SOE 34: If there is a leak, don't let it go unheard

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Yes please. The two people on here that have heard it have Book of Your Heart in their top 5 I believe?

Not mine. :p

He played the extra tracks after a couple spins of the album when he was streaming. Book of Your Heart is a weird song. It actually begins with a synth-y vibe I'd call more Passengers-like before going into the UF feeling people have been talking about, and I'm not sure that's even a great classification for it. Chord progression goes to an off-kilter place at the very end. Sounded like something that was a good concept but didn't quite get pushed to great in terms of the packaging, kind of like Winter. (IMO)
Not mine. :p

He played the extra tracks after a couple spins of the album when he was streaming. Book of Your Heart is a weird song. It actually begins with a synth-y vibe I'd call more Passengers-like before going into the UF feeling people have been talking about, and I'm not sure that's even a great classification for it. Chord progression goes to an off-kilter place at the very end. Sounded like something that was a good concept but didn't quite get pushed to great in terms of the packaging, kind of like Winter. (IMO)

Hehe to each their own I guess :)
Thanks for sharing the link. I'm just starting to my second listen.

My first impressions are that it feels very 1970s. I hear some War, some ATYCLB, but mostly I hear U2 trying to explore new territory, which is a good thing. I love the paired songs from the two albums. They did it well and it made them very special. I feel very lucky that Bono avoided all of those near misses and lived long enough for them to record this!
Hearing some things on 'Lights of Home' on 3rd listen i didn't hear on the first 2 listens. Guess there are gifts there for those who dig, like an animal who needs a place to sleep in the day when their night is gone for the world to wake.
Really digging Love is the Biggest Thing You Can Ever Give Away and The Only Thing You Need is Me and You (LITBTYCEGA and TOTYNIMAY for short).
Listened to this several times and still cannot get into it. Just sounds too tame in sound and feel.
Leaves me with a question Where is the rock? You got Blackout and American Soul and the rest kinds of puts you to sleep. There is also too much acoustic guitar and not a big fan of it and hate it soo much when U2 does acoustic segments in their live shows. Pee breaks for me. They start right off the bat with a track that puts you to sleep before you can even get to track 2. Really disappointed, but maybe my opinion will change once hearing CD quality version. Probably in the minority in my opinion of SOE going by mostly everyone gushing over these new track like Summer of Love, Red Flag Day, Love is Bigger... Again just not feeling it and agree with those who think SOI is better. I know probably in the minority on this. I know that I will probably be laughed at but also think NLOTH is better. Like more songs on NLOTH like NLOTH, Magnificent, Unknown Caller, Breathe Cedars and of course Moment of Surrender which I think is better than any track of SOE.
Just give SOE 5/10.
IS it just me or the little things just a really poor quality rip, moreso than the others? Today I listened to it again and I am really underwhelmed by it.:reject: but I feel it must be the quality of the audio. This one along with love is all we have left where the songs I was most excited to hearing on the album. Liawhl hasnt dessapointed me but little things I am just not hearing the greatness that I heard on the kimmel version.
IS it just me or the little things just a really poor quality rip, moreso than the others? Today I listened to it again and I am really underwhelmed by it.:reject: but I feel it must be the quality of the audio. This one along with love is all we have left where the songs I was most excited to hearing on the album. Liawhl hasnt dessapointed me but little things I am just not hearing the greatness that I heard on the kimmel version.

Not its not just you, little things is the worst quality rip and there was probably one other that left me feeling that as well. Wait till we get the proper release and you wont be disappointed
I've been really negative about the pre-release songs but I have to say.... the album is really good.

They break ground here... at least on tape.

There's more acoustic guitar here than probably all other albums combined. The use of technology for affect and enhancement on the vocals does not detract from what I perceive which is... deep lyrics/album.

While there is depth of songs and cohesive concept.... there's a lightness to all of it.

If I miss something it is a point of intensity on the album.

Once again, after decades, we will not get something close to BTBS here. That's okay though. Anyone who has worked in music creation will clearly recognize a highly crafted and laborious effort. I still think it is exceptional. There's major crafty aspirations here and that takes balls (and intensity).

Speaking of balls... I was listening and thinking and I came to a conclusion that this album.... lacks testosterone. (I was buzzed) Some might agree though. BUT I really like it.

I just realize AGAIN that we aren't ever going to get U2 jamming and beating something into brilliance.

That must be a bi-product of.... EXPERIENCE.

(LOL along with testosterone which reduces with EXPERIENCE LOL)
I know probably in the minority on this. I know that I will probably be laughed at but also think NLOTH is better. Like more songs on NLOTH like NLOTH, Magnificent, Unknown Caller, Breathe Cedars and of course Moment of Surrender which I think is better than any track of SOE.
For me, nothing on the new album hits the same heights as NLOTH (MOS and FBB).

Liawhl hasnt dessapointed me but little things I am just not hearing the greatness that I heard on the kimmel version.
After listening to the Kimmel version for months, I'm not sure how I feel about the lack of piano on the studio version.
Shit I just caught it again! Thanks man for letting me know he was playing side 4! You are not going to like this hehehe but I still freaking love this song :reject: lots of great atmospheric sounds in there.
I'm about 7 listens in. I can't believe how much I like it. Here are my massive gripes first. It's pretty soft rockish (though U2 hasn't been an edgy rock band since the early 90's). The heavier songs lack teeth and I wish it was less modern rock in terms of production. I mentioned to a friend that it's the greatest possible christian rock album. With all that said...

...I love it. I can't wait for a proper version. I think it's easily the best since Bomb, and when the dust settles it might be best since AB/Z. Pretty amazing for their age.

The most amazing aspect for me was how much I liked it after not liking Best Thing much, being eh about Blackout, semi-into Get Out, and never wanting to hear American Soul ever again for the rest of my life. I would make the argument that those songs are probably the bottom 4. That's never happened to me before.

Favs: Light, Showman, Red Flag.

Thanks to Rob for the leak!
Yep :up:

summer of love and red flag day sound so clear i can call them great :heart:

Yep, hence why I probably love those two songs so much. SOL was a big surprise for me especially after I read it being described as similar to a man and a women (an ok song in my eyes but nothing ide go back to). Sol is such a great tune! Edit: hearing all these songs in full quality is going to be killer! I am so excited!
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