U2 Announces 2010 360 Tour Opening Acts - Lenny Kravitz, Interpol, The Fray and more

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:shifty: not a huge fan of Jay-z, actually, that's a little unfair as I'm in the same boat as Cori . . . only know about 3 songs . . . am a tiny bit disappointed that an Aussie act didn't get a look in but :shrug: that is the extent of mah bitchin' . . . to freakin' excited that I have 120 days till those boys will be in my backyard :happydance:. . . and I'm nothing if not open to being pleasantly suprised :sexywink:

Jay-Z will not go down well here in NZ afterall Kayne West didn't either. Not the sort of music U2 fans are interested in down here. I don't even know any songs that Jay-z sings. It seems unfair that Europe and the US get all the good acts and we get stuck with rap music. Having said that we don't go to the concert to see the supporting act we go to see U2.
Jay-Z is pretty amazing
compared to the lame ass crap you should have come to expect to open a U2 show it doesn't get much better than Jay-Z
Jay-Z is definitely better than Kanye West and all the other hip-hop artists in my opinion, and I'm not a hardcore fan of hip hop. Lucky people :)
Jay-Z? Niiiiiiice. Not a huge hip-hop fan, admittedly, but The Grey Album is winsauce.
Wonder when they'll announce the North American 2011 opening acts? (Don't be The Fray, don't be The Fray, don't be The Fray...)
I've seen Jay-Z in concert before. He is amazing. I'm so jealous. I thought for sure NJ/NY would get him since he lives here.
Hip hop/rap is not my kind of music, but in terms of that genre, I think anyone who appreciates music/art in general can see that Jay Z does it extremely well.

I like a few of his songs and have worked security for a few of his shows. He puts a lot into his performances and is a nice, classy guy with a head on his shoulders. His business philosophy is not much different than U2's.

He was one of the few artists (U2 being in this group too) who actually acknowledged my coworkers and I and the job we were doing. Everyone he tours with, his management, staff, etc are first class people.

Jay Z has talent, you have to respect him for as long as he has been around and been successful, and he has grown up a lot from the drug dealing thug of the 1980s.

People need to chill out. He's opening a show. Be glad U2 has good relationships with so many diverse artists.

I don't go to see the opener. If the opener is good, then its a bonus. If not, I'll walk around, check out the venue, check out merchandise, get something to eat, etc. Its not that difficult.

I have seen Keane(Vertigo) and Snow Patrol(360) open and was very satisfied with both bands.

i like you man.
Check the first few lines.....

from Jay-Z's Blueprint II album

"Guns and Roses" - Jay Z feat Lenny Kravitz

Post Postatono, Hov hanging with Bono
"You too" can live like Salvatore Ferragamo
And "you too" can cool out poolside after Delano
And "you too" flow like you was out of your mind yo


This is nothing new from U2. I love how they challenge the status quo. From Public Enemy to Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprosy to Kanye West to Jay Z......

Some people are acting like U2 has never had a hip hop act open for them before... :crack:
kanye west had a string section on stage. jay-z has a lot to beat.

I saw this at Coachella '06. It was a hot girl string section. I loved it! I was already a fan but that performance convinced that he was a good live act. It's the only time I've seen kanye live but I'd definitely see him again. I think Jay Z will be great!
I believe his last two tours have been with a full band. I saw him in March, and to say it was kick ass would be an understatement.

I love hip-hop with a live band. It really adds to the show.

Only time I saw Jay-Z was with his collaboration with Linkin Park. That was a kick ass show.

kanye west had a string section on stage. jay-z has a lot to beat.

I'm still bitter we got Damian Marley instead of Kanye. He may be an ass but he's damn good.

I saw this at Coachella '06. It was a hot girl string section. I loved it! I was already a fan but that performance convinced that he was a good live act. It's the only time I've seen kanye live but I'd definitely see him again. I think Jay Z will be great!

I'd love to see Kanye live.

I heard Interpol opened up for U2 in Paris. I'll get to see them in Rome and I'm thinking about going to their concert here in Vienna in November, even though I'm not very fond of their current album. What were they like in Paris? I rather enjoyed One Republic in Vienna and Munich, actually more than I thought I would, but it's a shame they rely mostly on cover versions to get the audience going.
Interpol aren't bad at all, they're proper musicians and their guitarist is very entertaining. Good bassplayer and drummer as well. Just the singer is the problem with me. His voice is very VERY monotonous, and after a few songs they all start to sound the same.
They're not bad, just a bit too much of the same.
I agree about the monotonous voice, probably sounds better on record than live, still I'm curious about hearing and seeing Interpol in Rome. I listened to Love to admire today and I like the album a lot.
If you haven't already you should definitly give Turn On The Bright Lights a listen. It's their best, according to me and about everyone else.
Going based on what U2 is listening to now, I've come up with a shortlist of awesome possibilities that the band likes and would work in a stadium.

The Black Keys
The Drums (except their guitarist left)
Florence and the Machine
Arcade Fire
Broken Bells
The National

I'd personally be happy with any of those as an opener.
Interpol didn't work :down: They are okay , but they don't work.
I still rather listen to their records than seeing them underneath the claw.
I believe Airborne Toxic Event would be a great opener.

They put out a really good first album and are working on album #2 right now. Just saw them at the Park West play full band with 4 piece string section, and they alternated songs with the strings, played as the proper band they are, including new songs from their upcoming album. I was at the U2 No Line promo show at the Metro, Chicago March 10, '09 and Adam chose 'Sometime Around Midnight' as his DJ pick. My observation is that Airborne is just as good now as Kings of Leon were in '05 opening for Vertigo.
you need some JayZ in your life GG :D
Orrrr.... I could jump off a cliff before I have to.

This summed up my feelings on them. Still much better than watching Glasvegas in Cardiff though. :wink::lol: Just most of the songs sounded all the same to me. :lol:

ANYTHING is better than Crapvegas. I swear I would even rather listen to Jay-Z or the BEP's than that.

Though I doubt any of those hip hop acts have anything as entertaining as drummer nanny!
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