(02-08-2007) Noel Gallagher Attacks U2's Bono Humanitarian Efforts - AHN*

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Noel has a right to be a little irritated with Bono's incessant lecturing. He does a lot of good, but he (they) don't always walk their talk. Lets not forget those tax 'cuts'....

Bono's own dealings have not always followed the altruistic ideals he espouses, says Richard Murphy, a British adviser to the Tax Justice Network, an international lobbying group.

He points to the band's decision to move its music publishing company to the Netherlands from Ireland in June last year in order to minimise taxes. The move came six months before Ireland ended an exemption on musicians' royalty income, which is generally untaxed in the Netherlands.

"This is somebody who's exceptionally rich taking the opportunity to shift his tax burden to somebody else but then asking governments around the world to spend that tax take in the way that he would like," Mr Murphy says.
I agree with noel somewhat. The thing is Bono is a rockstar. Latley, it seems that comes second I mean if he's such a humanitarian why the hell did he become a rockstar?! I like what bono does ofcourse, but it is really too much. People might get mad when I say this, but Bono it seems wants to push so hard for africa because I think he wants to simply be remembered as the rockstar that saved Africa. Maybe i'm too cynical, but trying to end world poverty simply isn't his job.
Maybe i'm too cynical, but trying to end world poverty simply isn't his job.

Huh. It's funny because my feelings on this are the polar opposite (no disrespect whatsoever intended). I guess my thought is that ending world poverty is everyone's responsibility, from rock stars to dentists to school teachers to college students to whoever.

Again, people like Bono are going to get a pass from me when it comes to Africa. Yes, it gets tedious, yes, we can't wait to hear them play One, yes, we've heard it all before. But those people are dying, period. Those people are somebody's mom/sister/child/daughter/friend, and they're enduring horrific suffering, so...yeah, I tend towards a Get Out of Jail Free card on that particular topic.
I agree with Noel.

When I go to a U2 show, it's because I want to hear U2 play their music, not talk to me about politics, or humanitarian efforts, or anything else.

I admire Bono's efforts and agree he is pursuing noble causes, but that's not why I like U2 and not why I go to their shows.
Nube Gris said:
gallagher should be castrated....and before that Bono should introduce a loaded steal gun in his ass

OK, first off, you're a crazy person.

Now my point. I'm a huge Bono and U2 fan, but you can't get on Noel for having the balls to say what's on his mind. It was nothing nasty, just his personal opinion on the way Bono conducts himself on stage at times.

And as much as I love the B-Man, Noel is 100 percent right. 'One' is my favorite U2 song, but he ruined it on the last tour with all his talk. It's a great message I'm sure, but it is also a chore to listen to. Just play the song man. That's what everyone's here for, you know?

And one last reminder to Noel haters. This guy isn't all talk. He's a respected musician and a pretty damn good rock star. Bono even gives him a shoutout in the liner notes of HTDAAB (One Step Closer).
I think Bono is great for speaking out. I don't think everything he says is gospel truth, but I think he has helped make alot of progress.

Noel on the other hand is a daft prat who just loves to stir shit up. I wouldn't take what he says with a grain of salt. And I don't think Bono would either. I tend to think they have a relationship like two friends who can take the piss without the other getting upset about it.

Personally Noel and Liams antics are getting way old. I haven't bought any of their stuff in years, just because I got sick of all the bullshit they spew. If your such great musicians quit being such an assholes and play already.
kramwest1 said:
If Noel and some U2 fans are sick of "hearing" about how bad Africa has it, TOO BAD!...If you don't like hearing his "lectures," find a different band, or better yet donate some time or money and help try to end Africa's problems.
They don't get to forget about their problems, and as long as you're a U2 fan, neither will you.


See, it's this attitude that pisses people off. Why do I have to stop listening to the band because I don't like his lectures? I listen to some of them and some of them I don't. I'm not bothered.

