Random Music Talk CII: Brazilian Style, the longer it takes, the closer it gets.

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In Phoenix they were all over the golf course, weird to see that.

That's not really unusual when you consider that for years they rarely made the playoffs, so it was common to see them playing golf. :D

Oh, and my tuition in Montreal was $1,800 a year. Lowest rates in Canada due to a tuition freeze that's been in place for more than 20 years.

wow they look really young in that video.

Wolves, Lower >>>>>>> Raised By Wolves
"Pssht, what is there to understand about social media/people in their 20s," asked no marketing exec/advertiser ever.
if my neck is sore should I go to the doctor? playing cricket in the park for three hours yesterday probably wasn't a smart idea. my face doesn't hurt any more (though there's a nice bruise/scrape/wound), but my neck is a bit sore, I've got limited movement and there's also a cut on the back of my ear, no idea how that happened.

random music - my vinyl of the new FlyLo arrived :drool:
I had forgotten the new Zola album was dropping this week. Once I finally get around to Thom Yorke, I will be sure to listen to it. Love me some Zola Jesus.
I haven't listened Conatus in a while but I definitely am liking this more than I liked that one at the time. I'm trying to think of the right word. I think there's more of a sense of urgency, I guess? Or tension? Whatever it is, call me Jeff Goldblum because I like it.
Re: Cobbler's neck... Pretty unlikely that you have a spinal injury if there was no trauma you can recall. I assume you didn't take a cricket bat to the face?

Most likely just a muscle strain. You're probably better off with a physio than a doctor.

He did fall a few days ago, though.
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