive stuff all over the place. Then there are the crazy people who boil their Ethidium Bromide in the microwave, you can tell it's been there because it's all red. Really nasty. One woman stores her plastic cutlery in the lab. I'm a big freak when it comes to this, and the post doc that shares the lab with me is even more freakish so we're good about keeping stuff out.

I did find a Starbucks cup last week in the autoclave room. :| I should have autoclaved it to oblivion.
anitram said:
Then there are the crazy people who boil their Ethidium Bromide in the microwave, you can tell it's been there because it's all red.

If youre ever really really bored, one of the web pages that gets the most hits on my site is the rivetting Disposal of Ethidium Bromide.

I'm a big freak when it comes to this, and the post doc that shares the lab with me is even more freakish so we're good about keeping stuff out.

Good to hear. There should be more people like you and your lab mate. :up:

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