A U2 fan is liking the band in any which way you'll take them. Whatever floats your boat. I just really hate it when people say you have to get involved with the whole Africa/RED/Edun thing and if you don't then you couldn't possibly be a U2 fan. If you want to donate go right friggin ahead. For me, I could really do without the political shit....ya, that's right.
We've heard things like this from others *ahem* in Osais....IMO, I think he is just jealous b/c U2 are impervious to criticism at this point, and they're hotter than everm while Oasis flared big and has mostly flamed out. Nothing like having your career on the skids (at least compared to your "rivals") to inspire a bit of jealous ranting.

I love Oasis, always have, but alas, I seem to recall them being a bit of pompous airheads when they ruled the world, and everyone under the age of 50 had "...Morning Glory" on the car radio. Their problem is, they let the fame get to them. They were arrogant little bieks on record, but that never got in the way of me loving their music, and it still doesn't. But I was surprised they never went on record at the time as saying they were bigger than Jesus, b/c to hear them talk, it seemd that way.

As for Africa, and "causes": my aunt works for a small, little publicized NGO called Share, which was founded yrs ago by a woman who lost all 3 of her grandchildren, all boys , the youngest of them 9 yrs old whn he died, to AIDS a batch of tainted blood in transfusions after they were in a car accident. Rather than mope around, she used her nursing expertise and founded the group through a missionary friend of hers. She, two friends, and several of the missionaries fly to Kenya and Nigeria every yr, usually from January to April, living in remote villages that few other NGO's apprently see, teaching, and operating mobile clinics. Over Christmas my aunt showed my family a video she brought back of some of their work. It seems Dan Rather featured them on 60 Minutes or some such program a couple yrs ago. The part I rmeember most was the group going out in a motorboat to a tiny island on a lake in remote western Kenya where few whites ever came, and seeing the unbleivable povrety there, I mean, this was the raw unfiltered stuff that you don't see on TV. (My aunt had 3 versions of the prgram--2 of them being the "long" version with the really graphic stuff CBS crew cut out. I almost had to run for the bathroom, sick to my stomach.) The part that I remember most was them going into a modern-looking hospital in Nigeria on another lake and the doctors in white coats turning the faucets and no water coming out. Imagine! A hospital on the shore of a lake, 50 feet outside the front door, and no running water! It seems a Western corporation had moved in 5 yrs ago and built a Pepsi plant that was taking the running water from the lake and diverting it to the plant, and the water table was low. Women had to trudge the usual 5 miles for water from the villages, and the hospital had many AIDS patients and the staff afflicted too, too weak to haul enough water from the lake for the patients. This is before you get into the stuff like HIV orpahsn, etc...some pretty graphic stuff.

Anyone who says they are sick of Africa...there can NEVER be enough. If we don't get sick of (and compain about) fast food commericals, for example...what can peneterate our compalcency? We are willing to change the world aslong as it does not inconvenice us. Its no accident the film is called "An Inconveniant Truth"....did I mention the core of the group Share is this litte old lady, now 81 yrs old this yr, and her 2 nurse assistants, both in their 70's, they volunteer and trudge through the buxh themselves every yr in this group? What would I do? I can't honestly say I'd measure up to that commitment.

The UN accepted the word "genocide" b/c some guy ran aorund personally bugging them to have a code to prevent the Holocaust from happenig again. He used to haunt the corridors in the late 40's and send endless letters. Delegates got irritated with him and tried to have him thrown out. But as more info about the camps poured in over the months, they finally listened to him. And now we have a U.N. Declaration or whatever it is, against genocide.

Too much is NOT enough. I don't think he is as bad as he used to be, if you call it bad...but he realizes our attention span is short. Something like Anna Nicole Smith can knock it off the news and dominate the media for weeks on end (you watch).....

If he is on a lifelong mission to convince the world that black lives are as important as white ones, then it's NEVER enough.
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To be honest the only people that might get tried of it are those of us who go to multiple shows and know the deal. In 2005 I went to 5 shows with 11 different people in all, and not one of them had anything bad to say about the Africa speeches. In fact all of them said that part of the show was cool. They liked the cellphone thing, they liked how the show took on a whole different feeling. Like it was bigger than just a rock concert. I understand what Noel is saying but I think he's wrong when it comes to Bono. If U2 plays an arena that holds 20 000 fans and 19 999 of those fans have heard the speech than that still leaves one person who hasn't. It takes 5 minutes tops and it's not a big deal, but the potential impact it could have on someone is worth it.

