Next Album Rumours Thread IV - 2 Sing 2 Furious

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
So just $$$ and nothing else? At least that time, they did have The Fly 2 to offer.
Well, yes.

Batman Forever was a steaming pile of dog shit, completely void if any artistic integrity and a total cash grab with zero redeeming value whatsoever.

But U2 being involved in that is fine because, what, you enjoyed the song more?

That song fit that movie, this one fits this one.

Obviously by my username I prefer the first one as well, but I'm not losing my shit over doing a song for a kids movie.

Just wait until the inevitable charitable tie in to this one as well, and it's much less a cash grab than Batman ever was
Well, yes.

Batman Forever was a steaming pile of dog shit, completely void if any artistic integrity and a total cash grab with zero redeeming value whatsoever.

But U2 being involved in that is fine because, what, you enjoyed the song more?

That song fit that movie, this one fits this one.

Obviously by my username I prefer the first one as well, but I'm not losing my shit over doing a song for a kids movie.

Just wait until the inevitable charitable tie in to this one as well, and it's much less a cash grab than Batman ever was

I mean, while far from the greatest movie of all-time, I would say that's a severe take. Is Sing 2 going to be as good as Dog Day Afternoon?

Yes, that song being 10 million times better than this song makes a difference.

Appreciate that you prefer the first one, and not losing any shit over it, other than it being completely typical of their long decline.

What do you mean by charity tie-in, exactly? Batman Forever at least really did have legitimate adult tones/themes, and this would be borne out by a large number of the participants on the rest of its soundtrack.
Well, yes.

Batman Forever was a steaming pile of dog shit, completely void if any artistic integrity and a total cash grab with zero redeeming value whatsoever.

But U2 being involved in that is fine because, what, you enjoyed the song more?

That song fit that movie, this one fits this one.

Obviously by my username I prefer the first one as well, but I'm not losing my shit over doing a song for a kids movie.

Just wait until the inevitable charitable tie in to this one as well, and it's much less a cash grab than Batman ever was

It might fit the movie but it's still a weak song.
This song just sucks! Probably will not listen to it again but I wasn’t expecting anything amazing anyway so it’s all good. Pretty interesting though to see so many positive comments on the YouTube link so maybe it will appeal to others rather than the hardcore U2 fans like us. So while it might be a shitty song, it might get what they been craving? Ie a hit?

But anyway time to wake up from that snooze fest lol
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I mean, while far from the greatest movie of all-time, I would say that's a severe take. Is Sing 2 going to be as good as Dog Day Afternoon?

Yes, that song being 10 million times better than this song makes a difference.

Appreciate that you prefer the first one, and not losing any shit over it, other than it being completely typical of their long decline.

What do you mean by charity tie-in, exactly? Batman Forever at least really did have legitimate adult tones/themes, and this would be borne out by a large number of the participants on the rest of its soundtrack.
Saying Batman Forever was a steaming pile of dog shit is not, in any way, a severe take.
I love how the general choices of U2 message boards these days consist of either a place that thinks everything they've done post 1998 is trash or, like, a full blown MAGA fuck fest.

I can't speak to the latter but not sure what is inherently wrong with the former. And, perhaps I'm missing something, but I've seen way more of the opposite on here. Which is fine.
And, perhaps I'm missing something, but I've seen way more of the opposite on here. Which is fine.

Nah, a lot of us don’t compare post 2000 to pre 2000 because it’s not fair. Post 2000 is just pretty good at its best whereas pre 2000 was mostly all excellent with very few duds.

This song isn’t very good but it’s also not too terrible. It’s just kinda there. Like a lot of their Post 2000 output. And, like, it’s for a kids movie. So that’s fine.
Nah, a lot of us don’t compare post 2000 to pre 2000 because it’s not fair. Post 2000 is just pretty good at its best whereas pre 2000 was mostly all excellent with very few duds.

This song isn’t very good but it’s also not too terrible. It’s just kinda there. Like a lot of their Post 2000 output. And, like, it’s for a kids movie. So that’s fine.

I agree with this first sentence but I don't understand why it's "not fair" to hold them "accountable" for this massive drop-off in quality.

I would say it's "bad". It doesn't make me want to stick a screwdriver in my eardrums. But it's very far from *good*. It's "fine" for a kids' movie, but I also don't think they should be doing kids' movies.
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Nah, a lot of us don’t compare post 2000 to pre 2000 because it’s not fair. Post 2000 is just pretty good at its best whereas pre 2000 was mostly all excellent with very few duds.

This song isn’t very good but it’s also not too terrible. It’s just kinda there. Like a lot of their Post 2000 output. And, like, it’s for a kids movie. So that’s fine.

Yep that’s why I’m not too upset over this song! It’s for a kids movie and it will probably work ok for that. I think kids will like this song. I think the last several single song releases from U2 have been pretty bland but it is what it is really. Although I do like skyscrapers (I know not a true U2 song). As bland and boring as these songs maybe, they have their place in what they were meant to do, like the euro cup song. I rather U2 release these as one offs rather than wasting space on a true U2 album. I just hope that when it comes to making an album they don’t follow, this boring formula.

Anyway so they released a bad song, I’ll just move on with life and enjoy U2’s impressive back catalog
Mental 3 producers came up with this.View attachment 12999

That's Martin Garrix's real name - the DJ from the Euro 2021 song.

No sign of Ryan Tedder anywhere.

