Random Music Talk LXXVIII: Crashing Miley's Toluca Lake Pad

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There's a tiny bookstore around the corner from my place that does Italian classes on a Wednesday night. Think I might get down to that :up:

Update on my job:

I still have one, still doing sport. So that's the good thing. The annoying thing is it's not in the area I've been covering for the past eight months, which sucks. The bad thing is I've gone from "working" about six hours Saturday (most of that "work" involves sitting on my arse watching cricket or footy) and three or so on a Sunday morning from home to about six on a Saturday, having to go into the office 9:30am Sunday morning and 9:30am Monday morning, both possibly full days of work. I get two days off during the week, but I've just lost my weekends. No one fucking does anything during the week, because they're either at work or uni or whatever. So my social life is gonna be a lot crappier. But I've still got a job at least.
I would guess it's pretty typical for a sports journo to have to work weekends? But yeah, I can see it dragging on your social life. I worked graveyard shift in the ER all summer when I was in college, including weekend shifts, and I felt like I was no longer part of the world.
I would guess it's pretty typical for a sports journo to have to work weekends? But yeah, I can see it dragging on your social life. I worked graveyard shift in the ER all summer when I was in college, including weekend shifts, and I felt like I was no longer part of the world.

It is. But I am not as passionate about my career as I should be, so it's a real bummer. Going out with a bang this weekend.
It is. But I am not as passionate about my career as I should be, so it's a real bummer. Going out with a bang this weekend.

You still have a job at a company where, as I recall, you said 90% of the employees were getting axed?

Please tell me you're not complaining.
Hahaha cobbler, you are killin it over in the song survivor threads. I love your most recent post and Nick's reaction. Keep it up.
The Stone Roses were epic on Wednesday. It was weird seeing a bunch of 50 year olds stroll on stage when their debut is so utterly locked in its time, but any concerns were gone by the end of I Wanna Be Adored. Great set from start to end, with John Squire somehow keeping his guitar work on just the right side of Spinal Tap levels of parody. The trippy rhythm section definitely anchors him and Ian Brown knows how to command the stage. She Bangs the Drums did totally get turned up to 11 though.

Bob Mould tonight. I've been listening to Copper Blue a lot the past few months, so New Day Rising is getting me pumped right now instead.
I'm seeing Stone Roses at Future tomorrow. I have their debut but still haven't listened to it. Might do that today. Bloc Party clashes with Prodigy, which sucks. I'll be going to the former no doubt, but I'd love to see Prodigy.

(And thanks GAF, it's good fun seeing them overreact haha)

You still have a job at a company where, as I recall, you said 90% of the employees were getting axed?

Please tell me you're not complaining.

I am complaining. I'm very, very happy and grateful to still have a job, but I am allowed to complain. I love weekends. And better I vent here than to my bosses!
I'm seeing Stone Roses at Future tomorrow. I have their debut but still haven't listened to it.

You've been doing the things you usually do instead of listening to the Stone Roses' debut? Can I have your tickets?
I am complaining. I'm very, very happy and grateful to still have a job, but I am allowed to complain. I love weekends. And better I vent here than to my bosses!

It's just very confusing to me that you're surprised (in the sports world) that you have to work on the weekend.

And really, I'm sure the people who are losing their jobs feel really badly about your lost weekends.
Cobbler should be grateful. It's 90% less likely that he gets caught with his earphones in.
I'm seeing Stone Roses at Future tomorrow. I have their debut but still haven't listened to it. Might do that today.

You darn well better. One of the best debuts of all time, I think they played all of it the other night.

Thank God you're not pulling a Cobbler and listening to Second Coming first.
Haha, that's a decent album but about 30 minutes too long. It would definitely be tiresome for a first time listener.
The Cobbler Lynching Party can open for The Jack Nicholson Party.

Bonnie, go vote in the Kanye survivor.
I like Watch the Throne a whole lot but as of late I've been more invested in Kanye's first three, plus I just kind of think Jay Z is a huge dick so that pushed me in a non-WTT direction.
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