Survivor 37: David Vs. Goliath

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ONE love, blood, life
Jun 16, 2000
Blue State of Mind
Season 37 is here! Crazy start to the season. Being the pro wrestling fan, I'll be rooting for the pro wrestler, John. They've got some other cool contestants from both sides. Of course, there's Mike White, the reality show guy who just happens to be a Hollywood writer. Should be a fun season.
They seemed to go to a lot of trouble at the beginning to make the David tribe look like losers and the Goliath tribe look like stuck-up jerks. But I’m sure it will change a lot as people’s skills and personalities start to come out more as the game goes on. It was too bad about the guy that got hurt right away; that must have been a huge disappointment for him.
5 minutes into the season and the Goliaths nicknamed Christian "Big Bang Theory"...dammit... nicknaming the contestants is my job! :wink:

Pretty good start, sucks for Pat.

Turns out Mother Nature is an Eagles' fan.

I don't think he would have lasted long in the game. Broke a Survivor rule: Too bossy. Sure, he got the shelter built, but most bossy people don't stick around. Natalie is gonna go soon too. She's bossy with nothing to show for it. I dig Big Bang Theory, though. He's a riot.
Big Bang Theory guy seems a bit over the top, like he’s playing a character. Cochran Deuce.

Interesting start. I haven’t sensed anyone taking a true leadership role or being a heel, but that’ll likely show up in the next episode.

WTF are these people thinking with the romance nonsense? have they ever seen the show? Instant target on the back. Keep it in your pants for 39 days and get the digits after you get the check at the reunion show.

I love that some dogshit weather showed up. It feels like the last few seasons were beach resort weather.

Man that sucks for Pat, but I’m sure they’ll throw him another shot in the future.
Big Bang Theory guy seems a bit over the top, like he’s playing a character. Cochran Deuce.

Interesting start. I haven’t sensed anyone taking a true leadership role or being a heel, but that’ll likely show up in the next episode.

WTF are these people thinking with the romance nonsense? have they ever seen the show? Instant target on the back. Keep it in your pants for 39 days and get the digits after you get the check at the reunion show.

I love that some dogshit weather showed up. It feels like the last few seasons were beach resort weather.

Man that sucks for Pat, but I’m sure they’ll throw him another shot in the future.

First of all, there is only 1 Cockring! Secondly, BBT is the real deal! He and his nerd girlfriend are gonna kick ass in this game. They're gonna be the REAL Power Couple, not SWAT guy and cheerleader. Seriously, if SWAT guy and cheerleader can keep their hormones intact, they could do well. I agree about the dogshit weather. It's been awesome to watch as a viewer, although, obviously, Pat was injured as a result of the elements.
Lot of good being a super fan did Jeremy.

Natalie is lucky he played too overtly aggressive. Cause I don't know how anyone could want 3 more days (or more) with her around.
I think Jeremy shot himself in the foot going after Natalie so hard. Nobody likes her but she did a good job defending herself at TC.

They should have tossed her as she’s dead weight in challenges and it’s still too early.

I actually wouldn’t be shocked if she ends up going pretty far. If she can soften up and build some good will she may cruise a bit as she’s not seen as a threat.
Jeremy's time on the show represented a well worn Survivor cliché: He became his own worst enemy. The edit that was presented certainly made it appear as if Jeremy was sabotaging himself. First, with the whole side conversations bullshit. Next, proceeding to follow Natalie wherever she went. Not allowing her to talk with her tribemates privately. And finally, acting a fool during TC. Plus, Natalie is the perfect player to work with as the game continues. Johnny is no fool. He's made friends with her. He realizes her value as a participant in the game. The others are annoyed by her, but don't view her as a threat. She could be Cirie: Version 2. :wink:
I think either one was a good expulsion.

Right. Lyrsa wasn't exactly dominating and Angelina thinks she's being strategic, but she's just getting rid of the people she doesn't like. You should get rid of the people who pose the largest threat. Lyrsa and Natalie weren't threats.

Meanwhile, BBT and the gang are kicking ass despite the fact that Gabby has alienated herself from John and SWAT Guy.
Good Lord, Angelina is getting worse each week. Gabby gave quite the performance at TB. At least they're getting rid of the people who suck.
Well played tribal by the Davids

Yes, John was a smart choice to vote out. John got along with everyone and posed a huge threat. Davie actually came through. SWAT guy was close to not giving Angelina his Idol. He sure made her beg for it. :wink:

With John eliminated, BBT is now my top person to root for.
They need to get rid of Angelina; she's such a liar. I'm really starting to root against all the Goliaths and enjoy seeing the Davids stand up for themselves.
That was an awesome TC last night. The Davids really pulled together. The SWAT guy got swatted. Glad BBT held onto his Idol. Alec was impressive in his challenge victories.
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