Ironically, this is the kind of track they should have used Tedder on. He might have given it some actual energy, or a pulse at least.

And lest I be lumped in with all the other haters in here, I really liked Ahimsa and thought it had a fantastic pre-chorus.
"Holding artists accountable" is just an extremely entitled mentality. I say that in general, just to be clear. Especially with the internet, fandom is at its absolute worst when it expects things from an artist.

The thing with the relationship between a band and its fans is that neither side has an obligation to the other - it's all voluntary. We don't own them, nor do they owe us anything. It doesn't matter how many albums or tickets we buy, we did that of our own accord and were consuming a product.

Don't hold artists accountable for their art. Just ignore them.
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"Holding artists accountable" is just an extremely entitled mentality. I say that in general, and am not pointing this directly at you, just to be clear.

The thing with the relationship between a band and its fans is that neither side has an obligation to the other - it's all voluntary. We don't own them, nor do they owe us anything. It doesn't matter how many albums or tickets we buy, we did that of our own accord and were consuming a product.

Don't hold artists accountable for their art. Just ignore them.

Of course--they don't literally owe us anything (except concerts for which we buy tickets), but why is there an allergy here towards criticizing work of theirs some of us might find subpar?
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Of course--they don't literally owe us anything (except concerts to which we buy tickets), but what is with the allergy here towards criticizing work of theirs some of us might find subpar?

Totally, but I think it's important to frame criticisms fairly. I have no qualms with criticizing U2, and will gladly talk shit... to an extent. I personally feel like they're bored and/or over being U2, so they are quite literally on autopilot between tours, and thus open to all of the goofy shit they keep doing that we hate. But that's okay. Your Song Saved My Life won't negate their back catalog... unless you let it.

Holding an artist accountable implies, amongst many other things, that that artists cares what we think. I also don't expect anyone to give a shit about what I have to say or think, I just sometimes feel like offering softer perspectives on things if I feel I can do so without condescending. Hopefully I did that. If not I'll fuck off.
Totally, but I think it's important to frame criticisms fairly. I have no qualms with criticizing U2, and will gladly talk shit... to an extent. I personally feel like they're bored and/or over being U2, so they are quite literally on autopilot between tours, and thus open to all of the goofy shit they keep doing that we hate. But that's okay. Your Song Saved My Life won't negate their back catalog... unless you let it.

Holding an artist accountable implies, amongst many other things, that that artists cares what we think. I also don't expect anyone to give a shit about what I have to say or think, I just sometimes feel like offering softer perspectives on things if I feel I can do so without condescending. Hopefully I did that. If not I'll fuck off.

No yea definitely. My criticisms of U2--and they can be VERY severe/uncharitable--still constitute "tough love" for me. Nothing can undo 1980-2000 for me, even a hundred YSSMYs. But even if I hated all of U2's output, I don't think this would--necessarily--invalidate my opinion.

Funnily enough, I think it's fair to say that U2 happens to care very much what "we" think, or, failing "us", then the demographics of people who they wish would join "us".

(N.B. I'd like to be clear that nothing I say is meant in a trolling, bad-faith, or unfriendly manner. I enjoy reading everyone's takes no matter how much I may or may not agree with them.)
This is always a fascinating discussion. For me, I pretty much lay one offs aside. I haven't liked a one off song from U2 for a long time. Hold Me Thrill Me and Night and Day were outstanding one offs, and that's great. Its a bonus.

But speaking of albums, it's not just pre/post 2000. There are people that only like the first 3 albums. Because that's the style they liked. There are some that adore UF and JT and that's about it. There are some that love everything up through JT. Then a larger group that would go from Boy through Achtung, possibly Boy through Zooropa, and then some through POP. If people went beyond POP, they probably are in for the long haul.

Also, there were a huge amount of people that became fans during ATYCLB and Bomb. Then went back to discover their older work.

For me, I was listening to the first 4 albums with my brothers when I was 10 and 11, JT hit when I was 12, and then Achtung when I was 16. So Truly the core time when your musical taste is being formed.
But for me, now. Although I would choose the 90's material over pretty much anything else, I can appreciate the whole 42 year catalog. It all speaks to me in different ways. And I am neither a post-2000 hater, nor am I a MAGA freak love show for everything the band does.
I readily criticize when i think something sucks, but the band has put out enough excellent material 2000 to present, that it would be stupid for me to abandon them.

For me ATYCLB, Bomb, R&H and October were their low points for me. But there are fantastic songs on each of them, but with a lot I don't care for. That's what bothers me about pre-2000's fans, and the fans that just seem to hate on the last two records.

Yes, No Line had 3 really bad songs on it. But so did All That, and so did Bomb and so did October, and R&H was just a mess for the most part with a few standout songs, and other mediocre ones. And lets not forget War and UF, which both have a couple of poor songs on there. SOI and SOE fall into the same category. Some really great songs, a few bad ones. Nothing much has changed.

If you don't like the style they moved onto, sure. Then quit being disappointed or disgusted, and know your journey with the band may have ended, But to me, if someone likes ATYCLB then I see no reason why they wouldn't like SOI or SOE. If you Like Achtung and Bomb then No Line should be right up your alley (except the 3 shitty songs) lol.

I think after 42 years, that each album they release, we kinda now wait and see if it will be the one that just doesn't do it for us anymore. And that's ok. Their next one may be that one for me. But I have a feeling it will have about 2 bad songs, 5 good/very good songs and 4 great songs on it, and that will be good enough for me.
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