Random Music Talk LXXVIII: Crashing Miley's Toluca Lake Pad

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I haven't even heard Lonesome Crowded West, but I almost feel like I should watch that Pitchfork doco because their Belle & Sebastian doco turned me from a totally casual fan into a big fan.

Do it. It's not nearly as charming, but that's not really their style. It's pretty cool to see the footage from the '90's with Built to Spill, Elliot Smith, etc.

Maybe that will do the trick for me and Lonesome Crowded West. I've never warmed to it the way I have with A Long Drive and Moon and Antarctica, though I do like it. At 10 or 11 tracks I'd love it.

Do it.

I am a Peter Murphy fan. And a Bauhaus fan. And a Tones On Tail fan. And a Love and Rockets fan. Hell, even a Dalis Car fan.


Seriously, I think that "Get Me Away From Here, I'm Dying" is as good a tune as I've ever heard.


Get me away from here I'm dying
Play me a song to set me free
Nobody writes them like they used to
So it may as well be me

How fucking inspirational is that? Brilliant lyrics on that one.


Bauhaus and love and rockets are related?

Maybe I should hear some Bauhaus...

Do it.

Sorry, I just thought it was odd that you singled me out. I'm more of a Love And Rockets fan. Enjoy Bauhaus to a certain extent and really liked their reunion album a lot

I just remember no one other than you and I caring much about that album when it was released. Thought you might be interested. Sorry on my end, it was a dick thing to say. I work 2pm to midnight on Wednesdays, never end up in the greatest of moods at the end of it, knowing I have to be back at work first thing in the morning.

Congrats, Cobbz.
Rumours are that headliners at Osheaga in Montreal are going to be Phoenix, Green Day, and The Cure. Phoenix is all but confirmed, unsure about the others.

Since it's the same weekend as Lollapalooza, I expect a significant amount of overlap between the two. Osheaga's lineup will be released Monday.
I just remember no one other than you and I caring much about that album when it was released. Thought you might be interested. Sorry on my end, it was a dick thing to say. I work 2pm to midnight on Wednesdays, never end up in the greatest of moods at the end of it, knowing I have to be back at work first thing in the morning.

No sweat, I ain't mad at ya.
Steely Dan makes for killer, killer beats:

Lost my shit when Green Earrings started up.

Green Earrings has always been one of my least favorite Dan songs. I don't outwardly dislike it like Glamour Profession, but considering how much I love everything else, it's near the bottom.
Green Earrings has always been one of my least favorite Dan songs. I don't outwardly dislike it like Glamour Profession, but considering how much I love everything else, it's near the bottom.

Just thought it made for a good sample, jeez.

(I do really dig the tremolo picking in the solo)
I've decided I'm going to apply for JET in October, even though Mofo never responded to my post :)sad: )

I fully 100% do not expect to get accepted, but just knowing I'm going to do it has finally given me that spark I've needed to resume studying Japanese. This is a really big deal to me, so I'm randomly sharing it with you all.

Carry On.
Sorry, must have missed it. I think Shouter was actually there with Jet, but maybe it was a different program. Maybe I'm making all of that up and just assumed that's how or why he was there. I don't actually think you need to speak Japanese at all for Jet, at least it never seemed like any of the people I met there with Jet could say much of anything. Maybe they've changed that. I recall a few people I had classes with in college going back as more of a liaison role for the teachers and the schools, since they were fluent.

I wish I would have done it in retrospect, I remember considering it. I even got all the paper work, not sure why I didn't do anything with it. Probably scared I wouldn't get married if I went back to Japan. Sweet irony!
I've decided I'm going to apply for JET in October, even though Mofo never responded to my post :)sad: )

I fully 100% do not expect to get accepted, but just knowing I'm going to do it has finally given me that spark I've needed to resume studying Japanese. This is a really big deal to me, so I'm randomly sharing it with you all.

Carry On.

Cool. I really need some way to re-learn all the Russian I've forgotten.
Cool. I really need some way to re-learn all the Russian I've forgotten.

Isn't Russia considered an "Eastern" nation?

Many young people turned to drugs and immoral lifestyles; these youth became known as hippies. They went without bathing, wore dirty, ragged, unconventional clothing, and deliberately broke all codes of politeness or manners. Rock music played an important part in the hippie movement and had great influence over the hippies. Many of the rock musicians they followed belonged to Eastern religious cults or practiced Satan worship.

Interesting how this is all starting to fit.
Hahahahahahaa. Just when I was starting to think the old joke was tired and boring, you finally managed to put a new spin on it.
Sorry, must have missed it. I think Shouter was actually there with Jet, but maybe it was a different program. Maybe I'm making all of that up and just assumed that's how or why he was there. I don't actually think you need to speak Japanese at all for Jet, at least it never seemed like any of the people I met there with Jet could say much of anything. Maybe they've changed that. I recall a few people I had classes with in college going back as more of a liaison role for the teachers and the schools, since they were fluent.

I wish I would have done it in retrospect, I remember considering it. I even got all the paper work, not sure why I didn't do anything with it. Probably scared I wouldn't get married if I went back to Japan. Sweet irony!

Haha, yeah it's OK, I didn't want to bug you about it until some time had passed, in case you were purposefully ignoring me :(.

Hopefully Shouter will solve this mystery for us, I'm curious!

My goal after college had been to apply for JET and I chickened out when my friend who is basically fluent didn't get in. At least I have a little teaching experience, even if it's just substitute teaching, and my profession is in training/learning development

Like I said, even if I don't get in, which I don't expect to, I'm really, really pushing myself to start learning again, which is beyond great. And I'm going to try and take the N4 Japanese Language Proficiency Test in December, that's the goal. If I can get that, I'll be proud, even if that's only slightly above basic.

Cool. I really need some way to re-learn all the Russian I've forgotten.

It's really the worst thing, forgetting something you've spent so much effort learning.

Isn't Russia considered an "Eastern" nation?

Interesting how this is all starting to fit.

That's...friggin' hilarious. Reminds me of Mike's Coachella baby.
Ooh, a backhanded compliment. What say you now Mofo?


It's really the worst thing, forgetting something you've spent so much effort learning.

It is. The reason I kept taking language classes in college was because I didn't want to throw the four years of it from high school out the window, but I never really managed to think past that. Being able to understand what someone is saying to you, but not being able to actually reply is probably the most irritating thing. I mean, I could probably take a minute to write down my half of a conversation, but thats just ridiculous. I can read and understand better than i probably have any right to be able to at this point after being out of school for so long.
It's really the worst thing, forgetting something you've spent so much effort learning.

That's exactly how I felt when I found out that I suck at playing guitar now. It's like losing a part of yourself. As for languages, I'm always trying to learn like five at once, so I never end up remembering any of them. I really just gotta realise that Nahuatl probably won't come in much use to me and I should just concentrate on Spanish or whatever.
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