Recent content by knappevent

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  1. knappevent

    new recording outside HQ.. very clear! (no links please!)

    well, kicking in late but i would be VERY suprised if i would recieve the leaked songs!! So, fall down on my knee's, yelling as loud as i can: " P L E A S E" thanks in advance...
  2. knappevent

    In need of some Bono hotness for a bad day

    yup, they're a bit bigger than this one :-) al 168 :-) Last try fot the poster went wrong. I made a transition to PDF colours, using photoshot CS, but they couldn't open it (prolly old software there) so a new sample must be made... i promised you a poster, i'll send you a poster... finally...
  3. knappevent

    In need of some Bono hotness for a bad day

    Yes, still reading there galongirl... yes, believe me, i would go to the concerts!.. Those pics were made at a American concert, with this girl on stage... You all know her ;)
  4. knappevent

    I was bored. So I drew a picture...

    don't know anymore who made it. In real it looks better than on this pictures. The leather glows to much by photgraphing.
  5. knappevent

    I was bored. So I drew a picture...

    I (ahum, mom & dad) just pulled my wallet, and let somebody make a paintbrush on the back of a soft leather jacket... 20 years ago! Stil got it... stil got it.. can't throw it away :-)
  6. knappevent

    Bono's One Wristband

  7. knappevent

    Bono's One Wristband

    well, ONE 2 go ;-) going to bed now... have fun grlz!
  8. knappevent

    Caption thread #8: More Captioning!

    U2 at Rotterdam 87... Adams bored... picking his nose (:madspit:
  9. knappevent

    Bono's One Wristband

    okay, another B&W got 160+ pics left :D
  10. knappevent

    Bono's One Wristband

    these pictures are shot 2006-09-21, United Center Chicago... the show where i've met a pleba girl (M).... and yes, i know who you are galeongirl... that poster will come to you... have faith!! This is the one huh? (the wristband can be seen... so it can be upped here)
  11. knappevent

    Bono's One Wristband

    let's give it a shot...
  12. knappevent

    Video of Point Depot 1989 shows?

    There's a DVD called "Angels in Devils shoes", with some songs and snippets from the LoveTown period on it. It's a TV rockumantary. Nice to watch. Actually, i have a VHS from a the Dutch show... looks like i have to convert it towards DVD...
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