The Things I Love Part Bajillion and One

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I wish I lived closer to my friends on here!!:sad:

I love the support I get whenever I am down from some great friends!:love:
This place is so full of love tonight, I could just cry--but it's a good cry! Y'all are wonderful! :grouphug:

I envy your being geographically close, too, and can actually get together.

Me thinks MsPurrl could use two things.

1) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
2) You need to come to Cal-i-for-NI-a and hang out with us Craic type folks. Perhaps you can still obtain a ticket for Anaheim (if you haven't already done so?). Just a thought.

:up: :wave:
reading zoo confesh.

better reading than a soap opera. only downside is it's more of a guessing game about the storylines than actually knowing.

Just sayin'.

And you Ms. Maddy... if you've not noticed... you DO rock.

Notice how the setlist party lights up when you (finally) wake up and join in?

That is a show of a cool person that is liked by all. And that is a rockin' good thing.

Now take that and your good heart for volunteering with the kiddies this summer. Helpful, loving, kind and no where near selfish. Hello - You rock!

And there are the posts that all of your friends leave showing their appreciation for you the person/you the friend. Once again, a sign of a true, real and good person.

So if you've not felt that tingle of 'Hey, I'm "The Goods", ya should.' Knowing your Ma, I see where you get it. Cuz in my humble view, she rocks too.

And that is one of the things that I love about you both. Good people with good hearts and shining souls. What's not to love?

Go team!

Why are you just the nicest person ever? :cute: YOU rock! :hug: Thank you so much for the kind words- I just want to cry! :yes: :sad: :hug:
opening up the new Rolling Stone issue and turning right to a page with a big picture of Bono and all his leather glory :drool:

:envy: It won't be out here for a while. I MUST. Get. That. :drool:

And I agree with the sentiment. I love you guys and the way that we can just talk to each other to vent. :grouphug:
I also love being able to be myself here, without being judged or eyed upon. And that you don't need that many social skills on a forum.
Why are you just the nicest person ever? :cute: YOU rock! :hug: Thank you so much for the kind words- I just want to cry! :yes: :sad: :hug:

Why are you just the nicest person ever?
- Nicest person ever? Not sure about that. But I can say that I am 'wired' pretty good and tend to not be mean or completely suck.

YOU rock!
- It's true - I have been known to rock.

Thank you so much for the kind words- I just want to cry!
- No Saddy Ms. Maddy. Just speaking the truth. And all that know You and Ms. Lila, know of your super-great coolness, wrapped in amazing and triple-dipped in awesome.

Now as for those tears... rememember what Bono sang to you at the 2006 Hawaii show... "wipe your tears away".

:D :hug: :wave: :heart: :up:
Meeting funny, eccentritic people completely by chance. I went to Subway a few minutes ago to pick up dinner, and the guy who made my sandwich was a total spaz! :lol: He was really nice and friendly, though, and I appreciated how he made conversation with me. I could tell he does that with every customer. I love people like that.
Why are you just the nicest person ever?
- Nicest person ever? Not sure about that. But I can say that I am 'wired' pretty good and tend to not be mean or completely suck.

YOU rock!
- It's true - I have been known to rock.

Thank you so much for the kind words- I just want to cry!
- No Saddy Ms. Maddy. Just speaking the truth. And all that know You and Ms. Lila, know of your super-great coolness, wrapped in amazing and triple-dipped in awesome.

Now as for those tears... rememember what Bono sang to you at the 2006 Hawaii show... "wipe your tears away".

:D :hug: :wave: :heart: :up:

:hug: :hug:

U2 in the rain :heart:

Quadruple like times a billion :love:
Seinfeld. more than ten years after it finished, i officially love this show. my brother and i have taken it in turns to buy seven seasons so far. what a quirky, funny show.

but i still like Friends better :wink:
Seinfeld. more than ten years after it finished, i officially love this show. my brother and i have taken it in turns to buy seven seasons so far. what a quirky, funny show.

but i still like Friends better :wink:

I think we're soulmates :shifty:


oh all of this . . . Seinfeld . . . one of my favourite quotes . . ."I am Costanza, lord of the idiots" :lol: and Friends, gah :heart:
I love that I have a Friends quote for every situation. My friends get annoyed. :grumpy: But sometimes I just can't help it! :lol:

:lol: Luckily my girl friends that I quote around are obsessed, so they finish the rest. The guys on the other hand...well, actually they don't mind either. When we put it on they complain, but within a minute or two they're laughing. I need to pick up some more seasons on DVD :hmm:
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