New Radiohead album announced The King of Limbs

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This thread needs less Initial Excitement and more Baseless Speculation. What's the tracklist gonna be? What live tracks floating out there do you think will get studio treatment? I think they only debuted a couple of new songs on the last tour. This might be the first Radiohead album were we haven't already heard live incarnations of most of the songs since, like, ever. The prospect of 'new' (as in actually 'unheard') Radiohead songs is indeed exciting. Will some older unreleased songs get recorded? Will we get a proper version of 'Follow me around?' (PLEASE??)
Slightly off topic, but I've always been a bit puzzled by people's fixation with tracklistings prior to an album's release, as though it really means a whole hell of a lot when you can't listen to the thing.
This might be the first Radiohead album were we haven't already heard live incarnations of most of the songs since, like, ever. The prospect of 'new' (as in actually 'unheard') Radiohead songs is indeed exciting. Will some older unreleased songs get recorded? Will we get a proper version of 'Follow me around?' (PLEASE??)

Also, this. This excites me greatly. I still feel a large part of my initial disappointment with In Lameblows was due to my over-familiarity with, what, 8 out of the 10 songs on the final album? And certain expectations that came from that. Going into this one entirely blind will at least be a better experience than the last for me.
Slightly off topic, but I've always been a bit puzzled by people's fixation with tracklistings prior to an album's release, as though it really means a whole hell of a lot when you can't listen to the thing.
But, what else will we talk about for the next 5 days?!?
I am very excited about this. I just pre ordered the vinyl pack. U2 is my favourite band. Radiohead is my wife's. I will say the two In Rainbows shows as well as a another show before the In Rainbows tour, were quite awesome. I love how Radiohead generates interest with their releases.
Slightly off topic, but I've always been a bit puzzled by people's fixation with tracklistings prior to an album's release, as though it really means a whole hell of a lot when you can't listen to the thing.

Also, knowing there's a lame title like "Love and Cock Or Else" or "I'll GO Crazy If I Don't Go Cock Crazy Tonite" helps to temper expectations.
:lol: You only have to wait until the end of the week to have everything.

dats da joke

I somehow worked that quote into everyday conversation last night. I cant remember the context :(
I'd like to post the line that came before that, but fear it could be quoted out of context at a later date
This thread needs less Initial Excitement and more Baseless Speculation.
Sounds good to me.
My question: What's it going to sound like? This being Radiohead, I can't really see them doing In Rainbows 2.0...maybe something between In Rainbows and Kid A?
I haven't seen bollox post in ages. I like how big news brings people out of the woodwork.
Hah, yeah of course they wouldn't just retread an old album. Too creative for that, so let's go with a cross between two old albums.
I took the exact opposite from that article. Particularly considering Japanese albums often have different track lists.

They do? As far as I know that "only" happens with compilations and remixes albums. Also, they usually have bonus tracks, but I don't think this would be the case here.
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