Adam & Larry on 60 minutes?

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thrillme said:

Nah, this was back when he was only famous in his high school. ;)

When he was 16 or so, Ali, Bono, and Adam were talking, and he just started peeing, near Ali. Bono's words "he would whip that thing out at any occasion, he wouldn't let taking a pee ruin a good conversation."

Exactly. Bono talks about it in the "Conversations" book.

Adam did not do it in the middle of an interview (as far as I know)--just to set the record straight. :wink:
Judah said:

You mean Andy Rooney? He's not 98...he's, like, 127.

60 Minutes is usually on Sunday nights, after all the NFL games...but their web-site doesn't say what's on this coming Sunday's show.

Right you are Judah. There are 3 segments, and Andy Rooney is the last to be on for about 2-3 minutes.
Nothing I can find. :shrug:
on tomorrows show there's a report on Heroin addiction, an NFL linebacker and The Lord God Bird??

Unless U2 is squeezed in there somewhere they aren't on tomorrow night.

More vague reporting from I suppose.:eyebrow:
in S. California, 60 Minutes is always on at 7:00pm PST Sunday evening. Not that I was anywhere near a TV this evening. I was riiiiiiight here...
It wasn't on this Sunday, nobody missed anything.

I'm sure we will all hear about it before it airs.

This week is the 25th anniversary of the release of Boy, so I thought maybe that could have been the reason, but who knows?
Carmelu2fan said:
When is this going to be on:confused: 60 minutes is so boring so I will have to tivo it.:yawn:

The problem with TiVo-ing it is the damn football games run overtime EVERY Sunday...but I'll have to make sure I do a search on it. I have a U2 wishlist already set up to automatically record programs with U2 so I'll have to check it and see if anything is coming up!! I LOVE my TiVo...I highly recommend it!


Edited to add: I see now this is an old thread from October?? Anyone know if this 60 Minutes has aired yet?? Guess I probably missed it!
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