"Across the Universe" DVD Release

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gluey said:
sakdjfisadglkasdgasdfga....it arrived :faint:

We regret to inform that transmission from Gluey has ceased. We will return to normal programming when she has been removed from the floor.

gluey , must be on the bus . :giggle:
bonocomet said:



Thank you comet . :drool:
during this entire on the bus off the bus scene , the vampire in me could not take my eyes off his absolutely bite worthy neck .:evil:
I watched Across the Universe for the second time after buying it and I liked it better and Dr. Robert is amazing, I love Dr. Robert so much now and the Beatles song Dr. Robert
*browneyedgirl* said:
I went out and bought the movie without seeing it and I have never done that before.

:applaud: I am so glad you liked the film. My son loved it so much when I took him to see it (he is 21) that he herdedhis friends to see it the same weekend. He saw it a total of 4 times in one weekend then d/l it online. I Got the deluxe dvd. I :heart: the added disc with all the interviews and special effects, etc. And yes, Dr Roberts is wonderful in it. So is Eddie Izzard!
(Hi, i'm new :))

I bought it from Heathrow Airport ( I was spending my holiday in London) on Friday. It was kind of exciting, buying it, because I had no idea wether I had two or twenty pounds on my visa since I had bought so much U2 related stuff already :D But luckily I had enough (and now I have about two and a half pound left to live through this week, but it's worth it!) and so I got it :)

I was a little skeptic, and I thought that I wouldn't like the film since I don't like the Beatles really - or I actually haven't listened to them much (which is a crime, I know) but I LOVED IT! It was so great and it defiantely changed my opinion about the Beatles! And Bono was great as Dr. Robert, I fell in love with I am the Walrus and I already made myself a t-shirt that says "goo goo g'joob" :D

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