As for his comments about Thom Yorke I agree. Write a fucking song for once. I used to love Radiohead but man Thom doesnt' sing anymore, he only mumbles and if you can't understand what the guy is singing than what's the point in being political about it. I miss the Radiohead circa Pablo Honey - O.k. Computer. Their other albums are decent but there are so many other bands out there doing what they are but doing it better.
I'm surprised this was Noel and not Liam, but really, he's got a point, he's just too blunt. When a person pays money to see a show, they should not have to listen to a political lecture of ANY kind from anyone. As far as Bono speaking out elsewhere, if you don't want to hear him, turn him off or tune him out (and I'm sure a lot do) I am not getting back into the hypocrisy issue again so don't worry I won't rant.

The cause itself is of course noble and good, but the way it is done sometimes really doesn't help. It's one thing to let people know, but it's another to annoy them so badly it turns them off. (it kind of reminds me of somebody who keeps on trying to 'convert' everyone he knows to his religion, the religion isn't a bad thing, but just seeing him coming makes people roll their eyes and run and hide. It gets that bad. I mean, know what I mean?)
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Anyone who says they are sick of Africa...there can NEVER be enough. If we don't get sick of (and complain about) fast food commericals, for example...what can peneterate our compalcency? We are willing to change the world aslong as it does not inconvenice us.


Liked your post Teta! After all, there are people who have to live a nightmare every second of every day, with no reprieve. There's no walking away for them. All Bono asks his audience to do is hear about it for about five minutes. If the roles were reversed and it was my family and my friends who were starving to death and dying right and left of preventable diseases, I'd like to think people wouldn't ask someone to 'shut up' about us because some people found it a bit dull.
kramwest1 said:
If Noel and some U2 fans are sick of "hearing" about how bad Africa has it, TOO BAD!
Bono speaks for those that don't have a voice. Many of us as U2 fans have heard Bono's countless speeches about poverty, debt and HIV, and done something about it, but the problems are still there. Bono knows that the solution begins with getting everyone educated about Africa's problems and then motivating them to action.
If you don't like hearing his "lectures," find a different band, or better yet donate some time or money and help try to end Africa's problems.
They don't get to forget about their problems, and as long as you're a U2 fan, neither will you.


I agree. From what I've read, many of us need a trip to Africa for a few days to understand Bono. Many of us have no idea of the situation in that part of the world :(

and as someone said before, noel thinks that he's the beatles and the best band in the world...... poor of him :|
Okay I'm going to have to say it: if Bono cares SOOOOOO much, why not put his money where his mouth is and donate a large portion of his personal fortune as Bill Gates has done? How many lives could have been saved with the $14 million he blew on a small NYC apt.? Wouldn't a cheaper one have sufficed? When was the last time he donated the proceeds of even ONE concert to charity? I bet what Bono wastes in a year is more than the gross national product of one or more of those countries he's harping about. And while he's at it why not leave U2's corporation in Ireland where the tax money can help the poor of his own native land? Sorry but until Bono shows signs of this he's going to look like a hypocrite preaching his message to people of average means. Of course the word needs to be spread, but honestly, is there one U2 fan in the world who doesn't already know about it thanks to him? Nobody wants to pay money for a concert and endure a lecture of ANY kind. (and I do think this is what Noel means.)
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So as someone who is doing some good in the world you aren't allowed to use your money also for your own interest, and your own luxury.

You have to live like an ascetic only because you want to end poverty?

Who says he isn't donating?

And Bill Gates is donating a lot, a lot more than anyone else, but still billions are left.
And should Bill Gates have to donate 99% of hs value?

Warren Buffett donates about 90% of his budget over the next ten to twenty years. That's great as well.
Still some 4 billion Dollars will be left to his fortune. Does he have to donate it as well?

The Irish enconomy is booming. They are experiencing the greatest economic growth of the whole EU at the moment. They don't have any problem with debts. There is no economical reason to increase the tax on royalties from 0 to 48%, as far as I know. If anyone has more information, please tell me.

