PGP: Hey Boys, They're Real

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
LMAO, Z, when I saw your mention of failure at stalking on FB, TBE was the first thing I thought of! Someday, we will get a glimpse!

Thank god Mr.Z doesn't have fb. I'd have some 'splainin' to do. Although, I have told him there's a cute boy at the gym that I talk to. Just like he tells me when there's some groupie that comes up to him after the gig that tries to get his number or something. It works for us. :shrug: Harmless flirting.
This pic makes me think dirty thoughts :shifty:

O hai thar!! When is that from?

*dives in*
Thank god Mr.Z doesn't have fb. I'd have some 'splainin' to do. Although, I have told him there's a cute boy at the gym that I talk to. Just like he tells me when there's some groupie that comes up to him after the gig that tries to get his number or something. It works for us. :shrug: Harmless flirting.

I refrained from being all "O HAI TBE!" on FB, just in case. ;)
:shifty: I forgot to eat today, then I had 2 beers so I'm a little , uh not right.

Eating now anyway. BLT. :drool: (with no beread)
One night, we should all get a little tipsy and post here! Can you imagine?:lol:
Okay, direct quote from UTEOTW, that just made me :combust:
The boys are in a conga line at a gay bar in Sydney (no I'm NOT making this up)
As the line gets squeezed together a humping motion takes over...Edge reaches back over the shoulders of the woman between them and strokes Larry's chest

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