30 Rock

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"Lemon, don't overthink this. Gavin is a fabulous guy. If I were dating a man he'd by right at the top of my list with Michael Jordan, Denzel Washington, Taye Diggs...oh God, do I have a black thing?"
Alright, I've been on a serious 30 Rock bender this week thanks to that site that Impy posted...I've burned through all of Season 1 and half of Season 2 and I gotta say that this is just the best comedy goin right now on TV. My love for it knows no bounds right now. I'm on a 30 Rock high. And I feel ashamed that it has taken me this long to dive into it but better late than never, right?

I'm tempted about 5 or 6 times per episode to hit pause and rush into this thread to post a hilarious quote or one-liner. It never stops. Liz is pretty much the perfect woman, Tracy is obnoxiously funny (in a good way), and Jack is well...the greatest character EVER. He deserves hyperbole. I also feel I would be remiss if I failed to mention the beauty that is Cerie. Wow, that's a good looking girl.

Anyway, just thought I'd let you guys know that I'm 100% on the 30 Rock bandwagon now and I hope to be a passenger for a long time. The show has to have at least a couple more seasons left. The praise is justified. And, just because it's probably the most quotable show I've ever come across...

"Lemon, I want to kiss your boyfriend on the mouth. What are you drinking?"
"Club Soda"
"Oh, that's a shame."

"I have like twelve grand in checking"
"What are you, an immigrant?"

"Never go with a hippie to a second location"
Three of my favorite:

Liz: Why are you wearing a tux?
Jack: It's after 6. What am I, a farmer?

Jack: Lemon, I'm impressed. You're beginning to think like like a businessman.
Liz: A businesswoman.
Jack: I don't think that's a word.

Jack: I like when a woman has ambition; it's like seeing a dog wearing clothes.

I'm really glad you're enjoying it, GAF. Spread the word. I don't want this thing to get canceled. I've already suffered through that with AD, and this is the closest we'll ever get to having the Bluths back.
Liz: Why are you wearing a tux?
Jack: It's after 6. What am I, a farmer?

that's a great one.

One of my other faves is

Tracy: What religion are you, Liz Lemon?
Liz: I pretty much do whatever Oprah tells me to.
Haha two quick Tracy quotes from the episode I'm watching right now -

"Where are the french fries I didn't ask for? You people need to anticipate ME!"

"I want you and Josh to be there for my award. And maybe afterward I'll let you hold it...and then you can check out my award. BANTER!!!"
"I sure hope we rescue the Starfish King on this adventure."
"It'll be a slam dunk."
"Would you call what we did last night sex?"
the office and 30 rock make thursday the best day ever. though office is legendary, 30 rock is more consistent imo and better than some office episodes.
Tonight marks my first viewing of 30 Rock as a full-fledged, no holds barred, momentarily-obsessed fan of the show.

Color me excited.
Hilarious tonight! there were so many lines, I will have to watch it again to catch them all... Alec Baldwin is so awesome on this show....when he was shaking the keys to get the attention of the ceo's daughter for a picture was priceless....and Liz a the reunion trying to get everyone to dance...OMG too funny
"I want to go to there!"

"I'm so mad right now, all I can do is dance!"

Comedy gold, people. Comedy gold.

I hope Kathy Geist will stick around even though Bill Geist is out of his coma. She's so wonderfully awful.
everything Tracy Jordan says at least gets a half-chuckle outta me, because he talks to outrageously. i thought it was totally hilarious when Jenna started singing in the elevator, she always chooses the funniest songs. lemon out! hahaha
everything Tracy Jordan says at least gets a half-chuckle outta me

Same here, he is ridiculous.

Jenna - "Kenneth is a monster!"
Tracy (without hesitation) - "WE HAVE TO STOP HIM!"

And it's the relationship between Jack and Liz that really makes the show for me. They spend most of the time insulting eachother but there's this level of sweetness there. Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey have some seriously great chemistry.
My favorite Tracy line from last night:

Tracy: "Your job is to protect me from embarassment."
Dotcom: "Grizz had to go to the optometrist."
Tracy: "Making up words won't save you!"
My favorite Tracy line from last night:

Tracy: "Your job is to protect me from embarassment."
Dotcom: "Grizz had to go to the optometrist."
Tracy: "Making up words won't save you!"

it's also pretty funny how Dotcom had to go with Grizz, haha.

"we're not best friends, just good friends!"

also, the Jack & Liz thing has been way heavier this season, and it's fantastic. how great did Liz look walking into her reunion? :drool:
Great, great episode. And an even better finals study break.
we've just recently gotten into this. and i wish we had started watching sooner.

i was a skeptic, and it took me an episode or two, but now it's just about my favorite thing on TV.

besides The Soup.

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