All Purpose Pre-Show Lineup Thread

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I think she meant "buying GA tickets, but not dealing with the line BS." Not avoiding GA in general.
Same thing though, sorry to communicate my point in a wrong way...
Its weird that people just don't want to line up anymore ( with lining up I mean, on a normal time, the day of the concert, not 3 days in front of the show)

Just to avoid the drama of line nazi's , line skippers, on site camping in too hot or cold weather.
And the usual clusterfuck due to lack of communication between crowd and security.

Maybe the lottery during vertigo wasn't such a bad idea.
That type of lottery didn't stop camping because even if you 'lost', you could still land an outer rail spot(but still rail).

The random number draw is the only thing that would get rid of camping. The band must not care about seeing many of the same faces close up.
I think Bono likes the same faces. He certainly likes Amp.

And I agree the lottery system won't change anything. There was still an early line for every Vertigo show I went GA to. Some people just need to have their spot on the floor. I completely understand that, but what these line nazis are doing in Chicago is just ridiculous.

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I support Line Equality.

If God intended there to be line equality, he would have made everyone in line at the same time. He created them different, on the list and not on the list, camping and showing up late, American and Canadian.

Protect the tour from the unholy abomination of line equality!
The stupid thing is by their standards this is actually pretty legitimate now!!

Attention! I have started the official lines for London 3, 4 5 and 6.

those of you at these shows, can we all just turn up with our own lists and get a huge Spartacus-style argument going?
The stupid thing is by their standards this is actually pretty legitimate now!!

those of you at these shows, can we all just turn up with our own lists and get a huge Spartacus-style argument going?


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So I did two GA lines last week and just need one more ticket to do another later this week. In general, I would say that there are always these smaller groups of people who "get in line" (cough*writenamesonlistsandleave*cough), but aside from that the lines I was in were pretty relaxed compared to my previous two tours of lining up experience. We showed up at 1PM last Wednesday, were 220 and 221, and got a rail spot that was only about 5 people off from the exact spot we would have chosen had we been #1 and 2. I would say that's pretty fuckin awesome, to wake at a normal time 2 states away, spend 5 hours on the road, and still get a really good rail spot. I remember showing up at the asscrack of dawn (like 4-5am) for two different Vertigo shows and not getting a rail spot. Obviously, there is a ton more real estate this time. On Thursday we came an hour later (2PM) but got lower numbers (212-215) and did *not* get a rail spot. There were none available. I observed that on Wed it seemed a lot of people ahead of us went to the main stage while on Thurs everyone was taking whatever rail was available. Still, we were one body off the rail in the *exact* location we wanted, and I was standing on that black ledge thing behind a short person and a tall guy that ended up sort of hunched over for most of the show so other than a little less breathing room you get when you're on the rail, it made NO difference on our enjoyment of the show. It was a better show and a better spot than when we were right on the rail the night before. I wasn't at the show last night and won't be tonight, but it seems like the numbers for the Sunday show had a really slow start. A group of people lining up like 2 days in advance but then no one for a while and then a slow trickle. I saw Miroslava got a rail spot getting in line at 5PM :)

My take-away is this.... I've been pretty happy with my experiences so far at the United Center. I am happy that there are fans willing to play line nazi and I'm happy that the UC has been honoring the list and providing security before the doors open. In past tours I've witnessed a LOT of drama, and not just fans arguing over their own lines, but random people walking up at 5:30 and having the balls to cut in line and security just shrugging it off. Whoever worked with security to get everyone on the same page this time, thank you for that. While our line numbers last week were some of the highest we've ever had, it was by far the least stressful experience for us and we had some of the best spots at two of the best shows.

If people want to put their lives on hold and line up 3 days in advance, I can't really stop them. Part of me is jealous, lol! I would say the annoying thing for me is the list keeping vs. a real line. We get in line around 12-2 PM because that's simply when we arrive, pay to park, and there's really nothing else to do near the UC (plus we are already broke). I like to catch up with fellow fans I rarely see or just wander around and stretch my legs after the drive. I like being THERE IN LINE when I line up. I don't really agree with "checking in" at 11pm and then showing up the next morning for a few minutes and ducking out again, but I guess I don't care enough about it to raise a stink and I'm happy with the spots available in the #175-#250 range.
Holy shit...that is absurd.

Not exactly sure. I think there was such an argument during Chicago 360 2009 where a few people did just that. They stood their ground and the people with reservations had to line up behind them and called the people that beat them physically to the line "line cutters". But I wasn't there for it. I lined up the old fashion way. Just going from what I remember on my memory bank. I this there was a thread around here.

Yep, I was there for that. It was pathetic. The people at the front of the line were on Interference acting super macho about taking on the "cutters" too. As I recall, some people posted their pictures on the board, as well, which upset the mods.

It wasn't too much of a cluster, but it was still absurdly terrible behavior for adults.
Hahaha that's fucking hilarious.

Please somebody come and justify this. I'd love to hear it.
gotta love the group name. Romi's friends who love U2. Yeah, that kinda narrows it down to THE LIST.

Hey now, I'm in Romi's Facebook group (which is a closed/secret group appropriately named...he only adds people he actually knows, whether we like it or not it's his group) but I'm not doing any of this text-to-line bullshit. I woke up to this drama and don't have time to even read it all before work, nor do I much care. We're driving in Thurs morning. We will get there when we get there. I'm buying another ticket from an Interferencer so I'm at his mercy when he wants to line up but I suggested noon-1PM because that means everyone can sleep if they want to but gives us a few hours to catch up with friends there. My whole reason for going to the show Thurs is that I have a good friend who didn't come to Chicago until after I left on Saturday and I would like to spend some time with her. We've all been to Chicago a gazillion times (not just for U2) and don't care to spend money downtown on touristy stuff so we'll just hang out around the venue since they have food concessions, facilities, merchandise for sale, and the band has been pretty cool about stopping at the loading dock (I never get in the crowd waving crap in their faces, just stand behind the fence farther away and say hi).
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Romi's friends who love U2. :lol:

Seriously, what the fuck? Adding people to the line by text? What a fucking joke.
Hey now, I'm in Romi's Facebook group (which is a closed/secret group appropriately named...he only adds people he actually knows, whether we like it or not it's his group) but I'm not doing any of this text-to-line bullshit.

I know. I've been in this group last tour. What you're saying is exactly what I'm saying. It's people he knows. The facebook group is people on the list. I didn't judge anyone or anything, I simply noted the name and stated it's the List.
Screw this texting nonsense. I'm starting a list for Boston by telepathy. Only people who can send me their name directly into my subconscious will be added to the list...

1. Hewson
2. The Amazing Kreskin
3. Carrie White
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