It was a decision by U2, to move one part of their business to the Netherlands. They still pay taxes for other incomes to their business, and they pay income tax.
For some songs the royalties go to 100% to charities.
So a 48% tax would mean that less money goes to these organisations.
U2 is also very active in an organisation to reduce unemployment in Ireland. It is working very well, the unemployment is very low at 4.4%, and the population beneath the poverty line is by 10%, according to Wikipedia.
You could check other sources if you don't trust Wikipedia, but they won't be very different.

For reasons like a low inflation full employment isn't really as desirable as many would think, also would that in turn to an increas in unemployment again and an overheating of the economy could occur.
It is also nice to think that the money from the royalty taxes would be used to help the poor, but it wouldn't.

First you would have to ask the Irish government why they increase the taxes on royalties in a situation where national debts are not the problem. A country is not a business which aim is to generate as much of a surplus as possible.
And you know what countries use a surplus in taxes most? Tax breaks for the big business.
In times of elections it is also a nice way for tax breaks to the ordinary people.
Adenauer here in Germany won several elections because he was so generous in the years of elections.

U2 concerts have been also a political event since the War tour.
Maybe a four minute speech (not ten minutes, the longest was about five minutes) wouldn't be necessary for the next tour.
Maybe not everyone is so much interested in this speech anyways.
But I think it worked pretty well and just shows that U2 isn't just another rock band.
I think everybody can live with these tiny four minutes in a 120 minute concert.
I have no problems with Noel's opinion. It's just that I haven't paid attention to Oasis since the early 90's, and even then, I saw them as a Beatle's rip-off group, nothing more.

So despite his claim of "hit songs", I found them to be uninspiring copycats. I don't own a single thing by Oasis, nor have I even bothered to download something illegally by them! It's just not worth my time.

As such, his opinions mean about as much as the crazy cat lady on the Simpsons.
I think it's a valid point to say that you don't care about someone's opinion.

But it's ridiculous to say that you have to be at the same level with someone to be allowed to state your opinion on someone else.
Everyboday has the right to make up his mind, and say it, about everybody he wants.
Otherwise people on this forum wouldn't be allowed to comment on Noel Gallagher's statement, because they are not at the same level he is.
That's childish.
Free speech is for everybody, about everybody. No one is protected from that.
Still everybody else has the right to ignore, disagree or agree with someone.

But please, get over this, "Oh, Bono is a way greater musician than Noel is, so Noel doesn't have any right to say something negative about Bono."
U2Kitten said:
Okay I'm going to have to say it: if Bono cares SOOOOOO much, why not put his money where his mouth is and donate a large portion of his personal fortune as Bill Gates has done? How many lives could have been saved with the $14 million he blew on a small NYC apt.? Wouldn't a cheaper one have sufficed? When was the last time he donated the proceeds of even ONE concert to charity? I bet what Bono wastes in a year is more than the gross national product of one or more of those countries he's harping about. And while he's at it why not leave U2's corporation in Ireland where the tax money can help the poor of his own native land? Sorry but until Bono shows signs of this he's going to look like a hypocrite preaching his message to people of average means. Of course the word needs to be spread, but honestly, is there one U2 fan in the world who doesn't already know about it thanks to him? Nobody wants to pay money for a concert and endure a lecture of ANY kind. (and I do think this is what Noel means.)
Would you please finally stop your ongoing rants, it is really getting boring.
You must be so pleased that this topic is brought up over and over again for various reasons, so you can jump on Bono.
You know NOTHING, please stop disrespecting the man and mind your own business.
I said I didn't want to do it, but if others can express their views, I have a right to counterpoint. And remember, I LIKE Bono! So does Noel. So consider what those who HATE him must think :tsk:

I 'know nothing' eh? And what do YOU know? What does ANYONE here, or Noel know? Yet we all have a right to speak, regardless of if you like hearing it or not.
If nobody wants to pay money to "endure a lecture" at U2 concerts, why did every single one of them sell out? :scratch:

