Random Music Talk XCVII: Now With Hot Man Pics!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Top any number Bruce is always a difficult list, but it is a great song.
I still haven't heard or purchased either the new Black Keys or Coldplay albums. Not really feeling an overwhelming urge to rush out and get either, which sorta saddens me.

I finally saw St. Vincent on SNL, wasn't as bad as I'd heard (even the one song I heard half of in a hotel sounded better than I remembered).

So I spent a week and a half in Texas for work, got back Wednesday evening. I'm going back to Texas Monday afternoon. Yay?
I was reading a book about Radiohead several years ago, and Johnny (?) found the instrument that makes the choral-sounding music in Paris. If I were at home, I would look in the book and tell everyone what it's called. But I'm not, so I won't.
I feel like, to really see Texas, you've got to hit Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Houston and then maybe Corpus Christi and El Paso, but I say that having never been to El Paso.

And if you're really feeling crazy, maybe drive from Dallas to Amarillo to get a really exciting experience.
One would have to consider dust storms exciting, no?

I don't know, I've never been to Texas. I don't plan on ever going to Texas, I like to stay away from places that are hot and dusty and more than a 2 hr drive from the Atlantic Ocean.
Hmm, déjà vu.

Oh, if you couldn't tell the boredom is quite present tense right now (rather than the past of my username).
Housemate David has just introduced a "three shoes only per person at the front door" rule.

I'm one of these people who struggles to see why anybody needs to own more than that many pairs of shoes anyway.
Or wears them that frequently that they'd be left near the front door for convenience (I'd say I only own 1 pair of sneakers + work boots, but I think I may also have a pair of dress shoes in a closet somewhere. I think I used them to kill a spider once).
One would have to consider dust storms exciting, no?

I don't know, I've never been to Texas. I don't plan on ever going to Texas, I like to stay away from places that are hot and dusty and more than a 2 hr drive from the Atlantic Ocean.

I was in a dust storm once in Lubuttocks and it wasn't particularly exciting.
I'm one of these people who struggles to see why anybody needs to own more than that many pairs of shoes anyway.

I have my dress shoes for the office. I have sneakers for general wear. I also have yardwork shoes, and I also have loafers.
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