Random Music Talk XCVII: Now With Hot Man Pics!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Well, yeah. Not a lot going on.

Should we talk about the weather? Should we talk about the government?
Should we talk about the government?
Maybe we should. As it happens, there were federal and regional elections in Belgium today and it was the first time I could, and had to, vote. Now we'll just have to wait another year until we have a government! :lol:

And now for something music-related, because of the discussion in the Coldplay thread I went through some Pitchfork toplists to find interesting bands I haven't yet gotten aound to. I started with Modest Mouse. My first impression is overwhelmingly positive. They're much better than I expected them to be, judging by their name probably.
I still haven't heard or purchased either the new Black Keys or Coldplay albums. Not really feeling an overwhelming urge to rush out and get either, which sorta saddens me.

Plenty of discussion on the Coldplay album already.

I like the new Black Keys album. It's, um, bluesy.

Seriously though, I'm considering upgrading to the 24-bit lossless.

Robot Bono is about to restart and reboot itself soon.
I am going to sound like one of those guys, but I remember going to dinner in LA with this girl and her friend Nikki Lane, it was kind of a double date in 2005.. They mostly talked about opening a vintage clothing boutique and I mumbled stuff and stared at my plate of gnocchi.. I didn't know at the time that Nikki Lane would go on to become a recording artist.
Let's combine every era of Bono, toss it into the Walking Dead and photograph the most gruesomely chopped version of his bust once his rich Irish ass has been ripped to shreds. Happy Saturday.
And you've also just made the most boring post in Interference history.


Probably a lot of moccasins.

I own a pair of moccas. I love them, and have even shopped in them.

And now for something music-related, because of the discussion in the Coldplay thread I went through some Pitchfork toplists to find interesting bands I haven't yet gotten aound to. I started with Modest Mouse. My first impression is overwhelmingly positive. They're much better than I expected them to be, judging by their name probably.

I always forget how much I love this song

Why the fuck isn't Hey Hey What Can I Do on Led Zeppelin III? It's better than half the songs on there, and I like the album.

I ranted recently about Houses Of The Holy not making it on the album it's named after, but this is even worse.
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