Kitten, of course everyone has a right to express their opinions, and you do bring up valid points, but the reason people say you "know nothing" is because you try to qualify your opinions with statements that are just plain NOT true. You can't expect people to take your posts seriously when all you do is damage your own credibility by constantly making shit up.
U2Kitten said:
Okay I'm going to have to say it: if Bono cares SOOOOOO much, why not put his money where his mouth is and donate a large portion of his personal fortune as Bill Gates has done? How many lives could have been saved with the $14 million he blew on a small NYC apt.? Wouldn't a cheaper one have sufficed? When was the last time he donated the proceeds of even ONE concert to charity? I bet what Bono wastes in a year is more than the gross national product of one or more of those countries he's harping about. And while he's at it why not leave U2's corporation in Ireland where the tax money can help the poor of his own native land? Sorry but until Bono shows signs of this he's going to look like a hypocrite preaching his message to people of average means. Of course the word needs to be spread, but honestly, is there one U2 fan in the world who doesn't already know about it thanks to him? Nobody wants to pay money for a concert and endure a lecture of ANY kind. (and I do think this is what Noel means.)

Speak for yourself. I have absolutely no problem with Bono taking as much time as he needs to speak out about what's going on in Africa. When I pay to see U2 I want the whole package. I want the music and I want what they stand for. Also I have many friends who aren't fans of the music yet respect and admire what Bono stands for. Do they want Bono to shut up? I highly doubt it. As for Bono donateing a huge portion of his money to the cause well how about you do so as well. It's easy to sit there and say what others should spend their money on yet if the tabels were turned most wouldn't be so quick to follow your advice. And without trying to be rude I'd assuem you'd fall inot that category as well. And l likely would to. I hate when people assume that just because somone makes alot of money they should donate it all or a large amount of it. Comparing Bono's income to Bill gates' income is ridiculous. Bill Gates could give away 5 times the combined total value of U2 and not even notice it. As for the Tax thing give it a rest. It was a business move. U2 aren't the only one's to do it and they won't be the last one's to do it. Also how do you know Bono doesn't put any of his own money where his mouth is. It'd be pretty ridiculous to think he doesn't give from his own pocket here and there but the fact is Bono doesn't have enough money to make the difference he's working towards. Nobnody does the work Bono has been doing for soooo long if they don't care. To sugest Bono doesnt' care is ignorant and flat out wrong.
Well, Bono gives much more money than he tells to the public.

But the money thing is very narrow-minded.
If we could give the time, effort and energy he puts into this whole thing a value in money terms he would have spend more money on Africa than even Bill Gates and Warren Buffett together.
People always look at someone by how much money he gives to the courses he supports.
Well, time is money.

Open you eyes, and don't only go for the obvious. Look at the big picture.
That is a man, who doesn't only "put his money where his mouth is", but he also puts himself there. He spends weeks in Africa, in the USA and in Europe challenging governments on keeping their promises. He educates himself so that his knowledge will stand every discussion with the politicians, and also the journalists seeking a way to find something bad in what he does.

He does a lot more than money could ever express.
First thing: NEVER shut up Bono!!!!!

Yes, we all have the right to state our own mind, regardless of disagreement or no. Everyone agrees.

But saying that the B man should keep his mouth shut on such an IMPORTANT issue:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: No way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like someone already said: We are talking about lives here! IT could be your bro, sis, or whoever else. The point is that we're talking about human lives here, our brothers and sisters.

I TOTALLY agree on the point that Bono goes on and on and on on the subject...BECAUSE no one else does it!!!!!!!!!:(

Thumbs up for Bono, the Gallaghers, I assume will never stop trying to pull U2 down, it's their choice, let's focus on the meaning of Bono's speeches!:wink:

Humankind all the way, if Bono has signed for the job of spreading the news about Africa, well, I think we shouldn't shut him up!
Vincent Vega said:
Well, Bono gives much more money than he tells to the public.

But the money thing is very narrow-minded.
If we could give the time, effort and energy he puts into this whole thing a value in money terms he would have spend more money on Africa than even Bill Gates and Warren Buffett together.
People always look at someone by how much money he gives to the courses he supports.
Well, time is money.

