Songs of experience - will this be the thread that we see new music?

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Well, they can change the stage. They have enough time to do so. Or they can just slightly remodel it to fit stadiums in South America, and keep it indoors for the other markets. Both would work. Personally, I'm really hoping for a continued arena tour. It was such a great setting. However, I would argue for a stage setup as in Dublin (e-stage pulled forward). That was one hell of a stage :love:

Yeah, I don't think there's any way they play arenas in South America, considering they're often playing only one city per country.

But constructing a bigger "wall" is no small task.
Well, right now we have no reason to believe it will take that long, but of course anything is possible. But I would count on a release until september, to leave time for a proper promotion and tour preparation. Although the tour preparation (new visuals, theme etc) can also happen without SOE being released.

Good point about tour preparation. I looked up the tours for the last few albums:

The elevation, vertigo and 360 tours (I didn't account for I&E because of Bono's injury) began 5, 4 and 4 months respectively after their respective albums came out.

So, based on that, I'd guess now that we'd get SoE in October/November? Leaves 4-5 months to prepare.

Though, this is an unusual case where the tour is still under the same 'theme' (still the same tour), they'll still be promoting/playing SoI (though probably less so than SoE), and if they do remain indoors there could be even less work/ time required to start a tour than usual.

All depends on how much they revamp. But, if it's not a lot, maybe they'd only need 2-3 months to prepare, so maybe December/January?

The rumours for now do say south America, which likely means stadiums (therefore a big revamp), so I'm gonna guess October/November, with September at the earliest?
How would they even get the screen going down the middle of the pitch? Theres nothing to hang it on. They would have to do something like the claw thats so high stuf could be hung from. It would be a challenge anyway
Who takes a 16 month break during a tour?

All I see from this band is tentative, and indecision. And lies

We were told they had two albums. They were recording during the tour. They had 8 songs finished, and some were heard.

That was over a year ago. I think the same issue has cropped up for them. No "hits", so they have to keep writing.

MAYBE we'll get a single soon, or maybe we'll spend another 8 threads chasing every rumor.

Such a frustrating band to follow

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This band craves attention and would want to stay away from any further negative press with releasing at the wrong time so who knows if the events in Orlando had anything to do with any changes with rumored plans for yesterday. They've had so much time to work on this album with quick releasing in mind that it has to be close to being finished.

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Who takes a 16 month break during a tour?

All I see from this band is tentative, and indecision. And lies

We were told they had two albums. They were recording during the tour. They had 8 songs finished, and some were heard.

That was over a year ago. I think the same issue has cropped up for them. No "hits", so they have to keep writing.

MAYBE we'll get a single soon, or maybe we'll spend another 8 threads chasing every rumor.

Such a frustrating band to follow

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I feel your pain. But after Songs of Ascent and all that letdown during the 360 tour, I'm used to it.

And at least this time, things seem more promising, if only because they've (possibly intentionally) forced themselves into releasing SoE - naming the tour after both albums, hyping up the idea of a quick release and berating themselves for taking so long before ("those days are over" etc) increasingly massive gap between tour legs... It would be pretty significant/embarrassing for them to give it up at this point.

... Then again, they spent 2009-2011 hyping up an imminent release, and then just quietly finished the 360 tour and gave up on that, so anything's possible.
Now. If that whole March rumor is true, then the album should be out in the fall, so there's that. I'd rather them not tour this fall anyway. I have a baby due in October. No way I'd make a show.

I do hope you plane to name him Leo. (Leona for a girl)
This band craves attention and would want to stay away from any further negative press with releasing at the wrong time so who knows if the events in Orlando had anything to do with any changes with rumored plans for yesterday. They've had so much time to work on this album with quick releasing in mind that it has to be close to being finished.

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Agreed. Hell, they may have even pushed back the release to *avoid* the Apple event (distancing themselves from Apple, and with a new release tactic that can hopefully outshine the last fiasco, makes sense).

Are there any hints that they're finished/close to finished?

I know Jack Knife Lee is more about mastering than producing, so recent photos/the video could suggest finishing touches
... But he was in that Fender video about Edge (which must have been filmed a while back), suggesting he's working on SoE in a full-on way, so his presence doesn't strictly = finishing up.

There's Tedder referring to u2's work as 'the album', and other language that could imply a finished project rather than a project they're in the middle of/only starting.
... But that's not airtight. It's still possible to refer to u2's 'album' or SoE when it's still a work in progress.

There's Adam saying SoE is "being born".
That could mean the album is being finished up in order to be finally released, or it could mean it's only now taking shape into something recognisable, rather than rough demos. It could mean absolutely anything in terms of progress.

Any other signs indicating SoE is close to done?

