SOE 14: The Morning after Meltdown

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oh my god is everybody here tetchy or what?! :lol:

(apart from Peterrrr, obviously)

put on some songs that make you feel happy and CHEER THE FUCK UP
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Music and politics... go figure

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So whats next now???? Is there any chance of any new U2 music released this year?

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If the tour starts in April then there's a chance of a February release. This means the single could come out by the end of the year.

New single in late November/early December? Perform on SNL late December closing out the 2016 portion of the season or perform the opening episode of 2017 a month later?

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... Which is what disappoints me most. As others have said, it would be nice to hear U2 play songs their fans want to hear and not songs they think the masses want to hear. Its perfectly clear theyre out of touch in that regard.

For two of the U2 shows in Chicago last summer, I hung out a little bit with this one fan who I’d seen in GA for shows before. The type that was hard-core enough that he showed up early to lineup for a good spot, stood in the crowd at the entrances for autographs, etc. We sat down at a donut place having coffee one morning before a show and we got to talking about SOI and the set lists. I told him that I mostly enjoyed the new album and he told me that he wasn’t too big on it overall. I then asked him what he looked forward to hearing the most, since 7-9 of the songs they were playing were new ones.

He said, “I want to hear the hits.”

Not the answer I was expecting, but it shows that we don't all expect or want the same thing every time.
Not new at all. Neither is politics and internet forums. Just vented a bit, sorry :)

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oh no i wasn't specifically singling you out - the most striking thing was the snowballing personal bitching and crankiness among a few of the regulars :hug:
If the tour starts in April then there's a chance of a February release. This means the single could come out by the end of the year.

New single in late November/early December? Perform on SNL late December closing out the 2016 portion of the season or perform the opening episode of 2017 a month later?

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Yeah I think that's certainly possible. RD has heard the tour is postponed beyond spring, but whoever said April seems to be in the u2 camp, so that's promising.

If they just need more time mixing, then December /January for a single isn't a stretch. It depends whether they want to finish the album, or keep exploring/working on it. I'll take no news of them in the studio as good news.
oh no i wasn't specifically singling you out - the most striking thing was the snowballing personal bitching and crankiness among a few of the regulars :hug:

I didn't think you were, but was apologising anyway for contributing to the toxicity. :hug:

I think it's important that ordinary people talk about politics, but it is just about impossible to stay cool and talk about politics, which is a shame.
Hey guys, did you notice? In the U2 birthday celebration video, there was no background music.

What does that tell you?

No music EVER
My favorite reaction to their Trump gunning is "I've always loved U2, but this...."

It's a good method of filtering. Their international fans (and their rational American fans) will probably love them even more.
Sure do!

-Dave Fanning asked if they're thinking of taking the next tour outdoors and Adam says they're waiting to see the reaction to these songs but he thinks in his heart the next tour is an indoor tour.
Waiting to see reactions before deciding about the type of venue? That doesn't make me confident... Would make the tour kickoff in april rather unlikely...
From PRB216's post...

-Interestingly he also mentions Songs of Ascent is still a project in the works (but down the line) and thinks that those eventual songs will have them return to stadiums/outdoor gigs. Later on he says it is indeed in the pipeline and they will return to it at some point.

Might've been just how they wrote it, but I thought it was a little odd based on their past descriptions of that material. I know a few fans on here felt that the album didn't lend itself to the 360 spectacle for at least half of its songs, but who knows...
I'm excited about SOA as much as everyone else. But right now I don't wanna hear about it or the band working on it. Just focus on SOE please and get that one out for christ's sake...
You know U2, right?

You will see studio pics in Jan/Feb/March .. when they try to finish SOE last minute

Yup, I can easily see that happening. And if it does, I can imagine it snowballing into entirely new songs, which are in turn obsessed over, leading to SoE being abandoned in favour of an entirely new album in late 2017/2018.
Now that I'm a few days removed from my bitter disappointment at more war horses and vague non-committal statements from the band, I'm still trying to put my finger on a few things.

First, we know Bono is more or less speaking the truth these days. When he says the album isn't done, it's not. When he says he doesn't know when, he doesn't. When he said we may see a few things in the fall, he knew they were committed to iHeart and Dreamforce but nothing else.

What bugs a lot of fans like myself I think is what seems like a lack of genuine desire to deliver. All that crap about "we hope to have it out in the back half of the year" was said with plenty of time to finish an album. But then they're off on vacation for an incredibly long time and Bono is off doing his day job. Now there is still just hope of having it out in 2017 and no commitment to any time. And all the while, I can't shake the feeling that the album is getting worse as we speak.

Generally speaking, the most coherent, cohesive works are done with flow and dedication. Fits and starts and re-visiting it every few months with various producers leads to second-guessing and choppy, detached work. And we've seen that with them in the past. All of us patiently waited an extra year while they made No Line worse (or at least that's the majority opinion). So for me, the trust factor is gone. I don't trust their process and their confidence.

This whole thing shouldn't be rocket science. You jump in with both feet or you don't. I know they owe me nothing. But I still can't help feel how I feel and to still be sold more Elevation and Pride while they won't tell us a damn thing about when to expect something new leaves me completely disappointed in them, no matter how much I don't want to be.
I know they're U2, and they've earned the right to move at their own pace. But you'd think they would feel at least a small amount of pressure to resume the tour. Let's just hope the current rumors are true, and that they start the tour up again in April and play through until at least early 2018.

It surely doesn't make any sense to have more than 2 years pass between tour legs. But it is U2.

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What I'm seeing as positive is the "down to 16 songs" quote from Bono. At least it's no longer 50 pieces of music, and I see it as the home stretch. Providing they get back into the studio shortly and put in a solid couple of weeks' work there's no excuse for those songs to not be finished by the end of the year. They just have to have the desire and be interested in doing it.

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So sorry folks, i don't have the time or energy to read the last thousand pages or so...can someone catch me up to speed (doesn't need to be highly detailed)?

I know the following:
we had hoped for a new song at iHeart and ended up with warhorses.
Bono said the album will be out in 2017
My assumption is that a majority of the folks on here now hate U2 or are bashing them mercilessly. I, for one, still love them and will remain loyal till the end...they owe me nothing. At this point, everything else is just a bonus.

What else did i miss? Thanks !:wave:
I wouldn't take any previous discussions of SOE or SOA seriously at this point. It seems to me that U2 simply decided at some point after NLOTH to name their next 3 albums SOI, SOE, and SOA. I doubt there's much of a plan for specific song getting saved for specific albums (EBW already went from SOA to SOI). And Adam already verified that everything from the original SOA sessions with Rick Rubin were scrapped.

I also wouldn't be surprised if they decide to scrap the SOE and SOA names at some point either.
What I'm seeing as positive is the "down to 16 songs" quote from Bono.

May I remind you that Bono told Entertainment Weekly in October 2015 that they had 18 completed songs already?

As of now, he reveals the group has around 18 tracks completed, which they will whittle down to around a dozen for the final record.

Bono reveals details of U2's new album 'Songs of Experience' |

I don't give a sh*t anymore how many songs they might have ON THE COOKER ... if the album's ready ... then that's fine ....
Oh wow, I had missed or forgotten that. Clearly he was either bullshitting or they may have started over at some point after the tour.

Ryan Tedder mentioned over the summer that the majority of work was all new, and there was a report by a trustworthy u2 Facebook fanpage that mentioned most of the songs being written from January 2016 onwards.

So it's likely whatever songs they had in late 2015 when giving interviews were scrapped/radically altered.

At least right now, they seem to be in the mixing stage. If they go back to the studio to write I think it'll be a 50/50 chance we get a spring album at best.
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