Open you eyes, and don't only go for the obvious. Look at the big picture.
That is a man, who doesn't only "put his money where his mouth is", but he also puts himself there. He spends weeks in Africa, in the USA and in Europe challenging governments on keeping their promises. He educates himself so that his knowledge will stand every discussion with the politicians, and also the journalists seeking a way to find something bad in what he does.

He does a lot more than money could ever express.

EXACTLY!! I agree with everything you said Vincent Vega. Bono's always been about raising awareness more so than writing a check. He doesn't have the $$$ anyway to make the difference he's striving for. Bono's efforts have opened the eyes of the world and especially the younger generation's eyes to this problem. That's somthing you can't put a price. The people who are tired of Bono's speecehs are the one's who live by the "outta sight outta mind" motto. Bono should NEVER shutup.
Liesje said:
If nobody wants to pay money to "endure a lecture" at U2 concerts, why did every single one of them sell out? :scratch:

Kitten, of course everyone has a right to express their opinions, and you do bring up valid points, but the reason people say you "know nothing" is because you try to qualify your opinions with statements that are just plain NOT true. You can't expect people to take your posts seriously when all you do is damage your own credibility by constantly making shit up.

I haven't made anything up. If anyone says he's giving money they must be making it up because there is no proof of it. What I said is FACT: he COULD have done a lot of good for the poor in Africa with all the money he spent on that apt. There's no doubt about that. I'm sure those who don't like what I say do get annoyed, but you know, I get annoyed by some of you holier than thou types who think YOU know everything too. Several other people in this thread also said they agreed with Noel, yet you don't jump down their throats. And I NEVER said he didn't care! I'll just back out now and let you all pick on Noel instead. That is what this thread was about!
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U2 Kitten, you have every right to your opinion. I do think it's important to be careful about what you state as a fact, though. We cannot, for example, talk about the fact that Bono is not donating a portion of his fortune to Africa, because no one knows what he donates. We can talk about the fact that he does not publicly donate. That is a verifiable fact. Saying he doesn't donate is not, it's a personal opinion. Or saying that nobody wants to pay for a concert and hear Bono talk about Africa - um, I do! So clearly we can't say that 'nobody' does. Also, remember that Bono does not ask any individual to donate their money to Africa, only their voices, so he is not really using a double standard for himself vs. his fans there.

Again, no, no, no disrespect intended U2Kitten. I actually think that it's important for public figures to be under scrutiny - keeps 'em in line! And while I may disagree somewhat, if you have a problem with Bono's tax situation or the money he spent on his apartment, well, I respect that. I just think it's important to stick to the facts when you're making an assessment.
Nomad_79 said:
U2 Kitten, you have every right to your opinion. I do think it's important to be careful about what you state as a fact, though. We cannot, for example, talk about the fact that Bono is not donating a portion of his fortune to Africa, because no one knows what he donates. We can talk about the fact that he does not publicly donate.

Don't you think if he did donate, it wouldn't be a secret? He'd challenge other celebrities to match it as Gates has with companies. Some people use the mystery of not knowing for sure to say he DOES and we just don't know, but that is speculation too.

Or saying that nobody wants to pay for a concert and hear Bono talk about Africa - um, I do! So clearly we can't say that 'nobody' does.

Well take it up with Noel, he feels it's not a place for a speech.

Also, remember that Bono does not ask any individual to donate their money to Africa, only their voices, so he is not really using a double standard for himself vs. his fans there.

You know, I used to believe that, but after they left Ireland to avoid paying taxes, it didn't work for me anymore. When our governments give, it's our TAXES they are paying with. It disappointed me that he abandoned his own country (and all the good the money could have done for the poor of Ireland) to save a few extra bucks when he was already so rich.

I want to say that I do not hate him, I have always been a fan, and when I criticize and question, it's in the same way I do people that I know personally and care about.

Most of all, I am worried that other people, not fans, seeing him as a 'hypocrite' will hurt what he is trying to do. Maybe Noel is right that he needs to tone it down some, but certainly never 'shut up!'

Thanks for taking the time to respond (and for making an alter just to do it) I will now 'shut up.' ;)
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