To me there are no sure fire signs of a release soon, but very strong signs that they're at least committed to getting this damn follow up out, even if it takes a while.
There's Adam saying SoE is "being born".
That could mean the album is being finished up in order to be finally released, or it could mean it's only now taking shape into something recognisable, rather than rough demos. It could mean absolutely anything in terms of progress.

Right? I didn't buy into the whole "'being born = finished!" thing the way others here did. To me, that phrase suggests something that is closer to being started than being finished. It's awfully ambiguous...
I mean, he wouldn't post a clip of it being born as in just starting the process now. We've known for almost two years about Songs of Experience.

It's likely beginning the process of mastering, if I had to guess. Maybe a few more tweaks here and there, but that on the heels of Adam's "hit the red button jack knife" post make me think they're just doing the mastering/overdubs/ final touches now.
Right? I didn't buy into the whole "'being born = finished!" thing the way others here did. To me, that phrase suggests something that is closer to being started than being finished. It's awfully ambiguous...

Yeah, i personally feel you'd say your album is "being born" if it's taking shape, rather than wrapping up, I.e. closer to starting than finishing.

Hey, it could easily mean the opposite, and refer to finishing touches (the video is of jack knife at a computer, the band watching; it's not them with their instruments laying down tracks or coming up with initial riffs/ideas, so that bodes well for progress?), but really there's no way to be sure.

I was excited about that post for two reasons:
1: we got to hear actually music, which is awesome, and hopefully we get more clips before long.
2: it refers explicitly to SoE, showing they're committed to this album.

Just hope that clip wasn't a one off. Or of it was, it's because of radio silence prior to an announcement.
Keep in mind that, if the tour resumes in march in SA, or january in Australia, then they could very well hold bach the finished album for a few months over the summer to start the promotion & album sales in fall. SOE not being released doesn't mean it's not finished. I'm not implying it's already finished, but think a month ahead and imagine the discussion / freaking out we'll have then. SOE could very well be finished by then but released in september for example. Would actually make sense. 3 months of promotion october to december and tour kick-off in january down under.
If SoE is delayed due to lack of hits, that's just crap.

Does anyone know if the band were hesitant to release AB due to lack of hits? It was a huge departure for the band and i would guess there were question marks as to it's popularity upon release.
While they absolutely cared about hits back then, they seemed to be a lil less open about it.

The lead single was The Fly, which I consider one of their best ever. But it's not exactly radio friendly. It was played because U2 was still the biggest band alive, coming off of the JT and Rattle

Now they seem to realize they are getting older and must have that sure fire single/hit, and if they don't have it.....keep working and bring in different people.

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Who takes a 16 month break during a tour?

All I see from this band is tentative, and indecision. And lies

We were told they had two albums. They were recording during the tour. They had 8 songs finished, and some were heard.

That was over a year ago. I think the same issue has cropped up for them. No "hits", so they have to keep writing.

MAYBE we'll get a single soon, or maybe we'll spend another 8 threads chasing every rumor.

Such a frustrating band to follow

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You must be new around here ;)

Apart from when they recorded Zooropa on the hoof in the days before the web, I think every single break between albums has been the same to some extent to be honest.

To be fair though, even after the recent SOA rumours, I thought the SOE stuff was the best chance in a very long time of a quick follow up what with them recording on tour etc. But even that's proved fruitless, so I'm not expected anything quick now.
While they absolutely cared about hits back then, they seemed to be a lil less open about it.

The lead single was The Fly, which I consider one of their best ever. But it's not exactly radio friendly. It was played because U2 was still the biggest band alive, coming off of the JT and Rattle

Now they seem to realize they are getting older and must have that sure fire single/hit, and if they don't have it.....keep working and bring in different people.

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The Fly is probably my favorite as well :love:

They certainly didn't care about hits w/ Zooropa..."Numb" for petes sake !

I guess "hits" are the only way to make money (other than touring). everyone wants instant gratification and will only download 1 catchy song off of Itunes. They don't care about the rest of the album containing songs that you need to hear a handful of times before you get them and then fall in love with them.
Does anyone know if the band were hesitant to release AB due to lack of hits? It was a huge departure for the band and i would guess there were question marks as to it's popularity upon release.

AB is one example that makes me wonder why we’re sometimes insistent that continued work on an album is a bad thing. If that were the case, then we’d be talking about an album that consisted of songs like Heaven and Hell, I Feel Free, She’s Gonna Blow Your House Down, Wake Up Dead Man (w/ the Spinning Head), etc. Maybe not too bad in the long run, but we would’ve missed out on a lot in the long run too.

I’m not a fan of 5+ year waits either and wouldn’t be this time around. But unless another tour leg goes by without an album, I’m not really pushing myself to get worked up about it either.
I guess I'm going to have to keep listening to Bon Jovi's DirecTV commercial song to hold me over until the new single arrives.
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